
How do I git gud with her

You dont, because she's trash and a wasted pick.
Also kill yourself for even considering picking her, you retarded nigger faggot.
Also sage

Go to one of the boorus and masturbate.

By constantly coordinating with your team. Get behind the lines and let your team know you're about to hack someone and do it.
This is especially important when ulting, be aware of your team's position and let them know to be ready

by selecting tracer instead

Check if your team comp supports the use of a Sombra. If you have another flanker like Genji/Tracer on your team then picking Sombra is fine. Try her out on koth where healthpacks are more prevalent to the game. Keeping a health point on lockdown for you and your flanker buddy can shift the entire game to your favour.

you post in the overwatch general instead, thats where people discuss your shitty reddit meme game

use her to make sure the enemies cant stop your ult combos like zarya+ reaper

use to to counter lucio's ult

thats it other wise shes useless

Hack health packs a lot. Tell your team were near dead fuckers are and let them know when you're ready to use your ult. Does anyone else find hacking enemies to be really difficult and not worth it? It seems like its only good with certain targets like Reinhardt.


>trying to learn her in no limits
>those assholes who run non stacked teams
Gee thanks Blizzard

There is a delay when she comes out of cloak, be it to shoot or hack an enemy.
This makes it difficult to stay on a target long enough.
But I find that during fights it's easier to pick and hack someone because of the chaos.

She's not Spy, don't try and decloak behind people to kill them because it makes a stupid loud noise and you have mediocre health and damage.

Teleport behind chokes
Send enemy team in a panic as they see someone taking the point and overcommit to killing you
Your team uses this minute and charges in
Try not to die

By picking MCree.

so Tracer? she's a better Tracer in my opinion cause less squishy and ultimate that can shut down a push etc but her damage is garbage and not being able to hack while invisible then it deactivates is bullshit

If you could hack while taking damage then she would be useful. But the fact that any damage instantly stops it makes hacking anything other than health packs pointless.

better play Skye @ Paladins much better Stealth Flanker mate

>playing assfaggot shooter

>Hack the good healthpacks, which is the good ones closest to the fight. Always leave yourself a backdoor before engaging. Cloak, run behind enemies, and hack the tank like Reinhardt so they can't stone wall your team on offense/push safely on defense.
If you're throwing the translocator mid fight, you're already dead.

Translocators go in safe places, because translocators in the open get you killed.

Except she doesn't have Tracer's evasion or the ability to rewind damage. She's actually squishier than Tracer.

Shit advice, she's not Tracer.

Sneak behind enemy lines. Hack all their health packs without getting caught. Hack their torb, rein, or bastion.

My favorite Paladins character is Reinhardt. His blue energy shield, fireball, and charge attack make him very versatile.

>tfw current no limits mode just boils down to whichever team has the least Sombras wins

More like which team has the most tanks.

When did I say she was Tracer?

meant to quote

Pretty sure rein doesn't get a horse you idiot

Yeah you're right. Tracer can actually do DPS and be useful.

Get atleast 4 friends and communicate with microphones. She is a wombo combo or useless shit

So they copied all of Reinhardt's abilities but added one extra so that makes it ok?

Play her like the spy.
Sap healthpacks, and then stay on the edges of the map until you see someone's health drop below 50.

If someone's health drops below 50, they're going for a healthpack. Stalk and kill them.

Until they add him in Heroes of the Storm. Fuckers trying to copy Paladins.

>Hack their torb
don't try to do this. Turrets will shoot you when you try hacking them. Just destroy them and go to a health pack

I think he literally means the dwarf. If he's away from the turret, or it's shooting at your team, hack him so he can't constantly throw down armor to survive.

You don't
Wait till buffs
Nobody knows how to play her. If you play her well, you most likely are in lower ranks. The skills applied to play her well are better on McCree, Hanzo, S76 or Tracer.

>Hack torb
>he's still 95% effective

Sup newfag? Fuck off back to LoL

>hack large health pack
>drop beacon on it
>stealth sprint up to healers
>kill them and recall
>repeat as neccesary

I mean, Torb running away into armor packs as he throws them is a pain and drags out the fight they can't win otherwise. If there isn't a tank or Tracer to hack yeah I'd hit Torb
>Tracer's blinks don't break Line of sight.
Stuff like this is hilarious.

You missed the step where you hack the tank, maybe shoot them in the back to draw their attention further while your enemy prepares to murder everyone else there, but otherwise pretty much.

