When will Overwatch have an actual scoreboard, at least one for my team where I can see which retard isn't doing shit?

When will Overwatch have an actual scoreboard, at least one for my team where I can see which retard isn't doing shit?

that would be nice

No user, that's bad.
Everybody is nice in a blizzard game, remember? :)

It never will have because of people like you looking for scapegoats to Shit on

make an ow parser, job done

Frankly the medal system for each stat is worse.

but that would encourage all those toxic people!


>Ultimate casts
>Damage taken not damage blocked
>Best Streak
>No Damage done in numbers
>Killed most/by
That's without a doubt the worst scoreboard I've ever seen. 2/10

Baby skinned bitches like this faggot are why it'll never happen. If we had hard stats and numbers on who's fucking up it could be addressed. All we have to work with is muh medals.

it won't have a score board because it does not need one.
if they brought in classic TDM it will need one. all you need to check is who is on fire, they you know they are doing there job well.
despite this being an fps game, kills are not necessarily important in this game.

>kills are not necessarily important in this game
Kills are literally the most important thing in the game. It's just that knowing who has the most kills doesn't contribute to the gameplay in any serious capacity.

>who's fucking up it could be addressed
how do you tell who is fucking up.
a torb on koth defense who puts his turrets down constantly to get the enemy to retreat, but never kills, gets less points than a genji who runs off on his own kills 3 squishy characters and gets rekt all while their rein rushes in to cap the point
The game does not need a scoreboard

>a torb on koth defense who puts his turrets down constantly to get the enemy to retreat,

LOL does your stupid ass even play this game? Or are you a shit torb main making excuses? No one's even remotely scared of torb turrets

>Kills are literally the most important thing in the game
no they are not. being on the objective is.
It does not matter that you wiped a team in koth, then they all come rushing through at one time.
The real skill in this game is not killing the enemy but wasting their time, getting them to chase you away from points or keeping them occupied while your team mates ptfo

It's a competitive game. People gain pleasure from comparing their own performance to others. Without the traditional scoreboard, players will take a stab in the dark and blame anyone but themselves for their team's loss. This leaves the blamed person to scramble and say "but I have gold medals!" and the accuser will insist medals don't matter (anyone can lie and say they have 8 medals, anyways). A scoreboard would put things in perspective, something objective to point at in place for a pissing contest players already partake in constantly. Blizzard is trying to create a sanitized playground while still appealing to a person's innate desire to feel better than someone else. It is stupid and halfhearted.

never, blizz said so them self

Didn't blizz say they didn't have a proper scoreboard was to stop people scapegoating?
Plus in a game with such small teams damage/kills/heals doesn't tell the whole story, so it's kind of pointless to show

>being on the objective is
Yes, and unless you're playing against literal sub 2k players, taking an objective without killing anyone is next to impossible.

Id like to see Torb's total damage done to get an idea how efficient he is with his turrets.

Except half the cast who get killed by them in 3 seconds
They're useless against a full push but they stop all the squishies running in to backcap

>where I can see which retard isn't doing shit?
But that's not true. You all are good and special. Everyone is a winner.
Enabling a scoreboard like you mentioned only invites racism and misogyny.

Pretty much this.
This whole "But you just want a scoreboard to have a scapegoat" is pure hypocrisy, there's already this happening in every single game, and the medals are actually much much worse because they validate someone's sentiment in being the best where getting the top KDR in a objective based game is stupid.

Never because blizzdrones can't handle the truth that they suck at games

Medals are better at preventing scapegoating because you can only see your own score. You can't shit on the worst player scorewise if you don't know who it is

I always think of his turrets as a 7th person, keeping a route checked off. the team can see where the turret shoots. most enemies can't brute force through the turret and it keeps the enemy occupied for a while.
his turrets are very useful, especially on defence

Sixer get your shit together goddamnit

Yes you can. Just try playing as a hero who's not in the meta and see what happens.

Please, PLEASE post your rank, I need to see the rank of someone who actually believes this.


Everyday overwatch spends without scoreboards, I sleep well knowing toxic people like yourselves aren't having it your way.

No, instead you shit on the played you saw the less doing his ult or on the player who seemed to play the worse to your standards.
Instead of making the whining somewhat reasonable now everybody just take a shot at everybody else.

This system doesn't prevent the whining / scapegoating, it just make it even more random.

>competitive Overwatch

Sup Forums's official gamemode is Arcade playlists. You should go back.

It's obvious their current iteration doesn't reduce toxicity. "I HAVE LE GOLD DAMAGE IM DOING FINE EVERYONE ELSE DIE"

They need to work hard at a score system while hiding k/d.

I am like rank 87 on PS4
bought the game on release and play it as a casual game

>I am like rank 87 on PS4

Ok, NOW it makes sense. Thanks for that.

You can tell whos shitting up your team without hard stats

Most of the time its idiots like you who don't want to cooperate and solo everything.

>Look at stats
>20 deaths

Low rank m8

Yes, but you can still make an educated guess on who is under performing. If you're playing a Reinhardt and getting gold damage done, while you have a Pharah flying around, then your team is either:

a) utterly crushing the enemy team and nobody gives a shit about medals
b) losing because DPS is under performing and everyone is complaining about medals

The blame gets thrown around with or without a scoreboard, the only difference would be in that score board would show EXACTLY who is under performing.

I don't play the same game over and over.
it's a casual game, pick up and put down

Even worse, medals are in direct relation of your teammates.
So you can actually play well but have just bronze, whereas a detailled scoreboard would show you're not bad, just a bit less powerful than you friends.

I dont get the appeal of this game. The gameplay is more shallow than even tf2 and its pretty much identical to paladins which is free. I tried the free weekend and it all felt so bland and unispired.

You're also playing on console which invalidates all of your skill or strategy-related arguments.

I hate the medal system and I hate the junkrats bragging about their gold medal in damage feeding their supports ults

>we don't want to see stats because players will fight each other
>but we will make the entire lobby watch a "play of the game" after every match to highlight a single player, its also biased as fuck to certain characters
>also we have cards that display at the end of each match that highlight players, but the stats mean jack shit because the junkrat who spent the entire game firing into meis wall and reinhardts shield will think he carried the team with his "damage"