>Going for a magical journey and we're pushing a car?!?
>3 real days for Turtle Boner to go down
>Going for a magical journey and we're pushing a car?!?
>3 real days for Turtle Boner to go down
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haha those are the lines he said in the video
if u keep repeating 5:06 it sounds like he says "butts butts butts butss" xD
To be honest the only real complaint would be the "Let's see the wedding dress" part. And only because they didnt' follow the whole story and they got just savegames from different parts.
It was funny tho, I always liked Conan. Ending was great and cringe.
Play time at the end of his review: 36 minutes 27 seconds.
What does XV stands for?
He got different save games to play, dunno if that applies. Conan said it was the longest time "playing" with a video game in Clueless Gamer.
probably took hours to just watching QTEs
>4 nerdy dudes with stereotypical d&d classes save the world
>4 dudes (chad, tyrone, kim and hawkeye), fashionable members of a music band with fit bodies, tattoos, tank tops and leather pants save the world in between fucking girls on the the hood of their car
What the fuck happened?
The company who supplies the game probably have certain things they want to show off because in these reviews they jump to different parts of the game and sometimes are clearly using cheats.
Even though Conan did nothing but shit on the game, I feel like that's what Square-Enix wanted him to do. Since the video clearly isn't mean for long-time FF fans, it's meant for the average guy who's willing to buy this weird fucking game to see what it's all about.
It's a shame he pretty much only reviews new games that aren't out.
It feels a bit to shilly sometimes. Especially the Fallout 4 review. Even if Conan points out some negative things. It's still more or less just a commercial.
Conan doesn't give a shit about these games and he definitely isn't paid more just because he does certain skits. It really is just a viral marketing agreement between whoever owns his show and the people who publish the games he plays.
>4 dudes (chad, tyrone, kim and hawkeye), fashionable members of a music band with fit bodies, tattoos, tank tops and leather pants save the world in between fucking girls on the the hood of their car
You make it actually sound good.
>3 real days for Turtle Boner to go down
It's 3 in game days you retard
There was an MMO boss in FF11 that took several real-time days to kill. I wouldn't have been surprised at all if this specific boss also took at least three days.
The Square rep in the video said REAL TIME you super retard++.
I don't understand why they prepared save files of looking at wedding dresses and wandering around, why wouldn't they have him fight an actual boss, use a summon, or one of the setpiece sections like where they're fighting soldiers on a train?
No game company would make one boss fight take 72 hours to complete dumbass
80 hours is a rather common play time for an RPG, with the occasional 100
One boss fight would never be that long
Ah yes, the old show them something so terrible they will buy said thing to see if its actually completely like they've seen or just most of it is terrible.
Bold move, lets see how it works out for them.
It kind of feels like Square-Enix is manipulatively trying to force him into playing parts he hates so that people will keep talking about the game online and how this "dumb asshole" can't appreciate Final Fantasy.
Kind of like here
Could be an optional boss, like in Final Fantasy 11.
Roman numbers you tard.
XV = 15
X = 10
IX = 9
V = 5
I = 1
etc etc
weebs still getting BTFO a week later
>Ah yes, the old show them something so terrible they will buy said thing to see if its actually completely like they've seen or just most of it is terrible.
Never underestimate the stupidity of idiots with money, user.
It could also be to get people talking about the game again on the forums so that people remember to pre-order the game. I can almost guarantee that discussion about the new FF game spiked up after Conan did that video, even if it didn't relate to Conan himself.
>there is no way SE would make a bossfight take 12 hours and have billions of hp.
This is just the natural evolution of autism user.
So you can change their clothing right? Are all the options real world attire, or are there more ridiculous fantasy options like usual for Final Fantasy protagonists?
How does that makes any sense?
Romans were the Americans of the Middle Ages.
I don't understand why people care about his opinion so much.
People don't
Sup Forums shitposters are just buttblasted because they can't play the GOTY so they hang onto each opportunity to shit on it.
Threads shitting on his opinion get more post counts than the ones that love it. If I was taking some sort of marketing class, I'd take a big bundle of notes whenever a new video releases.
They could have been impossibly underleveled for that fight. I've only just started the Judgement Disc demo and at level 6 I had one of those Iron Giants spawn at level 30 at night, I probably spent almost 10 minutes fighting it making sure none of the bullshit I could do would really do damage.
