How would you feel if SMT V consisted entirely of Doi artwork?

How would you feel if SMT V consisted entirely of Doi artwork?

I want to breed that mermaid.

happy. hes my favorite smt artist. Kaneko a shit

Sad because I'm not a fan of his art. Would not buy.

Is that a male or a female?

Anything would be fine as long as it's a unified artstyle. Seeing old Kaneko and new Kanako art side-by-side ingame drives me nuts.

I hated seeing all the low quality, old concept art in IV. Often times next to newer, clean Kaneko and Doi art.

i'd rather entirely kaneko but doi is fine honestly

I like a lot of his designs. Dislike a few. A lot are okay, good, etc.

Probably about the same as the last artist, he had some designs I didn't like. I think the fandom is blowing the issue out of proportion.


This 100%

then you don't even like smt

probably bait anyway


Shit demon

I like all SMT art

flat is justice, faggot

He's probably a nu-SMT fag, I see a lot of them these days.

They always say one or more of the following:
>Kaneko is shit
>Meguro is shit
>Nocturne and SJ are shit
>there was nothing wrong with SMTIV

Doi = generic garbage art

>Meguro is shit
>SJ is shit
These ones are both true and related though

SMT1/2/Devil Summoner/Soul Hackers master race

Old Kaneko > New Kaneko > Old Soejima > Doi > New Soejima

How the fuck did Yasuda even get a professional job in video games? The guy is deviantart tier

Only closet fags like their women flat-chested.

Old Soejima is cool. It's a blend of his teacher Kaneko's style with his own. But I don't mind his newer stuff because every artist eventually comes to develop their own style over time and that's what he did.

I've beat every single mainline SMT except if... at least once and Apocalypse is my favorite and I'm not a huge fan of Kaneko art. Fight me.

You're not an SMT fan.


And how does that not make him a fan, Mr. FAN expert?

>Have beat every main game translated to English, some of them several times
>Not a real fan lel

Whatever you say, user. I played all those fairly lengthy games because I actually hate them. Good job on figuring it out!

I like the overall design of OP's pic but...

Not liking Meguro for example, is fine because he only really came into SMT late PS1/PS2.

But not liking Kaneko? Kaneko's art IS SMT.

>Dem fish thighs tho

I would be ok with it. Some of Kaneko's older shit is starting to look bad so I would be ok with somebody else replacing it.

I like SMT for the gameplay and the philisophical themes.

Her left thigh doesn't even make sense. Why is it visible behind her right thigh from that angle? That seems like a huge thing to miss for official game art.

can we get some animated sprites in this bitch or what

>Why is it visible behind her right thigh from that angle?

Too much work

But you can clearly see she's not. Flat chest, flat ass, pencil thighs, hardly any hips.

Kaneko's art IS SMT, buddy.
If you don't like Kaneko then you cannot be a SMT fan, no matter what you say.

>tfw they keep reusing the oldKaneko design for a demon when you prefer the newKaneko design



>implying SMT isn't gameplay, lore, music and philosophy

1 and 2 were pixelated anyway.

I'd be fine with it, I suppose. I like a lot of Kaneko's designs but Doi is good, too.

As others in the thread have already said, the constant use of Kaneko's old artwork is fucking annoying.

a fish hole's a hole alright

she's beautiful, just my type. I love slender girls like this.

I'd be ok with it as long as it's consistent.

I prefer Kaneko, but when they start mixing the old and the new artstyles it just pisses me off because they look awful side by side.

taking notes from classic kanejo doi
looks pretty girlish yet just enough angle to hide a dick in there like angel if your into that

Kaneko's PS1 onward art is amazing. It's unique and he actually studied theology so his designs had a lot of interesting reasons behind them. Also he didn't make everything LOL EVIL DEMON he was smarter than that.

The other SMT artists lack any sort of subtlety

>philosophical themes
Holy fuck I hate people who only play video games.

Kaneko is amazing at drawing non-humanoids. His human faces look oddly froglike though.

I prefer old Kaneko art style but the designs made with Soul Hackers onwards (including 3D entry only designs) are generally better.

I like it. His floaty boobs look kind of odd but otherwise his art is very smooth

Kaneko has that very creepy 3D look and the doll-like faces on his people. I like it.
Soejima and Doi look straight out of a megaten anime
That looks nothing like Yasuda's art because of the face and such, he draws eyes and head shapes in a very difficult to properly replicate manner. Those Io boobs tho

All of his characters look exactly the same aside from what kinda WHACKY outfit they where
He's trash

>look exactly the same

Welcome to Japanese art.

>All of his characters look exactly the same aside from what kinda WHACKY outfit

Well that could be said about literally all of the artists mentioned in this thread except replace whacky outfit with frog face or anime look.

Bad. They have amazing demon models from p5 they can reuse.

I want to see Mermaid in P5 HD style.

Yeah, who wants new designs when they can rehash old shit for the nth time.

Is this Stockholm syndrome or what?