I had the misfortune of playing as her in Random Heroes yesterday. I didn't die once and got a 10 player kill streak.
To be fair, it was Random Heroes so my opponents weren't at the top of their game and it was only my second time playing as her, but here are my impressions.
>Hacking is useless unless it's on a health pack
>Teleport is great to get the fuck out or reach unavailable places
>Cloak to get the fuck out
>She's really good at flanking
Just cloak or teleport behind enemy lines and pick them off one by one.

Just play her more, and harder.

Did she lost anything, what is she looking for.


>He doesn't know how to play Sombra
>He doesn't sneak behind enemy lines and hacks their health packs
>He doesn't shit all over their healers in the back
>He doesn't headshot the widowmaker all alone in the back
>He doesn't hack Roadhog and watch the big fuck be completely worthless without his hook
Are you retarded or something?

>sneak up on widow very quietly and invisibly avoiding her mine
>Slowly line up my shot
>Start unloading clip
>She jumps 360 scoped headshots me
how rude

>picking Sombrero

She's fucking useless

> They buff Soldier
> He's now in every fucking game

I do admit I'm not used to how much damage he does yet somehow so keep getting caught off guard, but I don't really see what was wrong with him in the first place.

>those fingers on the dick

they need to reduce his clipsize or lower the damage because he is nutty as is. He shouldn't do mccree tier damage without knowing how to aim and able to vaporize rein shields.

>>Cloak to get the fuck out
What the fuck are you talking about you fucking idiot? Cloak is cancelled the nanosecond something fucking breathes on her and leaves her stunned. You use cloak to DIE, not escape, you fucking dumbass.

if you insist on picking her, at least go hack every health pack you can find. pisses me off when someone on my team picks sombra and dies constantly without even hacking the health packs on our side of the map

All of those things minus the hacking can be done by actually good characters KILLING enemies rather than using a shitty 1/4 disabling ability that gets completely shut down by enemies so much as coughing on her.

His on paper damage potential was lower than McCree so he was never used in comp. That trickled down to all the other shitters that just copy what comp players do without knowing the reasons why.

Blizz responds to his player numbers dropping by over buffing him in the other direction. I find it hilarious that they choose this patch to make Pharah a million times more fun to play only to have her hard counter be better anyway lol have fun.

>they need to reduce his clipsize
His clipsize is microscopic as it is. It's been his sole achilles heel since day one and you want to make it even more obnoxious?

>you cant git gud at the easiest and shittiest fps ever made

I dropped the game when the Mei buff happened, how bad is Sombra?

>pick torbjorn
>everyone bitch at me even when we win

why? i love that guy and know who to play as him.

Because Torbjorn is the worst hero in the game.

That's a weird way of spelling Hanzo.

play tracer and do the same shit but with actual kill potential

at least hanzo is fun

>Deffensive/Support skills
>Support ultimate
>only her LMB does damage
>offense hero

for what fucking purpose

>running away

What kinda people are you playing with? He'll just oneshot you.

A torb away from his turret is either with the team, or running to get a healthpack. Either you don't want him emptying out his armor packs for his team midfight, or he's going to be throwing them down to either get away or so he has some kind of health to fight.

>Torb oneshotting anyone from full health
He doesn't do that much damage

if only

>He doesn't do that much damage

His alt fire from up close really fucks you up. I don't know the full dmg but I think it's on par with hog up close.

hack the world

Sombra hacks from midrange though. After that it's jumping around and spraying like a nut.

unlike ana everyone knows her play style. she dont have any secret skills to get better

>Teleports behind Rein
>Hacks him
>See the whole team behind him die because they don't know what to do
>tsc, noting personnel kid


Wow..... Blizzard.... I cant belive this....



>mfw reading all these comments about how you are "supposed" play her by running around hacking health packs in a game with healers

No fucking wonder you think she's shit.

This is so fucking dumb I only have 1 question: what rank are you?

Oh wow. A horse. So different.

>every time torbjorn fights someone it will be a 1v1 with sombra



>It's a "Sombra keeps trying to hack a turret and dies" episode

We're talking about how to Sombra against Torb though. Even then, I posted why Torb is sometimes worth hacking in team fights Of course it's always better to hack Roadhog or Reinhardt first.

anyone wanna ERP?

>it's a everyone thinks the new character is bad and throws a temper tantrum whenever they get picked

Everyone did the exact same thing with Ana and now she gets picked every fucking game.

Ana didn't get picked until she got huge buffs.

Because ana was buffed

>that retarded skull shape
blizzdrones are children

>magazine size from 8 to 10
>"huge buffs"

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why nobody listens to whiners nowadays.

She also got big fire rate buff and biotic grenade buff, did you miss that? Nobody complained about her ult, nobody complans about Sombra ult either.