Is Soul Calibur gone? I feel like fighting games have been really poor this gen...

Is Soul Calibur gone? I feel like fighting games have been really poor this gen. It really needs something like Soul Calibur.

>100-70 cm of height
soo all the characters are actually hobbits?

It's japanese game alright.

You can't be this fucking retarded


Those are the breast measurements, man.
My question is why is one of them crossed out.


>fighting games have been really poor this gen
Xrd is fantastic
BB finally got great
DoA5LR is fun even if people won't give it a chance
KoF14 is a decent return to form
Tekken 7 looks amazing to play and watch
We're even getting a EXVS game some time next year
Only Capcom is flopping hard right now

Look at those cute postures

Pretty much this. I still find some entertainment in SFV but it needs some work. The FGC's flagship series, even if you hate that statement, and company tripping over itself hurts things a bit but the genre will truck along for a bit longer at least.

XRD, CF and KOFXIV are really great on fight nights. SFV is good but Capcom really fucked up on many fronts with that game and they've already licked their wounds so I'm interested to see what they're going to do come 2017.

Also, please Talim if there is a new SC.

>Do5lr is fun
Agree with you there mostly, a lot of the new stages are pretty lackluster, and don't compare to the casino, mansion, temple, or beach levels of DoA4. Bringning back the danger zone was a great choice though
>Tekken 7
Yeah, I'm still gonna miss Ganryu, Anna, Mokujin, and Lei

DoA5LR is dead. Hell all of those games are very hard to get into unless you're already a fan or willing to sink in hundreds of hours getting destroyed by Gods.

I love DoA, it was always a great game to fight with friends and the skill floor was quite low so everyone could get in relatively quick (and not get overwhelmed). I always preferred it over Tekken too (Tekken seems to clunky and slow, never clicked with me).
The eyecandy was the cherry on top, it's too bad because of it, it was memed to oblivion and no one wants to give it a chance.
>lol playing DoA for the gameplay
>lol what gameplay
>lol DoA is just a tits game, right? Hur hur
>lol Marie is eighteen
Fuck this Sup Forums culture.

Soul Calibur is great as well.

DoA5LR is actually okay, like I find that when you going online for that I'm above average for it just for being able to do holds, bursts and mix-ups, Tekken online is remorseless as juggles can obliterate your health

Wait for Tekken 7 to be released on home plataforms, Namco doesn't want Soul Calibur and Tekken to be released on close release periods after SCV and TTT2 ended up competing with each other.

I actually like DoA5LR. I should've mentioned it. I like it alot. But it's hard to find matches nowadays. Maybe it's just my region.

People who whine about the boobs in DoA are the same fags that turn around and consume MKX's gore and think they're mature for it. I can never take them seriously.

Blame the devs themselves and not the people pointing out the obvious, Koei advertises it as a tits game

>consume MKX's gore and think they're mature for it.
No one sees MK's gore as mature in the way that you're talking about

Nothing wrong with tits. I like the fact that there's lots of skin in my DoA, that was always the case and part of why I like it.
It's the excessive memeing I'm angry about.

As a side note, online was a mistake. Couch, lan and split screen is the way, someone should nuke the internet.

It's not excessive meming if Koei themselves advertise it in the way that you're complaining about though.

Where you at, because I find a lot of Americans, Japan and continental Europe on, but cross-continent only works okay with one other person.
So long as you don't try ranked and only go for lobbies match-making isn't too awful.

Haven't tried on the PS4 yet because I'm too stingy to pay for the privilege of Sony plastering everything they can find about me online

DoA was always about tits and fighting girls and somehow we could've gone through four games without the meme culture regurgitating everything in an obnoxious manner.

Koei isn't helping, sure, overselling the tits all the time, seemingly forgetting it's still a fighting game as well; and making three hundred costume dlc's for your waifu of choice.

DoA5 was actually advertised as a serious fighting game with the I'M A FIGHTER logo.

Thing is, that the smear campaign from "journalists" killed any chance the game had with normalfag crowds anyways. What's funny with DoA is that it has actually an abnormal amount of female players for a fighting game. But the media narrative doesn't want to talk about this. It's wrong and should be buried.

If I ever win millions in a lottery I'm gonna all dump it into making a game that will make SJW shit themselves and release it for free.

