Does anyone else feel like the American video game industry is led and operated by the most immature childish people...

Does anyone else feel like the American video game industry is led and operated by the most immature childish people, and is is a mockery of a buisness? I can't think of a AAA title that wasn't a glitchfest in the last year, devs, writers, and actors make mockeries of themselves publicly or on social media, and every face of NA bar GabeN seems to be some super right wing SJW.

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getting in on this god tier thread early

The games they make still sell, though. Clearly the problem is with the people buying the garbage and not the creators.

Didn't this pansy get upset over LEGO?


>People still give McIntosh attention.

Stop, you're only fueling him!

They keep pushing their DiGRA funded mass brainwashing programs.
No wonder why people fight back.

>creators are full of themselves

Welcome to the modern age OP.

I feel nothing for the industry

I buy the games I like and ignore the ones I don't and whatever drama or bullshit that happens in the industry is irrelevant to me

I just don't care

Games need to stop pushing agendas

Even fucking movies don't get as preachy as games do by now

He's not a video game creator.

He probably has. All I know him for is getting mad he couldn't connect to Diablo 3 at his daddy's house and for posting the "Male Protagonist Bingo" in which he went full retarded over when people started tweeting him losing cards.

Also some shit about Anita, like he wrote for her or something, I dunno.

There are a ton of hipster games that sell like 59 copies that do exactly what he wants.

Oh wait. He seems to think that video games are his own personal art decor and he only lambasts video games instead of Hollywood movies because he knows faggots like OP will give him attention.

He thinks Lego is too violent

Why not attack big blockbuster movies that have the stereotypically portrayal of masculine men emotionally distant men? Why go after videogames? Why not try to start programs in high schools to "re-teacj" these values? Whats bitching on twitter going to do?

It seems to have a lot of people in important positions who are embarrassed to be making games so try to do everything they can to move far away from dirty concepts such as "good gameplay" and focus more on "cinematic storytelling"

>Cuckathan McFagintosh

>Why go after videogames?
Because for decades those who played them were seen as weak, nerdy, little white boys and they're the easiest target for women and white knights to target. You wouldn't mess with movies where big name actors/actresses and directors lurk, an industry older than themselves.

People dedicate their entire games to Femenist Frequency.

I haven't played League of Legends in a while. Is Riot still full of massive faggots?

You mean a few indie devs?

The problem is we don't have the collective response to AUTOMATICALLY write off these moist, super soft "males" as soon as they expose themselves trying to soften the rest of mankind.

We also don't have the collective discipline to just skip a game made by one of these people.

Do not buy their games, read their articles, watch their streams or argue with their supporters.

Since a bunch of people who play games to excape their shitty lives are unlikely to suddenly act disciplined or responsible, there is another option:
Just like Trump proved, the majority of people aren't diehard liberals, just mindless consumers/voters. Just like you can give them a good game made by ultra progressives and allow themselves to be slowly indoctrinated, you can give people a good game made by whatever shit you believe.

>right wing

Bait thread

Is this real? Because he's right you know.

>right wing SJW
Buh guh?

The election has brought out the worst in some of these people. It's sad to see, but at the same time a vindicated feeling washes over me as the liberal tears begin to pour.

If you're white, you should take time out of your busy day to get down on your knees and suck on a black mans cock and have him bust a nut all over you.

If you are black, you should get in the most comfortable position possible and ask a white man to fuck your asshole until he's satisfied.

The idea here is to place your masculinity, your pride and your reputation in the other mans hands as the submissive.

There. I solved the racial tension between black guys and white guys.

You're welcome.

Thank you.

So if everyone was gay there would be no wars?

>Why not attack big blockbuster movies that have the stereotypically portrayal of masculine men emotionally distant men? Why go after videogames? Why not try to start programs in high schools to "re-teacj" these values? Whats bitching on twitter going to do?

Except Hollywood has already took the lessons of feminism and progressivism to heart which results in many movies today not featuring any white males anymore. Most movies today feature PoC or Women and now feature positive messages for all races and genders rather than the old misogynistic blockbuster stereotypes now.

Video games are still the last mediums around that still worship and praise male masculinity and this is why they deserve to be mocked for the industry's childishness and immaturity to not grow up.

But if everyone is subbing who's the dommer?

Why don't we just kill all the black people? It'd be one step closer to world peace.


