Hey PC faggots.
Your favorite game of all time? Yeah, it runs at 25fps.
Hey PC faggots.
Your favorite game of all time? Yeah, it runs at 25fps.
But that's not my favorite game of all time.
I don't even know what framerate Super Metroid runs in.
Guild Wars Prophecies
Fuck Factions and all that other shit.
60 Older games slow down and don't compromise the framerate.
I don't like diablo. Also, it is one of the few games where it wouldn't even matter anyways.
Man, that game was great, and the expansions were pretty good too, I don't know what your problem is.
I triaed out the second one not too long ago and it's just fucking boring and completely changed everything that made the first one special
I guess my problem isn't with the expansion itself.
I put about 3000 hours into prophecies before Factions was released and most of my guild quit around the release of Factions. Which made me quit.
d2 has no fps limit via multi, which is what everyone used to play it. who knows why it works that way, but it does.
>your favorite game of all time
My favorite game of all time is Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance though.
>never touched singleplayer
>never knew about the fps cap
There's literally 3 choices for "Favourite Game of All Time."
1) Planescape Torment: If you enjoy story and setting enough to sacrifice some gameplay.
2) Baldur's Gate 2: If you want the full power fantasy from middling adventurer to literal/figurative God and are able to give up a little in terms of story/gameplay depth for much better gameplay.
3) Fallout 2: If you need a third option.
Super Metroid, Heroes of Might and Magic III, Morrowind, OoT, Fallout 1/NV are better contenders, nerd.
Shadow of Chernobyl
>pc faggots
You meant to say "pcmr" because most people playing on pc don't jerk off to fps and graphics, they are just playing on pc for different reasons
If you have anything to say to pcmr then head over to leddit since most people here don't care about your shitty console wars except for the vocal minority
>Fallout 2
Fallout 1 is better
Just no. The only thing that game did amazingly well was getting people to feel nostalgic about it. It's a very good game, don't get me wrong, but it's nowhere near one of the best of all time
>Fallout 1/NV
this is objectively the best taste regarding Fallouts
Fallout 1 is better t b h
The sprites animate at 25 fps
Your game still needs to run way beyond that to poll your mouse quicker to avoid a choppy mouse cursor
>literally visual novels
Read a book sometime.
Way to show us you've never played Baldur's Gate or Fallout 2
It doesn't for EVERY game. Some don't need it. Diablo's on that list
Torment doesn't remotely qualify as a "visual novel" either despite the neo-Sup Forums meme.
>Diablo II doesn't need extra fps
>90% is reading dialogue
>combat is shit
Great 'games'.
It managdd to run on a constant 25 fps on zhe stone toasters back then. Consoles still can't manage that today.
Way to show us you've never played Baldur's Gate or Fallout 2
>Super Metroid
Nintendrone bullshit
>HoMM 3
Only fun Multiplayer. And MP is only fun Hotseat. Having to stare at a blank screen for 30minutes during someone else's turn is mind-numbing.
Nintendrone bullshit
>Fallout 1/NV
I actually agree about Fallout 1, but then I would have had to say 4 choices. So it was cut for narrative consistency.
Doom ran capped to 35FPS
checkmait pc nerds
Great argument.
>90% is reading dialogue
that's wrong
>combat is shit
Not really, it just isn't particularly great. This is a natural side effect of the games not being entirely about combat, which actually makes them much truer and more complete RPGs than most "role playing games" which are basically just dungeon crawlers with tactical battle systems.
Combat in Torment and Fallout 1/2 isn't great because it's not supposed to be game-defining. It's one possible approach you can take in any given situation.
>Shit combat
Pick one, and only one.
>90% reading
This doesn't apply to either of them. There's a lot of narrative depth in PS:T but you have to seek out a good amount of it, you're more than able to play it combat heavy and go in fighting everything, it doesn't even punish you for it (aside from taking away more of the story, which you don't care about).
Oh the ironing.
You should go read a book and play a VN right after, maybe you'll realize how retarded you are. I doubt it, though.
There's nothing wrong with FO2's combat
I'm but your reasoning is kind of fucked up. Just because combat isn't the main focus of the game doesn't mean the combat can't be good. And just to clarify, I actually think both Baldur's Gate and Fallout have pretty good combat, Baldur's Gate fucks up a bit by not going full round based though
That's what I said. There isn't anything wrong with it, it just isn't particularly great either. Exactly the same thing is true of Torment.
I already '''played''' some visual novels called Baldur's Gate and Fallout.
If your favorite game of all time is an hacknslash you got some problems
>Just because combat isn't the main focus of the game doesn't mean the combat can't be good.
It doesn't mean that it can't be, but there are always tradeoffs to where a development team chooses to put their resources.
Fallout 1/2 combat is quite shallow with very little strategy involved. There are a few highly dominant tactics and everything else kind of sucks, and the tactics that are dominant are very simple. This is okay because the point of the game is to explore and survive in a post apocalyptic world while doing a lot of role playing. It's not a tactical combat game. They made a tactical combat game afterwards, remember? And it had none of the things that defined the RPGs, really. It was just a tactics game, and an okay one at that, but it just goes to show how the focus of a game is going to impact things.
BG2's combat is certainly more interesting than Fallout 1/2 and Torment, but it has a less compelling world/story than those games. I'd say BG2 is sort of the perfect example of jack of all trades master of none when it comes to RPGs. It focused a little on everything, and as a result everything is pretty good but never quite truly great.
so you blame a game becoming better to your own retarded autism, bravo
I think the thing you missed is the fact the Fallout combat system has a strong roleplaying element.
