What's your most anticipated game in 2017, Sup Forums?

What's your most anticipated game in 2017, Sup Forums?


Persona 5
just let me play this stupid weeb game already Atlus and move on with my life holy fuck.

At this point it is probably Cosmic Star Heroine

Gran Turismo and Nioh.

It's somewhat related to your picture actually, OP
Guess what it is.
It's never coming out, is it?

Zelda BotW and Mass Effect: Andromeda are the only two games I can think of that I'm excited for..
I guess Rising Storm 2 as well.

Yakuza 0 and Persona 5


GoW & Days Gone


Crash Trilogy Remaster
Assuming it comes out in 2017, the lack of news is scaring me

There is no problem with the skull and bones.

Nioh so far.

RDR2 (although I don't want to get a pro for it)
Kingdom Come
Detroit too I guess

>All these Niohs

My niggas. Why doesn't Sup Forums ever talk about it, though?

Either Breath of the Wild or Red Dead Redemption 2.

Is that the Cd Projekt Red one? Forgive my ignorance.

Yooka Laylee

Sonic Mania
Zelda BoTW
I know you said game singular but fuck you

Because it's nothing too special.I just like it because i like everything that has samurais

Must be Insurgency Sandstorm.
I don't know if Rising Storm 2 comes out in 2017 but that one too.

No news of it recently aside from a release date

There's a stream tomorrow so that might help


Persona 5
Tales of Berseria
Kingdom Hearts 3...I think

Injustice 2

muh nigger
Forgot about Sandstorm, and RS2 should be awesome as well. These are pretty much the only type of multiplayer FPS I like.

Gravity rush 2, Persona 5.

Between demos there isn't much to talk about. Also it's exclusive so most of Sup Forums can't play it.


There were an asston of threads during the demo.

The Rising storm 2 close beta is out so there's a lot of gameplay on youtube. Looks pretty good.

And I'm enjoying Day of infamy too.

If it's not 2017 I'm just gonna kill myself m8

There's absolutely no chance at all in hell of that coming out next year.

It'll be worth waiting for user

Get that exit bag ready

Horizon Zero Dawn. Could be shit but it's the only new IP im interested in.

>2017 might actually be worse for vidya than 2016 was
This hobby is more trouble than it's worth.

>check the thread
>not a single game worth even pirating, let alone paying a single shekel for

I should just get AIDS, cover needles with my blood and stab random strangers in the crowd. This would be more fun than modern vidya. And I'd die in the end and wouldn't have to look at all this horrid bullshit that passes for vidya nowadays.

seek help

Either play old games or just quit the hobby if that's how you feel. I don't get people like you. I don't like movies so I stopped watching them.

>nothing really worth playing on PS4
>we're expected to upgrade to a pro anyway

Fuck I miss the 90s

and what kind of games do school shooters like you play?

>inb4 Dylan and Eric Doom maps

>Either play old games or just quit the hobby if that's how you feel.
And then do what?

Movies are for pedos with no brain.
Literature is for fedoras with autism stronger than mine.
Sports are for subhumans.
Lifting is for subhumans who pretend self-improvement isn't bullshit.
Life is for fucking niggers.

I can't kill myself without killing someone first and guns are illegal around here.


It's a limited lineup but if you honestly can't see anything listed here worth playing then just give up gaming

Gravity Rush 2 and Horizon

Shoot a mirror then yourself

I bought my PS4 from a friend who left for the Navy for $200, and good lord is it lame. Basically my multiplat machine.

I swear I'll be done with this hobby in less than 3 years. Feelsbad.

Jeez. Sucks to be you I guess. I enjoy lifting reading and playing games as well as hiking and being outdoors.

Nier Automata
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
Sonic Mania
Zelda BotW
The Last Guardian

2017 could be a great year for vidya.

There is a school full of minors nearby and I could shoot that up but then again - nogunz cuntree.
Subhuman autist

Boy will you be happy....

>thinking youre better than anyone who does any of those things

Nah, he knows he's worse. On some level at least.

Danganronpa v3
Gravity Rush 2
Persona 5
Nier Automata
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 and maybe even 3

Of course I am better, you dense fuck.
If I wasn't, I would be reading, lifting, interested in sports and in general a boring retard that I am not and couldn't be even if I wanted because that's too boring and retarded.

>I don't like movies so I stopped watching them.
Pretentious weeb detected

>tfw I waited till there were 5 exclusive games on PS3 before I bought one and regret not doing the same this gen

Just do what I'm gonna do user. Emulators or play good old shit

Tie between Nier Automata and Mount and Blade Butterlord

Last Guardian comes out this year

You're so unique and edgy user, I bet all of your highschool friends think you're really cool.

>trying this hard to be edgy

The Last Guardian comes out this year

shut the fuck up, faggot.

Friday the 13th and Scorn

And what do you do with your time? Shitpost and eat Cheetos?

shut the fuck up, faggot.

Way ahead of you bro. Already rebuilding my retro games collection. Only vidya could manage to be so bad that collecting it is more fun than playing it.

What sane, rational human beings do.

Search for good vidya, program, eat and sleep. Play good vidya once per month after finding a gem.

Gravity Rush 2
Sonic Mania

>Literature is for fedoras
after reading that post you definitely should be there


Half-Life 3

>being such a loser that you consider eating and sleeping to be hobbies

Put a bullet in your head

Nigger fucking read the posts above.
Can't kill myself until I kill someone.
Is it that fucking hard to understand that I am not going to die with non-positive frags?

By far, Zelda.

That might change if though if the 3D Mario game is in the vein of Mario 64.

Also looking forward to Nioh, RDR2 and Yookah Laylee.

That's got to be a contender for best cover ever, they'd better not change it in western territories.

>tfw no cover because PC version will be digital only

Easily Battletech.

What are some of these gems?

I just don't enjoy most of them. I still watch the occasional great one. But I just don't enjoy tv or movies much anymore. I think it's the passivity. I prefer active hobbies. Even reading requires you to do something.

Evil Islands
Metal Fatigue
Original War
Icewind Dale 2

MGS6 tbqh

Honestly you're already dead.

Mount and Blade Bannerlord. It's going to be GOAT, just wait and fucking see.

Nier Automata
both Sanic games
Injustice 2

But user, we did get Mother 4.
It's called Undertale.

>No Bannerlord
wtf boys

Kenshiro get the fuck out you moralfag


Because Souls fags freak the fuck out and shit talk the game. I love Souls but what I've played of Nioh tells me the combat is much better, I'm pumped as fuck for it.

Muh nigga

I bought almost every ps2 game I would ever wanna play while everyone was trading them in for discount PS3 consoles back in the day so I'm set too

There's a few I didn't pick up I'm regretting now though like Silent Hill 2

mah niggas

time to post mountain blade memes


0/10 didn't even meme me
You will need to try much harder than that like for example playing at least one of those games and knowing how good they are

>that block


I know you are but what am I?

Not really looking forward to any new game except Bannerlord (never ever), but I'm really looking forward to the next games on my backlog
>Witcher 3
>Dark Souls 3 when the GOTY editiom arrives
>Arx Fatalis
>Resident Evil 4
>Fallout 2
gonna be great


Chronicles of Elyria aka the Savior of MMOs™.

Na, you're actually pathetic.
>I'm too cool that's why everyone hates me!
I've met """""people""""" like you, and you're beyond saving