And created an AIDS epidemic

OR (and here me out on this)..... we just kill all black people.

I was with you until "super right wing SJW"

Do you think Carmack voted Trump?

He's a Randian after all.

all the nu-male cucks believed all the "follow your dreams" shit and flooded into entertainment media and art

Oh Romero, how the mighty hath fallen.

Anyone knows Carmack's perspective?

Judging from recent events like the elections and how much people shooting themselves in the foot, it seems every industry is being lead by immature childish people.

>male masculinity
as opposed to what? Female masculinity?

I don't know what kind of fantasy world you live in but thats just not true. The biggest moneu makes today are still power fantasy shit.

No, this is for all men
Gay straight bi, doesn't matter.

Both black guy and white guy enjoy both dominant and submissive roles

Trump's about to make you his bitch

Suck it down

It isn't, videogames are run by cold as fuck packaged goods people (ie bobby kotick) who don't give a fuck about their product except that it sells. Marketers get more money than actual developers so as a result stupid shit from them (which is often SJW shit) is more tolerated.

Also AAA studios know that leftists will eat up fucking anything as long as it agrees with their worldview, this is why WD2 and Mafia 3 had Trump standins but there will never ever be a game about bashing an Obama standin (except modded Fo3).

It's just SJW ruining it like they have every industry. Movies didn't use to promote diversity bullshit either. If rap music wasn't already "DIVERSE" enough because niggers, you'd see them ruining that too.

The problem is women ruining everything
trying to make themselves victims and clatching onto the SJW ideology


>trump will start a cold war by being friends with russia

I'd think he would have voted Gary Johnson

oh christ i fucking forgot about this guy.

>super right wing SJW

Well he ain't wrong


The infiltration onto our industry is insane
liberals ruin everything

rape culture is bullshit but sexual assault is most definitely a legitimate crime

I don't want my asshole or my mouth to even been near another mans dick though.

Of course. Games in the early generations were created by engineers and programmers who had worldly experience.

These generations are led by the fucking children who grew up playing those games, and since they've never bothered to gain any other experience, all they know is to poorly copy the games they played in their youth. They pretend this growing medium is "art" in all the wrong ways and that they are celebrities.

and this

>not right wing

yeah sjws aren't allowed here
go censor your shit somewhere else shill

I don't think he gives a shit

Come now Black People are still people.

What you really have an issue with are niggers. Every race (and gays and lesbians) has their share of living trash but you shouldn't hate the whole race.

Just take out the trash.

This is like those comics where the guy who is against pedophilia is seen as bat shit insane while the pedos are all well-articulated and supposedly making the more sound and reasonable arguments.

>ignore developers and their non video game related virtue signalling
>judge them only by the games the studio they're associated put out
>don't buy exploitative games with shitty dlc practices
>don't validate games 'journalism' by reading or going to their site
There I just fixed the industry.

>and for posting the "Male Protagonist Bingo" in which he went full retarded over when people started tweeting him losing cards.
That was the shit.

McIntosh is a professional troll and scam artist, everything he pays Anita to say is designed to anger you which in turn convinces feminists to donate money to McIntosh.


SJWs are left-wing.

Also, its because people with lodsa money usually lobby often. That's because money can immediately make most things in their life better. Legislation is one of the more difficult ones.

Except the most profitable movies cater to women and not men.

>Star Wars the force awakens
>Suicide Squad
>Hunger Games
>Marvel movies that feature less and less white men

Masculinity just isnt popular anymore, nobody is going to want to buy a dumb male power fantasy movie which is why Hollywood stopped making them.

>just take out the trash
you're alright, user
heh, looks like someone's a little mad huh :)

Are you amenable towards a mutual tugjob?

>mfw people don't just ignore these sjw's/e-celebs/streamers and play video games they like

How has Expendables performed, if masculinity doesn't sell?

>Does anyone else feel like the video game industry is led and operated by the most immature childish people



they're parasites sucking out the blood of the video games industry

because I get cheap thrills from replying to obvious bait threads on the internet


No SJW who's getting paid for it believes what they're saying. It's just showbiz.

>Marvel movies

What. The only non white Marvel heroes I can think of are Black Panther, Nick Fury, the guardians of the galaxy except for Starlord and if we are adding non-male to the mix, that only adds Black Widow and Scarlet Witch.