Man who is this slut? Seen her a ton of places and she seems far too lewd for a children's movie. Which makes it even hotter.
This. And this gay, empty, generic shit game.
Chel from The Road to El Dorado
It's a good watch
>It kind of feels like Square-Enix is manipulatively trying to force him into playing parts he hates so that people will keep talking about the game online and how this "dumb asshole" can't appreciate Final Fantasy.
They just want to make people talk about the game
Maybe even the creator of this thread is a marketeer
>So you can change their clothing right?
Yes, but in the beginning your options are real world attire, will have to wait and see if there's more fantasy options.
dudes (chad, tyrone, kim and hawkeye), fashionable members of a music band with fit bodies, tattoos, tank tops and leather pants save the world in between fucking girls on the the hood of their car
I'm sold!
Is this a serious question? This is something I've learned in 2nd grade lol
VIII = 8
IX = 9
XI = 11
I was going to buy it and I won't anymore
>spend 7 months on a game
>American talk show hosts ruins all your work in just ten minutes
Must suck for them. 7 months wasted.
>7 months
Game has been in development for 10 years, not 7 months.
>It kind of feels like Square-Enix is manipulatively trying to force him into playing parts he hates so that people will keep talking about the game online and how this "dumb asshole" can't appreciate Final Fantasy.
I honestly think this is the case, I don't see why else they wouldn't include some of the action parts instead.
Cool, honestly as far as real world attire goes I'd leave them in their all black edge costumes. It feels like they finally made Nomura's Advent Children game. Or like that was the plan originally.
It's what they get for pulling Nomura off it.
Then again, even Nomura wouldn't have saved it from being NSYNC minus Justin.
Or the boss is a mountain sized turtle with mountain sized hp. I guarentee you will fight him in stages. You wittle away a few million/billion hp and he reburrows into the ground and you can't hurt him again until the next phase.
The item or trigger to make him reveal his weakpoint so you can attack for massive damage with have a 24 hr respawn rate.
Any other understanding of the fight, knowing how FF games are and have evolved, is just wishful thinking.
>4 dudes (chad, tyrone, kim and hawkeye), fashionable members of a music band with fit bodies, tattoos, tank tops and leather pants save the world in between fucking girls on the the hood of their car
Ok, so is the bitch hood fucking going to increase certain skills, or only our out-of-combat skills? I wouldn't want to be banging "head of the hood" Shequanda to increase my stealing effeciency if doopin' "Main Math" Mei Ling is going to increase my crit chance.
a boss fight lasting 3 days IS retarded though
Nigger, those are words, not numbers.
Stop trying to be funny
Well, yeah but you'd better wish for something other than that with a real time combat system.
>hardly an rpg around that doesn't let you change your cosmetic appearence
>don't know if you're stuck in idol group shit for the entire game or not a handful of days from release
that's pretty fucking ridiculous man
It's a duck with its eyes closed and its bill open. Rotate XV clockwise 90 degrees and you will see.
You're reaching, this reads as if you flat out ignored him saying you can change their clothes. There have been pictures from the demo posted here of them in awful outfits that I would liken to golf attire, if you think that's better.
>for the entire game
Well they do get older at some point.
It was funnier when Conan played with that nerd guy instead of stars.
>There have been pictures from the demo posted here of them in awful outfits that I would liken to golf attire, if you think that's better.
i don't
so basically actual armor would be out of the question huh
>actual armor would be out of the question huh
We've seen other character's in this world using armour so it's not out of the question that you might get some at some point.
see that's my problem, i don't really care that much, i just find it pretty silly that it's been in development hell for 10 years, and people/potential buyers don't even have a real hand on what kind of equipment you'll be working with
i could see if it was like a year away from it's release and there were a lot of mechanics still in question but this is basic RPG shit, and it's releasing at month's end, that shit is just crazy to me i guess
not hating or anything, just can't recall the last time a modern rpg was so obtuse about some really basic stuff
I agree, Frodo just didn't bounce back anything Conan did, but Aaron or whatever his name is plays a good opposite to Conan just by the way they take in games very differently.
>Game cant hook a casual in half hour
>not starting off your game with one of those huge bosses which then wrecks your car and then fucks off since you couldn't even tickle it with your puny gear
>not making the player fight said monster a couple of hours later because it swallowed a vital part of your car you need for repairing it
>not making sure the player hears about said monster all the time before he defeats it
Bravo japanese developers, bravo.