No, the ridiculous amount of overprices dress-up DLC is what cemented the image DOA5 has now. Shortly after release you had plenty of people going around saying that DOA5 was actually good, Koei dropped the I'm A Fighter thing all on their own to pursue DLC money (Koei themselves are jew-y enough with DLC to make even Capcom blush in general so it wasn't that surprising really)

>that image
Not talking about Xtreme 3 here

Wasn't SC5 considered the worst? To make things worse I don't even think Namco put in the effort to improve on it or fix whatever problems it had.

>Shortly after release you had plenty of people going around saying that DOA5 was actually good
True, but even then it was 10:1 with:
>guys the game is actually good, did you even play it?
>lololol playing DoA
>post more Marie
>hnnng Tengu

The DLC thing didn't happen until well after launch where they had sold majority of copies.

And the DLC costumes are of no consequence whatsoever to casuals. They don't care about it. Unlike what Polygon wants you to believe, the normal person doesn't care if there is a character in rabbit ears.

>Koei dropped the I'm A Fighter thing all on their own to pursue DLC money
So they did advertise DoA5 as a serious fighting game. That wasn't what you initially said.

SC4 was the worst. SC5 was largely seen as a comeback, but it still didn't sell well.

I miss Soul Calibur as well.
I still have hope for the series to come back within the next few years or so.

>the physics of sexism

>The DLC thing didn't happen until well after launch where they had sold majority of copies.
I know.

>And the DLC costumes are of no consequence whatsoever to casuals.
On the contrary, the only news you ever hear about regarding DOA5 is that it's getting more costume DLC. That's what casuals are going to be exposed to more than anything else.

>That wasn't what you initially said.
I said that Koei advertises the game as a tits game, which is what they're doing. The only time I mentioned what Koei initially did was in the post you replied to, and like I said, Koei themselves changed their approach to what I'm talking about.

Marie and Tengu weren't added until after Ultimate.

Some people consider it the best, some people absolutely hate it, basically it all boil down too
>muh meter
>muh single player
>muh roster
>muh G.I.s
so depending on what you feel about those it changes whether you think SCV is good or not.
Also some shit about balance but considering the power gap between Viola and anybody else is about as large as the power gap between Rock and everybody else I'm not convinced either did balance well.

Sold more than TTT2 didn't it?

They even put I'm a fighter on the cheerleader underwear, that's how srs they were with it.

I miss it too. For all the shit it got, I liked every installment. There are rumors and the 20th anniversary, but there was nothing on Tokyo Game Show afaik, so bummer. Maybe after they're done with Tekken.


The original tweet should really be put in this image, I almost didn't realize what they were complaining about.

>a comeback
>No Weapons Master mode
>No Chronicles of the Sword mode
>Half of the classic roster is missing
>Most of the new characters are unlikable
>Terrible story

The gameplay is good, but it's missing many elements that make SC, SC.

I was referring to just the gameplay, not the modes available.

Prepare to be attacked by countless people who claim that you "victimized" them when in reality they are the ones antagonizing others.


If there's one good thing that might come out of Trump's presidency, is that some people might finally get a grip with their "muh oppressive rape culture soggy knees" and dial it back a little, given everyone had enough of this shit. As well as the other group not going full nazi.

Ahaha, who am I kidding, it's only going to get worse and more polarizing until we really do have civil riots on our hands :^).
Who the fuck cares, in four years there won't be clean air anyway.

RIP planet Earth.

Anyways, we're still going to have people who are morons for the entire duration of his presidency. HE SAID MEAN THINGS GRRR!!!

I really don't understand how so many people have become mindless drones with diversity and equality nonsense. Last I checked, the world is pretty diverse and equal already.

I won't get into it further, some people are just unintelligent and noisy.

>tfw livestock, plants and plenty of firearms and cameras
>no trespassers since I fired near two fucks that decided to hop near my pond last october

I'll either be the first dead or a savior, either way I'll drink to the day.

Trump presidency is the greatest thing to happen in pretty a whole decade. Finally a right retaliated with full force. Fuck these idiot liberals. They've shat on the majority for too long.

>climate change denier

fuck you


This is an American board

tbf when you have people that do believe in climate change like Obama they end up flying on their private jet to talk abot how big of an issue it is

Still fucking better than Trumo who thinks it's made up by the chinese(?) and will toll back all regulation. Good job america, you fucked ovr the whole world.

