It's pretty much only the demo locations they've already shown.
Total downsize, downgrade and failure to deliver.

Other urls found in this thread:


Where is altissa?

Somewhere in Accordio(?). He's still in Lucis (Leide, Duscae, Celigne).

at least you have that 72 hour monster to kill, gotta make up that playtime somewhere since there's only 2 empty open world zones


oh shit lmao

this is gonna be fucking beautiful when it realieses and the autists weeaboos defend their LITERAL 4/10 metacritic score


Subhuman weebs and Nomura fags BTFO'd.
Praise Conan!

Thats a very nice picture of the duscae area map OP, thanks

That's the entire map according to perubro. Duscae is in the lower right.

>claims map size is downgraded
>doesn't even show the whole map
>doesn't post proof

>FF13 is corridor, it's shit!
>FF14 is open world, it's shit!

No wonder square will go mobile with such a caring audience.

That's the whole map.
Overworld is literally just the demo regions after that it turns into linear corridors.

>That's the whole map

You can clearly see landmarks clipping off at the edge. You're full of shit m8.

I clearly recall the devs saying that the map was bigger than in the demo, what happened

Yeah. Insomnia lol.

Try scrolling nigga.

I've never posted here before
But I'm curious
Why do so many here want games to fail?

Ran out of time and budget.
Both demos combined are 90% of the overworld.

because games are losing their amazing charm and turning into remakes and rehashes of previous games with no innovation. It has stagnated.

Couldn't that be looking at a medium more objectively since those critical of it are old enough to judge it better?

If the industry crashes then we're free.


Get a gun to liberate yourself

he wants a bigger world...

Because the average memetard Sup Forums user is just looking to be part of the next tortantic so they can get included in the screencap. It's safe to say you can pretty much ignore people who constantly shit on games and just make your own judgments.

Because the average memetard Sup Forums user is just looking to be part of the next tortantic so they can get included in the screencap. It's safe to say you can pretty much ignore people who constantly shit on games and just make your own judgments.

At some point in the history you will take a boat to go over the "Malboro" area that was seen before.

That's not the whole world, doens't show Accordo and Altissia

Aranea is a party member? How? She's the enemy. Is Noctis gonna forgive Niflheim for destroying his city and killing his father too? FFXV is dead

she is a mercernary for hire dumbass


Like this?

This. Although to be fair this new FF doesn't look very appealing.

Reddit and other normalfags came and never left.

She's Niflheim's captain of the third army corps 86th airborne unit retard.

Tortanic was a mistake, it was not worth the influx of shitters after it.

>he believes the Sup Forums only hates things because of TORtanic meme
Sup Forums just hates shitty marketing lies.

Whats that supposed to prove?

We dont want it to fail. We want it to succeed but only if it does things right according to our more than average informed standards

Then make your own judgments about games instead of listening to marketing or Sup Forums. Sup Forums will never tell you the truth, I mean look at every FFXV thread. It's the same people trying to call it shit and trying to shit on it in every way possible.

Does it look like the best game ever? No. Does it look like irredeemable shit? No.


Where are the oldfags? I want to regroup somewhere else. Nothing really catches that old Sup Forums atmosphere of factual discussion on detailed topics without the emphasis on shitposting funny memes at someone in an attempt to get replies. No one even replies anymore.

Exactly, this week was Conan's negative commentary on the game, past week was the buggy demo (though this one was more or less deserved), I wonder what will be next week's reason. There are legitimate things to complain about, but you'll only see the ones that can be turned into memes, just like the *WAHOO threads shitting on Swtich.

that's entirely plausible. However it's hard to not be critical of a rehash when the only difference is graphics, no innovation. the video game industry seems to be taking the same approach as the movie industry, which is awful.

there are certainly games and developers who are not going down this path, but to me it feels like the majority are heading this way. instead of pushing limits or trying new things, they either remake a game with a graphics update to prey on nostalgia or they copy competitors with a formula they know works, without understanding why the formula worked in the first place.

Fuck the mapsize. Where are my gambits and the manual control option?

The rest of the map is at least 4x larger Tha the demo area. That's pretty big. Then we have Altissa and the other areas etc

>past week was the buggy demo

I've played the demo 11 hours and the only bug I encountered where Ignis' glasses appearing a few inches in front of his face and hovering there still moving with him as he moved his head

Pointing out how bad the game's quality isn't wanting it to fail. Because a game's quality doesn't correlate to sales.

It's just taking a realistic approach of things in order to prevent disappointment.

Altissia is its own world and iooks like THIS.

This has always been the case. After dmc came out on ps2 there were a lot of semi stylish action games trying to copy it.

On ps1 and n64 it was collectathon platformers and racing games.

On snes it was platformers and beat em ups

On nes it was space shooters and platformers.

