Tfw when Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, one of the greatest games of its time (or all time)...

>tfw when Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, one of the greatest games of its time (or all time), wouldn't even be considered a video game anymore by Sup Forums
>and this is all because of some arbitrary rules that only exist so they could shitpost about some random adventure games they don't like

It's the game I don't remember playing!

>Stereotypical adventure game
>Wouldn't be considered a game

Are you new or are you trying to stir up shit pretending to be retarded and ignorant of how Sup Forums responds to a game?

Pretty sure Sup Forums likes Soul Reaver, and most Legacy of Kain games.

I loved Soul reaver.

Except that fucking Zephon chapter

And the fact that Dumah skill was fucking useless.

I like Blood Omen way better.


Back when SR launched, it was a pretty new type of game. If anything it used some old genre norms and made a new 3d game type that other games used as their basis.

I think Soul Reaver (and Legacy of Kain in general) is an exception to Sup Forums's rule because the story is just so well done complimented with great voice acting. Plus while the game play isn't great, its still there

how so

Aside from the spectral realm switch what did it do that no one else had done? Plot aside too

Isn't it essentially tomb raider meets zelda ?

100% agreed, well put

that game was forgettable trash

SR was a giant leap down from BO in every aspect


OP is talking about how you can't die. There's no fail state.

if you die in the spectral world you die for good

The lifeless husks that dwell in their pit of despair they call 'Sup Forums - Video Games' all echoed out that my chronicles and struggles in the shattered world of Nosgoth, that very shattered world which was brought about by Kain not making the sacrifice, was not a 'game'.

I thought it was rather ironic that these... creatures.... had any opinion on what would constitute as a game, as the life they live and that exact pit of despair they live it in was nothing more than a false advertisement. They did not talk about video games here, any reference to such a thing here was frowned upon and not meant to me, much like myself in this paradoxical world where I should only exist in a steel prison, gripped tightly by Kain as he rules over the desolate world of Nosgoth.

You don't. You're carried over to the beginning again, but you don't die and there's no game over. It's a minor inconvenience just like dieing in the phisicial world. You just have to teleport to the stage you're on. It's meant to make you feel strong and cool and invincible but there's no actual game over.

Fuck so every game with a retry that carries over the collected items is not a game?

But like a lot of games did that. Once you reach a checkpoint you revive there but usually you don't want to do that cause its really far away

I dont see your point

Its because the false god keeps damning actual video game machinaions to the wheel of life reincarnating them as corrupted shill threads for modern visages

Raziel, what are you doing at this unholy hour?

Yes, that's why the "fail state" argument is fucking stupid.

The fail state argument is valid
The Soul Reaver has no fail state isn`t
You're clearly getting blown the fuck out and sent back to the main hub / area

But going back to your checkpoint is a fail state you retard. You failed and now you have to try again.