It's really two sides of the same coin, turned up to eleven.
When Trump won, which was quite frankly unbelievably shocking, I hoped someone might begin the conversation about why it happened. But all I got was "why the fuck so many racists and white people voted for Trump" instead of "what did we (the left) do wrong, how can we hear the issues of the right and try to move it forward". I would expect something like that from the left, because sure as fuck right won't do it.
But it's only:
>women, women, women
>why you hate women, she was supposed to be the first woman president
>it's all because you hate women and diversity
>and you hate blacks and islam and
>hate women misogyny racism
>we totally didn't do anything wrong, the other group is stupid

No wonder Trump won, I'm sick of this constant drivel and I'm pretty liberal.

Yes, the president of US should ride a bike to reduce his carbon footprint. If only he would think more globally, like issuing some laws or policies that would make more of an effect that not using a tool that he needs for work... ooh, wait.


>that week Hurricane Wilma hit
>power out for 2 weeks
>power restored based on grids
>your neighbor could have power and you might be shit out of luck
>friend had power
>everyone went to his place and played soul calibur 3 for 10 hours every day

Was a good time. Any Florida bros?

Yeah, fuck everyone! Fuck the future you especially, who has to deal with all the enviromental leftover from Trump's presidency in about ten-fifteen years.
He's going to be dead by that time, you're not. His kids have more money that you'll ever have in your life.
They will be able to live their life in a comfortable gold-plated TrumpShelter™ (bankruptcy and lawsuits pending) while you're coughing out your lungs and shitting blood from the TrumpApproved™ CleanWaterInitiative™.

Yeah remember that time the world ended when a republican was president last time?

That's a good one, but Trump isn't a republican.
And these are his environmental policies/ideas he wants to implement, so what's your point?

> t. I'm a lib-cuck

You are fucking embarrasing and blue pilled as fuck.

you have billions of Zientists getting payed to promote le green peace le global warming memes constantly there is no reliable proof for normal fags to actually look at

Obama did shit for all for the environment. Trump will do shit for all for the environment. Calm your horses.

Maybe you're too young to remember the last time a Republican was president.
Some Saudis flew some planes into a couple of our buildings, so we went to war with Afghanistan and Iraq for FIFTEEN FUCKING YEARS, which is longer than a little shitstain like you has been alive.

Who profits from it then?

Jesus, if you come at me with a kooky conspiracy theorie, at least think it through.

>being this retarded

Who profits from people thinking weed is more dangerous than alcohol and tobacco
who profits from trump being painted as a "terrible lad"

I love how liberals so easily forget Libya and Syria despite them ravaging on AS WE SPEAK.

The media is a powerful tool to get people to forget.




>´Who profits from people thinking weed is more dangerous than alcohol and tobacco

Industry. You can't tell me it's the industry who would profit from a climate change lie. Don't make me laugh.

>who profits from trump being painted as a "terrible lad"

His political oponents?
he is pretty terrible though. I don't care too much about what he's doing internally, since I am not american, but his climate change denial alone is horrible for the whole world.

Mohammed Ata was Egyptian and lived 10 minutes away from where I live.

Obama didn't overthrow Gaddafi, supported tha Arab spring, tried to overthrow Assad and is the reason for all those ''refugees'' in Europe.

Oh sorry, I mean yes he fucking did.

>t. red-pilled socially aware gentleman
Is that how you see yourself?
What's more embarrassing: believing a fucking conspiracy theory about the whole wide world is just dead set on hampering poor coal, oil and heavy industries that just want to make earth a better place or seeing the effects of said companies right now (excessive fossil fuel mining, fracking, spillage, deforestation etc.) and worrying what will happen when Trump sets them loose because global warming is a meme.

Or the most embarrassing: voting in a screaming, polarizing demagogue who will fuck things up for 150 millions people he doesn't care about; with no experience, policies or ideas worth spitting because "it's time to shake things up lel".

>Sup Forums shitposting faster than he can read

I remember the last time when a Clinton was president tho.

>fighting games have been really poor this gen. It really needs something like Soul Calibur

Yes, what fighting games need is another Dead or Alive tier style over substance fanservice game with zero tournament viability or depth

>reliable proof for normal fags to actually look at
Reliable proof: something that will prove MY agenda no matter the facts.
Even though believing in such a conspiracy (97% of scientist in the whole wide world is bought) in a normal world would be completely insane (those 3% totally aren't bought though, these are the good guys).
But it's believable for you if it's about environment.