Like when you build a luck character and he manages to shoot through two targets.
morrowind easily replaces baldur's gate 2 and fallout 1 is superior to 2 in every way, you fucking memer
> loredump wall of text awful ui,control, graphics, sound trash
lol m8
Other good examples of what I'm talking about: Alpha Protocol. Combat and stealth mechanics would never cut it if it was just a stealth and combat game, but are fine because the game excels in the role playing aspect.
Divinity OS. The combat system is amazing, one of the best turn based RPG combat systems ever made in my opinion. Everything else about it is entirely mediocre.
Arcanum. One of the most compelling settings and role playing experiences, but completely busted in every technical aspect.
Icewind Dales: More interesting combat and dungeon crawling than BG games, but ho-hum story and role playing.
And so on, so on. I don't know of any RPGs that don't have some element of this kind of trade-off going on.
Actually I think Diablo 2 is a better pick for favorite game than, for example, OoT. At least Diablo 2 is clearly the best game in its genre and as perfect a hack'n'slash as we're probably ever going to get.
No, that's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. I love how luck affects combat in Fallout, I think it's great. But as you just said, it's great because of the role playing aspect of it. It's not great because it makes for a more robust battle system. In fact in a purely tactical game, luck is infuriating, because it can fuck you over even when you make tactically smart moves. You're basically writing my point for me.
Is there a widescreen resolution mod for the latest patch yet?
800x600 on 1440p looks like ass
>that many players
>I'd say BG2 is sort of the perfect example of jack of all trades master of none when it comes to RPGs. It focused a little on everything, and as a result everything is pretty good but never quite truly great.
I'd say that's exactly what makes it the best adventure that party-based RPGs have to offer.
It all just depends on what you want. I can understand why many people would view it as one of the best RPGs ever made or the best for that reason, but personally I prefer games that excel in certain areas over those that try to do a little of everything. Either way I agree BG2 is a rare and impressive achievement for managing to be as good as it was in as many areas as it did.
Shadow doesn't have the same portrait as Assassins, it's a NPC
I mean in the game. Because nobody joins my games.
Because it's 3.5 days before a new ladder season. It's going to be a desert and then a sudden zerg rush without the presence of bots.
Dawn of War runs at 25fps?
pretty sure thats not true.
>morrowind easily replaces baldur's gate 2
Fuck off, todd. Not even close.
>the quich blown jox jumps ouev hre lazy cloj
how can somebody suck this hard at cursive
My favorite game of all time runs anywhere between 8000 and 1fps. Recently it was made 64-bit so it tends to run closer to 50fps.
If PC is so great why nobody made a PC2?
meanwhile this shit runs upwards of 60
good choice
>Yeah, it runs at 25fps.
Still more FPSs than what the ps4 reaches on most games kek
Path of Exile ?
Mine neither, in fact I actually quite dislike it.
>Still more FPSs than what the ps4 reaches on most games kek
False. Only line of defense for PC shitters is lying. Are you that desperate?
no it doesn't
Dorf fort
> Baldur's Gate fucks up a bit by not going full round based though
How to spot a noob.
Call of Pripyat Misery mod
Jokes on you I realized looty clicking games were shit long ago.
Nice argument PCuck.
You know it's true man. PS4 games reach higher frames because of the shitty resolution.
1080p is shitty resolution?
'no'. As someone who played Guild Wars pretty much the same fucking amount, I can remember this day perfectly. All I would do back in the day was solo warrior Fissure of Woe, 5 man sorrows furnace runs, 55 monks farming outside Draknors and UW 55/SS necro farming.
This is all anyone did in that game, to fund their PvP. Around factions release they changed the way AoE worked and how mobs reacted to it, pretty much making all these farms next to impossible/a million times harder.
A lot of people quit around this time.
It's isometric you dumbass
FPS does matter, framerate is gameplay. Games at shitty framerates can be good, but unless it's a visual novel or something they will always be objectively better at higher framerates.
how do people like you go outside without someone beating the shit out of you?
What makes you think he goes outside?
FPS stability matters, something consoles do not have at 60 or even 30.
>using my screenshot to bash on pc players
Diablo was fairly lame after you finish it once, though
Not only that some of the coolest classes went downhill lategame, like necromancer
factions was good tho
Doesn't Super Metroid tend to shit the bed sometimes? I remember slowdown on like the Meridia boss and stuff.
Not that it's that much of a downer. That game really fucking pushed the SNES.
>the age of sub-10 minute uwsc and fowsc
i really miss that version and the community behind it
Yeah most snes games run like shit
That game is also 15 years old.
It's dangerous to post alone! Take this.
>i really miss that version and the community behind it
It really did have a great community, I mean I played when I was really, really young - yet it was probably the most hardcore I have ever played a game.
Spending whole days in HoH with my guild trying to get that guild token so we could participate in GvG. What a game, in my mind the perfect example of how to ruin a game. I should reinstall and get my birthday presents.
man I wonder what kind of fps and resolution I had on my pc back then...
>using the female archers
Why would you even bother. Act 2 bodyguards blow the fuck out of everything especially if you're using minions.
I run Unreal Tournament 2004 at 144fps though. If I had that new asus monitor I'd run it at 165.
>using act 2 merc other than from nightmare difficulty
bitch please
>no Doom
Yeah so you can get might? Like the only worthwhile one. Defiance was also acceptable. If you're going summoner any aura and the damage from the A2 mercs blow the rangers out of the water.
How do I go about playing Diablo 1? Do I have to play it on Battle.net?
Actually PS4 games are usually 1080p/30 with 900p/60 for multiplayer.. Xbone is 900p/30 with 720p/60 for multiplayer. Of course there are some demanding games that run at 900p/30 on PS4 and 720p/30 on the Bone.
Dark Souls games are the best. Diablo 2 is pretty good though
>Complete and utter shit
Take both and always take both