Which one has better enemy variety?

Which one has better enemy variety?




>half the enemies are werewolves



Dark Souls 3, but of course the sonyggers won't believe that.

Every enemy in that game is a blood monster of some sort or le epic hp lovecraft abomination.

>its not cool to fight eldritch abominations

Probably Bloodborne.

Let's be honest, they were hardly eldritch abominations. Shit was like dollar store Lovecraft.

Honestly I've played both, and he's kind of right. The first half of Bloodborne is fighting dogs and werewolves. The last half gets slightly better with the enemy variety. The only areas that deviate from the werewolf theme are Byrgenwerth, Cainhurst, Nightmare Frontier, and Nightmare of Mensis.

DaS3 introduces fat winged knights, lothric knights, ghrus, corvians, the four armed demons, skeletons, zombies, jailers, pontiff knights, snakemen, slugs, hand monster things, gargoyles, giants, etc.

Bloodborne pretty much sticks with the werewolf enemies for the majority of the game.

>OP is so desperate to shit on Bloodborne that he has to compare a very specific aspect of it to Dark Souls III
>le werewolf meme

>sonygger in denial about his game having shitty enemy variety consisting of rehashed and reskinned screaming dogs

>Dark Souls 3
>1/3rd of enemies are scenery like the slugs in farron keep and memealisks

>Every enemy is constantly trying to fuck your shit up

Bloodborne has a certain theme and the enemeis in the game fit that theme perfectly. Putting random enemies just for variety would be like putting pineapple on pizza.

Bloodborne without DLC has at least 117 non-boss, non-NPC types of enemies. There are 30 Bosses in base game (this DOES NOT include shit like Brainsucker, Maneater Bore and Merciless Watchers, which are regular mobs given boss health bars in chalice dungeons).

If you include the DLC there is another 28 types of enemies. DLC also adds 5 more bosses.

Chalice dungeons dont count

>Bloodborne has a certain theme

And that's why Dark Souls 3 automatically wins.

The enemies don't stick to a single theme and therefore feel more unique and varied. You have crow-men, goatmen, snakemen, demons, ice knights, fat angelic knights, skeletons, zombies, giant crabs, gargoyles, giants, candlemen, pus monsters, maggot monsters, hand monsters, human-dragon abortions, viking knights, wolves, treewomen, giant flies, scissorhand knights, babybird people, etc.

Meanwhile Bloodborne has werewolves and uh... aliens.

>dollar store Lovecraft.
Real Lovecraft is impossible to do in a video game, let alone one about killing said abominations, which requires you to die in the process in Lovecraft's works.

>half the enemies are werewolves
>missing the point of the trope subversion this hard.


>chalice dungeons don't count
Did you continously ram your soft spot into door knobs as a kid? How does that make sense?

>fight knight hollows
>fight giant hollows
>fight dragon hollows
>fight maggot hollows
>fight crab hollows
>fight giant hollows

DS3 is literally just Hollows: The Game. How can you possibly defend it?

>killing said abominations, which requires you to die in the process in Lovecraft's works

No the hell it doesn't, with modern technology humans can kill plenty of shit with relative ease. It's when you start getting higher up on the cosmic scale (like living suns) that you start to run into problems.

Once you start talking about superpowered humans like the good hunter it becomes a different ballgame entirely.

Why not?

Of all the things to complain about regarding chalice dungeons, enemies isn't one of them. There are tons of completly unique enemies in dungeons, the entire Pthumerian hierarchy (naked skinny dudes, to clothed skinny dudes, to hooded dudes with pickaxes, to fat Watchers to elite Knights) as well as stuff like madmen, ghosts and loran clerics.

Bloodborne had twice as much enemy variety as it did areas to put them in, thus chalice dungeons. It's shit that so much effort went into making all those enemies and bosses for lame procedurally generates dungeons, and I really wish we'd just been given more proper areas (or even a DLC), but you can't just discount them.

>If you include DLC there is another 28 types of enemies

What the fuck? No there's not.

Hunter's Nightmare
>bigger executioners with cthulu tentacles

Research hall

>Fishing Hamlet
>fish people
>shark guys
>snail women

That's just six new enemies.

I wish everyone could play BB, there would be less shitpost and more love for the game.

plus there would be less ds3 lovers, I honestly haven't finished it more than once.

Don't forget the sickle wielding long black flowing hair dudes that charge you in pitch black darkness at demonic fuck your shit speeds

Yeah and let's not forget about generic werewolf enemy #153!

>muh technology
>muh boats
Guns aren't going to do you any good when a Nightgaunt's tearing at your face. Nothing short of a nuke could stop a shoggoth, and they're absolutely babby tier in the cosmic scheme of things.

BB, not including bosses, hunters of hunters, the chalice dungeon exclusive enemies or the old hunters content:
>full werewolves
>the mob
>big retards
>fatties with axes
>wheelchair granddads
>giant pigs
>legless crawlers
>church officials
>giant churchmen
>fucking faggot brainsucker insight thieves
>crazy old ladies
>people with snakes for faces
>small snakes
>huge snakes
>ayy lmaos
>fucking weird arcane centipedes
>'the fly' fans
>fucking faggot winter lanterns that make your head explode from a distance
>poisonous squid things
>giants with no necks
>blood lickers
>fucking faggot worms
>crazed courtiers
>bell-ringing bitches
And I can't remember what's in Nightmare of Mensis.

Bloodborne has more enemies but it doesn't mean much since every encounter in the game is designed around hella f*cking epic r1 spam. Dark Souls 3 is a lobotomized Bloodborne(which is a lobotomized action game), but at least it has a few enemy encounters that discourage stunlock spamming.