What's depth, tournament viability and substance in this case?
Instead of spouting memewords maybe try a little?

Being good enough and having enough people give a shit about the game that it ends up mainstage at a major tournament

Which has never been soul calibur ever

>Being good enough and having enough people give a shit about the game
It's still fucking nothing specific user. Could you try being more comprehensive? Or you're just shitposting.

What's "being good enough" or what defines "having people give a shit"?
For example, DoA is literally good enough (low skill floor, fast paced, character variation) and people give shit about it (eyecandy, tits, waifus). So what's your point again?

>ends up mainstage at a major tournament

That's the definition. That's the single metric that defines the value of a fighting game.

And how would you achieve such depth and viability?

make the game good, dum dum

>ends up mainstage at a major tournament
>That's the single metric that defines the value of a fighting game
>Sweaty tryhard autists define whether a fighting game is good or not.
Fuck, I'm out, this is too retarded for me.
Go play Smash or something.

I honestly can't tell what this post means.

Kill yourself faggot

We've been over this silly, what makes the game good? As in, actual, specific things, not "substance, depth and people giving a shit".
Or, what would achieve the above?

Why do you give dumb fags attention? He's clueless as fuck. Probably doesn't even play fighting games but act triggered over the skin showing on Neofag.

>what makes the game good


I was curious if he's going to see how full of shit he is or perhaps surprise me and provide me with some substance.

And I'm putting zero effort into my replies because you are clearly trying to bait me into a long winded reply about important design factors in fighting games, which are obvious, and I aint falling for that shit

>Soul Blade/Edge
Lots of stupid shit but was overall a pretty good game, a nice start to the series.

>Soul Calibur
Fantastic game, fixed many of the problems with the first game and refined and expanded on many mechanics, looked absolutely amazing for its time.

>Soul Calibur 2
Horribly dumbed down version of SC1, focus on a "wider audience" gameplay depth was removed in favor of adding guest characters as a selling point, many bugs such as Gstep and 2G make this already painfully slow game even worse.

>Soul Calibur 3
HORRIBLE game received zero testing has even more bugs than SC2, completely unplayable mess. the Arcade Edition fixes most of these bugs and adds new characters.

>Soul Calibur 4
Fixed various problems with the series but added a retarded physics engine that had no place in a fighting game, this led to many infinite juggles and instant ring out combos.

>Soul Calibur 5
By far the best game in the series, goes back to its SC1 roots, ads depth and solid mechanics over stupid minigames, expands on many of the original mechanics, overall a great game.

>I don't know what I'm talking about please rape my dumb face
thanks for letting us know neofagger

>Bush was exactly like Trump, and nothing bad happened under him!
How many times can a person be wrong with a single implication?

No 5 is considered the best, 3 is considered the worst

The west is so cucked, holy shit.

>tira's terrible posture lol

Seriously though, who is that between Cassandra and Tira? It had better not be Hilde because she is actually quite flat compared to the other girls.

But look at your post. This is how the dickless cowards argue. You're doing that thing where you get so incredibly upset by the things people call you that you start calling other people those things. It's projection, I guess.

i dont think you understand what that word means

>baiting into contributing towards a thread
>I was just pretending to be retarded
>I'm also lazy and can't be assed to make a concise point
Tell me nigger, what the fuck are you doing on a board about videogames, in a thread about discussing fighting games, where the primary means of discussion of said things is through writing?
Writing is not memespeak, remember. If you don't want to talk about fighting games (and you obviously made a point - all these games are shit, if only there was one that wasn't shit) - again, what the fuck are you doing with your life and time?

Times are a'changing. 2016 marks the end of the cuckening.

>Make a game with a 13 year old character in sexual scenarios and skimpy clothing.
>It gets banned, rightfully so.

Kill yourself you fucking pedo

It didn't get banned. You completely missed the point. It seems like Trump winning has made your SJW brain fry up real good.

This is literally the best time to play fighting games

Tons of games are out and more are coming

Being a huge asshole

Except DoAX3 did get banned which is why it was never released outside Asia where its legal to fuck a 13 year old.

>B-B-BUT S-SHES 18!!!
Making a blatant underage character and pretending its 18 wont get you past child abuse laws, you fucking pedo.

I don't remember the name but there's a well known asian porn star who is like 20 and looks about 9