What video games do furries play?

What video games do furries play?

flash porn ''''''games''''''

they play an awesome game called "being a disappointment"

those fucking mongoloids are cancer to society

>tfw no bear bf


Now kill yourself.

Second Life.

Solatorobo and Pokemon. Sometimes Smash with a very specific set of characters.

This whole site is

Star Citizen

Second Life

Anything they want.

Anything Nintendo or Valve, same goes for Horsefuckers.


DJRodeny's stuff is cute.

Mortal Kombat X
See SonicFox the nigger faggot

Wellziez, i usuallyzykinz playzypooz undertaleziez and fnafzykinz ;) :p

Anything with animals in it, probably


He's a pretty shit porn artist tbqh he just draws paws good

Normal games.

as a furry i can say
dota 2
and any other gayme you can think of


>browse thread
>no Star Fox
God dammit, Sup Forums.

Payday 2 and Garry's mod for some fucking reason.

I'm probably griefing you right now.

i bet your parents wish you'd kys
how disappointing, working hard to raise a kid, just ot have them turn out to be a faggot

faggot shit

>American furries
>fat, ugly, balding, late 30s-40s, degenerate diaper shitting homosexuals

>hotel rooms end up getting covered in shit everywhere in their "furry orgies"

>he just draws paws good

That's what is cute.


Any really

Nobody plays Starfox anymore, user.


Everyone on this site is a sad sack of shit, including you buddy

I don't think I've ever seen a furry in real life.

Go to a college and find its anime club
You will see one

Anyone who isn't retarded won't be parading in a fursuit yelling "yiff my faggot ass"

>tfw no literal bear video-game-playing bf

ok so where do furries get their money from

Jobs, mostly.

The thing is, it's hard to tell.

I'm a furry. I'm also gay. It's not like either of these things ever really come up in regular day to day conversation though, so I'll meet people and hang out with em for years before they find out I'm gay because it comes up in a random conversation where they are asking people about relationships or something.

And they will NEVER find out it's a furry because again, it never is a relevant topic to talk about IRL. And I don't walk around dressed up as a werewolf.

But the shipping lives on

where is that furry fuck


games with animals in them?

>tfw not enough WolfxFox gfat shipping art

My autism demands more.


Even if you are a furfag, I can't hate you because of your exquisite taste in SaGa Frontier.

Yeah, I think most of us are equally put off by out of place public displays of furfaggotry. If you need to act that way, do it at a convention at least. And even then there are limits.

Like id tell my parents im a furry lmao
i help pay the bills niga prob do more then you

Skyrim, or anything with sexy orc men

Everything. I like my video games like my porn. They need to be versatile in taste.

most furbabies are in the old women and neet demographics

The same games as everyone else. Furry is a fetish not a personality. If you dress as an animal that's called being "autistic" and taking your fetish to new and horrible levels.


Same games as anyone else.
Furfag here, currently playing Witcher 3 and replaying the mass effect trilogy.

yeah, but at least my parents don't wish i killed myself everyday

Barneyfag is part of a guild of dedicated shitposters. They get on around 7PM US time and Midnight UK time. Whenever you see Barneyfag, check the catalogue and take note of the sudden explosion of shit threads.

The other topics they use are Fat Fetish posting, Trump/Hillary, Jimmy Neutron threads and recently those Convicted Paedophile/CP threads.

Check the catalogue.

>help pay the bills
>implying still lives with their parents

nigger, i'm a grown adult. dumb furry faggot. kys.

>Literally riding a giant furry into battle

Has to fuck with his oppents heads.


Did barneyfag ever say what his favorite pony is?

Barneyfag is a furry?

Also where are the mods

Too busy beating their link sausages to this thread

No, but it's probably Fluttershy, because that's the one all the biggest faggots like the most.

These niggas get it.

D&D had such amazing lizarddude designs.
Pity about their combat stats, though.

But I like Sharks user.

No actual porn posted yet.
And actual discussion going on. OP pic is borderline, but hardly ban worthy.


>just lizards with special snowflake hair and 2-point tails
Get better taste.

I actually enjoy most of the ones without hair, but posting that kinda dips into that ban pool. You do you user, as Lizards are hawt. but I guess I should say cool.

I really hope someone kills him.

OP is still ban worthy, actually, and you can eat shit. OP image alone is against the rules. Yes, it is, don't even try to perform mental gymnastics.

You mean giving attention to that annoying attention whore drawtard?

I'm down for the ones without hair. I guess in the end I can't stand ANYTHING with the dumb neon hair no matter what it is, lizards, sharks, actual people, etc.

Anyone here actually play Bastard Bonds? Its it any good? I've been meaning to get it but idk, nude sprites are pretty nice

t. Opponent whose head has been thoroughly fucked with.

TF2, Overwatch, Pokemon, and Sonic

I don't discriminate on tits, but I was a little short on any that I could post with crop teasing. I know the darkhole that jackass who made her is in.

You wouldn't be the only one I know that feels the same, hell on just about most designs. I prefer a more simple hair color if they do choose to include hair.

can you enjoy furry stuff without being a faggot? I'm asking for a friend

this doesn't fuck with anyone's head...

Yeah it's called keeping it to yourself.

I'm surprised that nobody mentioned Animal Crossing.

You are the mayor/a villager and you are living a fantasy of being in a town with anthropomorphic animals and furry waifus.

Yeah. It's just porn user.

>I really hope someone kills him.
Well, someone's jimmies are thoroughly rustled.

Same here desu. You just can't look at them without thinking of tumblr or some other bullshit

Yes, but you have to never argue in favor of it, except like
>I just fap to this shit
>who gives a fuck? a hole is a hole
>it's the best kind of thing /trash/ has to offer
The moment you try to make it about anything more than porn, you're an autistic turbofaggot. But until that, it's A-OK.

Monster Hunter

I've only played the demo, and the lack of sprite animations turned me away from it. Although I've been hearing good things about it. I'll probably get it when its on sale.

Because he's a nigger and he's a furry. No other reason. I wouldn't be psyched out in fighting him in MK. I just want him dead because I hate him and would feel good knowing he's experience immense amounts of pain.

Yes, don't believe in the memes that you see on Sup Forums. Because if you let Sup Forums memes control your life, then you are the biggest faggot of them all. Even bigger than OP.