As a non-console gamer. What does fps in console feels?
As a non-console gamer. What does fps in console feels?
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Console fag here, it feels fine, since its what i, and most everyone else on console knows. Im moving to PC next month so ill see what the fuss is about but 30FPS for me really doesnt seem bad
Not competitive at all. Definitely not a good experience for snipers.
You get used to it - of course, I'm not denying that mouse aiming is superior for FPS games. If you really wanted to, you can buy kb + m adaptors for consoles.
Feels fine.I've played both and while pc is easier to aim, I find them both fun to use regardless.
Why do people even play fps in consoles
like walking in knee high mud
Console babbies get auto aim or aim assist to get actual kills. Without it's borderline impossible to hit anything without artificially slow people down or using explosive weapons.
Ironically one of my friends got banned from black ops 3 on pc because he found out using a controller gave your aim assist.
Fucking awful, as someone who aims with a shit ton of twitch and usually very high sensitivity, controllers are hell. the slowness of the turning and the lack of snap aiming gives me nausea. I can play my roomates Black Ops 3 for about 30 minutes before I have to look away from the screen. Of course 7 years ago when i didn't hav ea PC it was completely different, and I had no issues, but nowadays I can't stand it. Started playing Titanfall 2 today and I can't imagine it on console. However for some reason Halo 5 feels super fine on controller, and I can light people up super consistently. To the point where I own a copy of the game without owning an Xbone myself. So it's probably more due to ADS'ing more than anything that fucks me up. I still love controllers though, any excuse to use one I take. FPS and Isometrics are basically the only thing I use a M+KB for. 360>Xbone>PS4 in terms of comfort too.
Play on PC with a controller. You'll know
much better, keyboards are the most uncomfortable peripheral i've ever used to play video games. even the lowly wiimote is better for FPS than a keyboard.
Imagine trying to write on a piece of paper without any hard surfaces available.
Well imagine this:
The view angle is smaller so chop off the sides of the screen basically.
Your ability to turn and spin goes at a fixed rate.
Aiming yanks your cursor around out of you control.
You can't aim up and down as easily.
Your weapons go back to hitscan days and lose timing.
Now to compensate for this you hide behind cover a lot and a much slower pace.
Its so much more than that. If you had a favorite console FPS that is also on PC, get on PC and give it a replay. I did this with Battlefront 2 and it was like getting to play like new again.
More players and no cheaters. Also most games are made for consoles so no shitty ports
I don't know exactly how to describe it, but I'll give it a shot.
I play FPS on PC and Xbox and the distinction, at least in my mind, is that on a console the shooting is a three step process. You flick the thumb stick, pull the trigger, then either steady the thumbstick in the center or jam it all the way to the left or the right. These motions are very mechanical, to the point I can physically hear the clicking as the plastic pieces go together. The process of getting into a gunfight always follows these steps. flick-click-toggle/steady. It just doesn't have fluidity. That being said, I am pretty lousy at the precision that PC allows.
Like wading through semen.
Going from controller to keyboard is one of the clunkiest fucking things ever.
Terry Crews saw Snoop Dogg and others playing Battlefield 1 at EA's event on the console. He got the vibe of video games and gaming, but then he saw these glowing keyboards and mouse and the guys at the back playing Battlefield 1 on the PC.
Terry Crews said this is it! This is what gaming is! He built a master race PC with his son and hasn't looked back since.
You're not a console pleb are you user?
But its not even the same genre on console. You can cheat on console just fine. Fuck me BF2 was full of it. I've not run across much of that on PC.
And where are all these shitty ports people talk about. I find a few locked frame rate games, but that makes them just like they are on console not shittier due to being a port. I only know of 2 games that the port had real issues. Soul Reaver lost dynamic sound. And Saints Row 2 ran like ass unless you added a small mod. Then you have some games that look like shit on PC because the looked like shit on console too.
Get a good mouse and bind half that shit to it. Best way to rocket jump.
Slower, a higher emphasis on tactical thought, movement, and positioning over twitch speed
if your poured cement into quicksand then snap froze it somehow
thats how fluid it feels to FPS with a controller
going from keyboard to controller is worse
Really? My first time playing shooters with a KB+M after spending years with a 360 was the most liberating feeling I've had with games.
But you need an understanding of movement, strategy, and position on PC too. I think you mean an emphasis only on those things because they are all that is left.
they're worse than a pc game with tank controls
Much more comfortable.
Most console shooters have a generous amount of auto-aim to make things a lot easier on the player. Also since most shooters these days have ads it becomes even easier to aim since ads slows down the speed in most games that have it.
Shooters today are made with console controls in mind. Something like Doom, Quake or any other fast paced arena shooter is a fucking pain in the ass to play with a controller. Modern warfare type shooters, WWII and the psuedo future shooters we see today are far removed from those ultra high speed shooters so a controller isn't nearly as bad for shooters like it perhaps once was. Still though KBnM is definitely better for FPS games than a controller and that will never change.
I say this as a guy that has mostly played console games.
Walking is better.
Aiming is worse.
Sit on your hands till they are numb and play, that's what it feels.
how the fuck you gonna kill people by walking, if you just walk ur gonna be the walking dead
>The view angle is smaller so chop off the sides of the screen basically.
>Your ability to turn and spin goes at a fixed rate.