On ps3 it was fps games.
On ps4 it's open world

lol LOD

>On ps4 it's open world
This trend started over a decade ago, it has nothing to do with PS4.

The only bug i encountered was the combat system

Yeah but it has become the standard now. 2 e3's ago almost every game anounced was an open world game. I remember Sup Forums meming about it.

Tabata is the director

but each little sub genre bred its own innovation, people might have copied the platformer style but they would add their own thing to it, now its just model swaps.

Look at the NHL franchise as an example, a yearly released game. In the PS3 days each release had something, improvements to be a GM, Be a pro, better physics,online leagues etc. they routinely tried to improve upon it.

Look at NHL nowerdays, most of those features are just now being added back in after being on the PS4 for 2 years. Now it's all about the HUT system to sell as many booster packs to pocket profits from it. It's more and more about how much can they charge for how little content.

It's a shift from trying to win customers based on merit to how much can we make on game A before we pump out game A2.

In the end it doesn't really matter how large might be, because huge parts of areas are just mountains or fences that basicly just make the map smaller than it actually is.

Que coƱos

it's these issues that I have a problem with, games are more controlled by a board of governors than they are by a group of artist/devs with a vision.

as a result I'd like to see all the rehashed and poorly developed mainstream triple A games burn.

where the fuck is gladio

i dont care about how shitty the game is.
i just want to hear the ost an see the final boss. Is there any direct-recorded ost somewhere?

Why you guys always lying to talk shit about the game? Stop spreading misinformation. Here is the real deal.

dat wood texture. nnnngh

I won't believe you either unless you post screenshots of the full map.


Thats the full map. I dont know when and where the linear second half of the game starts but what you are seeing here is probably the whole map.

Surely it can't be worse than no man's sky.

A cuck was just streaming the game and when it glitched out he shut the stream down.

It's a blunder.

damn, it's just a little less than half the map.

I wish we could've at least gotten those islands in the northwest

People get baited into believing bullshot and misleading trailers, and lash out when they fell for marketing like good little E3 sheeple. See Witcher 3, MGS5, and now XV.

The highlighted areas are the only open world parts. The rest of the game is linear and small.

I never believed this map in the least, it has no real design to it and towns/cities seem just dropped around.

I don't mind it turning linear later on, I mean most jrpgs follow the same formula where the first half is open world and the later half is linear so I don't see why people bash on XV for it.

I feel like there are just so many people with different visions of what they think XV should be because they've never played jrpgs before, so when it's not something they like they bash it.
there's also the issue of general shitposting because it's trendy to do that with XV right now

Not in game so that pic is irrelevant


you can fight Yojimbo in the demo

>, I mean most jrpgs follow the same formula where the first half is open world and the later half is linear
You have that completely backwards.


So Yojimbo it's just a generic enemy on a goddamn sewer? He is literally a recolor of the generic samurai enemy.

What the fuck.

Is he /ourguy/?

It's already been confirmed she's been hired by Niflheim, even by her voice actress
Watch who you're calling a dumbass, bait poster-san

>Big release approaching
>previous hype turns to shitposting and cynicism as people really want to force the board to have a negative opinion on it

Is anyone else tired of this shit cycle Sup Forums has been caught on for like the last two years at least?

looks quite small. guess that means no airships

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

>only xv-kun is hyped for this game
>threads have been pointing out how shit it is for years

I think it's just conanposting to be quite honest.

Because Sup Forums wants the next big TORtanic. People can try to fucking argue all they want but ever since then every big new game has been shitposted to hell and back.

because games are bad, dude.

Because it is not getting a PC release, everyone shitposting are just salty that they will not play it.

After reflecting I realize you're right.
Why do we hate XIII again?

what was this? I've seen it for a while but never really bothered to ask

Literally perfect wife

Is that Gift of Peace?

But that's wrong, faggot. Nobody is even talking about PC.

The car turns into an airship

>Why do we hate XIII again?
non linear part was ass because it was only 1 scenery
also it took too long to actually get there

It utterly ruined FF and is a shitty JRPG.

some shit about a star wars game

i seen footage it flying off but cant control it anyway. also really retarted not to just fly with it from beginning

To be quite honest, people are just negative because the previous game was really bad, this has been in development hell, open world meme, dlc, etc

My expectations are pretty low because i'm really not interested in the boyband characters, and i can't take the story serious because of them. Plus the combat feel like a mess nowhere as good as other action games like devil may cry or monster hunter.

Something like this.

The Old Republic.
Game looked like shit. Sup Forums shit on it and started making images making fun of it and at some point term TORtanic was coined as Sup Forums and we watched the trainwreck unfold.

Of course not, they are just badmouthing a game that will not get a PC release, it is the salt talking, they want to make others believe it is not worth it since they won't be playing it anyway.

Happens all the time.