Pushing a car is so much more exciting and talking about wedding dresses surely fleshes out your game.
Apparently the game was supposed to start with some big battle
It doesn't seem out of the ordinary for all the customization options of an RPG to be a mystery before the game is actually released.
Relegated to a movie no-one really wanted
it does to me, but maybe we just have different standards
besides, i didn't say ALL, just basic, by the numbers stuff, like armor
one would naturally assume it's possible, but like i said, this close to release and even people following the game closely can't say for sure is just weird
They decided the game appealed too much to the "people who just want to play a game with an enthralling storyline" crowd and decided to go with the "I want to push broken down cars" crowd.
Barring leaks it's standard for those kinds of details to remain under wraps. There is the preorder/ultra whatever edition slick black suit and tie outfit for Noct, I imagine there are similar clothes for the others.
Although the people crying boyband would probably ridicule that even further.
Why does Sup Forums have such a strong hate boner for this game? Weebs are just as hyped for the last guardian and even more so for P5, but all i see here is people making fun of FF15. Is it just because of the funny comedy skit from conan? But then why are people taking it seriously, its just a really funny video making fun of the many things we take for granted in game design? Are the people on Sup Forums even gamers? So many questions and no answers.
It's the big upcoming game right now, that's why. Conan's video was just shitposting fuel.
I'll be honest, it's fun to troll FFaggotry like that's all about it.
I don't even care about the game, lol.
I figured thats the case for most people. But this outrage seems so artificial that i cant really enjoy it. Its trying too hard. FF fags are not pissed enough to warrant this many shitposting threads.
>FF fags are not pissed enough to warrant this many shitposting threads.
There is at least one guy who is guaranteed to reply to every single negative comment about XV and defend it when he's around, I've seen many threads that would have just died off if he didn't feed the shitposters with (you)s.
Yeah...I don't know why Square's team, given that they must have seen his segment, would ever try to give him introductory segments and non-combat missions.
Giving your game to Conan?
1. Cute girls
2. Nothing you would show someone who will never care about the story/lore/background
If it were up to me, I would've had him watch a stunning cinematic, get introduced to a cute girl, play a set-piece combat mission, then fly the car.
>You spent SEVEN MONTHS on this?!
oh man, I put so much effort into filtering conanposting, but you fucks keep getting through
say that to my fucking face
I like how even Conan himself pointed out when they first saw the adamantoise that they should have started off with something like this.
>People will say "wow Conan you don't understand its a jrpg it has to build up"
As someone who has played multiple JRPG series over the years and not just Square shit no just no. A segment of pushing a dead car dressed as faggy ass boy band members is not build up that is just ass.
It will when the game has a disappointed review(negative is kinda impossible for mainline FF) or bomb.
elijah wood likes the game
Well the game was supposed to start with the invasion of Insomnia but then that idiot Tabata cut it and made it a movie nobody watched instead.
Nomura handed him a decent script and he tore it all apart so he could milk the fuck out of it.
>why is Sup Forums shitting on a CONSOLE game since it has been announced
Gee I wonder why...
Wow nice job showing us some numbers man. Your mind is truly exceptional.
Well thats normal, you say any game sucks and a few people will give you contra. Especially a game with such a large fanbase rooted in japanese media on a heavily japanese inspired image board. But i have not seen many people really getting mad at conan or anything. Look at the youtube comments or the reddit or anything . People loved it and understood it was a joke and were mostly worried about what the sqaure enix marketing department was thinking. The shitposters wanted to make a scene out of something that wasnt even there. I am a FF fag I guess and I think the FF 15 clueless gamer was the funniest of them all. Looking back at the views, it might now even have quite the positive effect on the game.
Well that will be something I could enjoy cause then the rage would be genuine. Even if i am still planning on buying the game myself.
>What is The Last guardian and P5?
Whatever you say ,atheist scum.
wtf I like Conan and Vive now!
Final Fantasy is the bigger, more mainstream and more lucrative franchise so they focus their butthurt onto that.
PCucks can't multi-shitpost.
>needs an overaged comedian to understand that gaming is a waste of time
Good job, Sup Forums.
Is this game dead now
I don't get it