Stone throwing yetis and electrocuting yetis.
You forgot the werewolves made of legs and the eyeball sleds.

I didn't count the werewolves made of legs because they've got the same moveset as the normal werewolves.

>think BB is just R1 spam
>thinks DS3 has challenging gameplay

I feel sorry for people trying to justify their purchases.

> Old Hunter (Beast Cutter + Blunderbuss)
> Old Hunter (Beast Hunter Saif)
> Old Hunter (Beast Hunter Saif + Peircing Rifle)
> Old Hunter (Boom Hammer + Torch)
> Nightmare Executioner (Axe)
> Nightmare Executioner (Church Cannon)
> Bloodlicker (Nightmare version)
> Clocktower Patient (fists)
> Clocktower Patient (Acid Bottles)
> Clocktower Patient (Infected Hand)
> Clocktower Patient (Crawling)
> Clocktower Patient (Leaping)
> Clocktower Patient (Headless)
> Clocktower Patient (Head)
> Clocktower Patient (Transfusion Stand)
> Clocktower Patient (Magic)
> Fishman (Melee harpoon)
> Fishman (Ranged Harpoon)
> Fishman (Twin Rakes)
> Fishman (Rake and Awl)
> Fishman (Cleaver)
> Fishman Mage (Curse)
> Fishman Mage (Staff)
> Fish Dog
> Snail Woman (Bare)
> Snail Woman (Shell)
> Giant Fishman (Fists)
> Giant Fishman (Anchor)

>Guns aren't going to do you any good when a Nightgaunt's tearing at your face.

Source? I don't remember reading anything that said that they couldn't be hurt/killed.

>Nothing short of a nuke could stop a shoggoth

I'm fairly sure that's inaccurate, IIRC Lovecraft himself never detailed an actual battle with a shogggoth but later media depicted them being used as weapons or killed or both.


>Nightmare of Mensis.
Winter lanterns (the giant mass of messengers on top of a doll body)
Animated Puppets
The momma monster and her kids

In a variety competition, DS2 would be the winner.

You forgot mad ones, silverbeasts, skeletal puppets, and the midget servants in cainhurst.

Nightmare of Mensis has spiders, mergo'a attendants, and chief attendants.

Ultimate proof that variety isn't everything.

I didn't forget them, their offical name is Labyrinth Madmen and there are 3 varients, Dagger, Twin Daggers and Corpse. Twin Dagger guy has lots of hyperarmour, and Corpse guy spreads poison everywhere. Dagger varients can (rarely) spawn with Flaming Weapons which for some reason causes them to drop cursed gems even in non-cursed dungeons.

Litterally the least generic beast in the game. He knows Pyromancy and is agro'd against anything that isn't him.

Then what is?

Alright now list the Dark Souls 3 enemies and count them so I can take a shit in your mouth.

>variety isn't everything.

It's the topic of this thread though.

They're mortal, but the way Lovecraft portrays them they're far beyond any human's capacity to kill. Even an experienced dream like Carter always stays on their good side.
Shoggoths can be anything they want to be. But killing a giant, super-intelligent amoeba is hard enough, not to mention they managed to destroy the Old One's civilisation on Earth and they were literally billions of years ahead of humanity.

I never said it was challenging, just that the same strategy wouldn't carry you throughout the entire game, which is true because Bloodborne was specifically catered around an aggressive playstyle, and R1 spamming was the easiest and most efficient method for most situations. Rallying and the lack of poise among most basic enemy units encourage braindead R1 spam.

How convenient for people who don't own a ps4.
Really made me think.

>Can't counter point
>Immediately resorts to muh console wars

Why the fuck does this whole board act like they're teenagers who can only afford one gayman machine?

>tfw cant help but feel the people who constantly compare Bloodborne to Lovecraft have hardly read any of his works and just look at superficial shit like "oooh space monsters"

Bloodborne and Lovecraft are doing two very different things. Bloodborne at its core is a story of human greed corrupting everything for generations to come, while Lovecraft generally focuses on scenarios where the mundane crosses paths with the cosmic - existences beyond human understanding and manipulation.

Obviously BB has taken inspiration from Lovecraft, but the people who try to act like its just some mere extension of the Cthulhu mythos need to fuck off.

Lets see how my memory holds up.
>untendies staff
>hollow lothric citizens and soldiers
>lothric knights
>winged knights
>midget villagers
>fat evangelists
>cage and crucible carriers
>pilgrims with sticks
>huge crabs
>berserk pilgrims
>sorcerer untendies
>maggot-infested hollows
>maggot masses
>those scary cunts with knives
>giants with polearms, multiple costumes
>cathedral knights
>big ghru
>dickass skeletons
>knight-ish skeletons
>pyromancer demons
>lava slimes
>moving statues
>black knights
>wheel skeletons
>crocodile beasts
>pontiff knights
>the claymore and invisible hollows
>fire witches
>silver knights
>superpowered winged knights
>those baby faced abominations
>yhorm's handmaidens
>crystal lizards small and large
>snakemen and giant snakemen
I've not played DaS3 for a while.

>the way Lovecraft portrays them they're far beyond any human's capacity to kill

Don't they usually get the drop on people though? I haven't read any Lovecraft since high school (and I haven't read everything related to the Dreamlands) so it's all pretty fuzzy.

>Shoggoths can be anything they want to be. But killing a giant, super-intelligent amoeba is hard enough, not to mention they managed to destroy the Old One's civilisation on Earth and they were literally billions of years ahead of humanity.

All true, but I'm still fairly certain that fire will tune 'em up. Kind of a moot point if you encounter them underwater though.

its looks pretty equal desu