>Aiming yanks your cursor around out of you control.
>You can't aim up and down as easily.
I never notice any of this. I can play just as fine on console than on PC, in fact I am better on console than PC.
My only issue is that turning speed is never high enough for me even at max sensitivity on console, but it does not go at a fixed rate as you suggest. It depends on the pressure you put on the analogue..
I suppose low turning speed for me is because I am used to mouse turning speed.
FoV never concerns me as I don't have a massive FoV like other have anyway. Some games do allow for changing FoV too.
Like giant mecha simulator with autoaimed shells.
its like driving a car with WASD.
you arent better, everyone is shittier
perfect response
Fuck forgot to say this but I'd say walking definitely is better with a stick than wasd.
Is there anything out there that has mouse for aiming but a stick for movement?
actually I put it down to people on PC are much more better than me.
I am average at FPS games anyway, I play all different genres, not like those sperglords who spend their entire life on csgo or any other generic fps game.
imagine you're trying to guide a loaf of bread into a pin-sized hole and you've got half a second to do it
The limit of the controller is a fixed rate. It has a max pressure and that is what you get. It limits you, you don't limit it. Its a speed limit. DPI speeds on a mouse get insane so you can pretty well go as fast as you humanly can.
Viewing angle doesn't make a difference on the console because the games slow nature is balanced around it. Crank FOV down on PC and you'll get gibbed from the side constantly.
And auto-aim is both a blessing and curse. It compensates for shit controls, but it also sets a limit there as to how well a hit typically will be. If you play the shit out of a console game that is well made you can get away with turning it off, use to do this in Timesplitters. But Timesplitters is exceptionally good for a console FPS and brought in something of the arena speedy feel.
Console is to an extent easy mode for these things. Its less a factor and you may do better on it, but that is because the game gets nerfed to accommodate the difference. If you are having fun, fuck it, that is all that counts. But console FPS and PC FPS may as well be two difference genre, on console they are basically third person cover games played in first person.
I gave the example of battlefront 2 partially because it plays as a totally different game on both. On console it was a tactical slow game of cover, on PC its a shooter.
The only tolerable console FPS is Halo.
Everything else feels like the sensitivities are not equal for x/y axis or simply feels like shit to play with a slow ass controller. Going from mouse to controller is like having a DnD wizard cast time stop on you and then cutting one of your eyes out.
Movement is theoretically more fluid but its harder to make use of tricks in movement like grenade jumping and strafe jumping is out the window.
idk, I get about the movement sensitivity, it is limiting me, as I mentioned before.
Also aim assist really fucks me up too and I am much welcomed when I am able to turn it off, Other than those I am pretty fine on consol.
I don't play many anyway and I am not a try hard.
My main thing is battlefield games have to be played on PC (there isn't even keybinding on console) I play overwatch, titanfall and destiny on console and they are fine. but in all fairness they don't need precise aiming like a battlefield game does.
never had a problem grenade jumping on console.
Time Splitters and Turok were fucking fun, faggot.
Not to the same degree, I play shooters on both and honestly console players are better at being in the right place at the right time and making shots count more while I see a lot of PC players use the movement speed as a crutch
Yeah at a high level everyone regardless of what they play one will be doing essentially the same things but on average console forces better fundamentals
I think to get good at any shooter you need the fundementals of sticking near cover, relading often and at the right time, knowing what targets to go for first in an engagement and knowing when to leave a target or retreat.
also a smart move to stick with the zerg for meat shields.
True but like I said on average PC shooter players devolve into gotta go fast to carry them whereas on the console that will just get you killed fast while you see more kill zones being set up and more people trying unusual movements on console
FOV can be changed in newer games
Using a controller is fine after about 10 hours of practice
Everyone else is using a controller
Games are less filled with snipers which is only a positive
I've never needed "auto-aim" or aim assist, in fact it only gets in the way by slightly moving my cross-hair and throwing me off
>plebs aren't accustomed to both
I feel like console FPS player communities are higher, more consistent and last longer.
I have an amazing PC but after seeing how communities die out so fast on PC like with Battlefront 1 and Battleborn (are Battlex games destined to fail?), it makes me afraid to adopt anything on it. So I'm going to be grabbing Titanfall 2 on PS4 because people might actually still be playing it after a month.
>There are some console players unaware that aim assist is very much a thing
Its about depriving an opponent of resources. Being in the right place at all times, to steal all resources and starve out an opponent. So even if they are as fast or have better aim you can beat them by minimizing target in your movements, out maneuvering with rocket jumps or other things, and keeping them off pick ups.
Speed is needed, but it won't save you if they are better at taking over pick ups or getting to vantage points.
I almost feel like you are advocating console camping gameplay as a special skill set. But I still remember some cheap ass spots in Halo that allowed a sniper to dominate a map, where a precise nade through on PC would have ended it. And I watch console friends struggle in Overwatch against turrets because they can't aim at them well enough.
Something like Gears of War or ME works fine on console, but a console FPS only works done in a narrow few ways with few exceptions. There is no, but consoles do this better to it, because you could make it on PC too. I don't say it to shit on them, I grew up on consoles, but it was a great change and more variety I wish more got to experience.
Dude FPS that existed before Nvidia and ATI/AMD were a thing are still around.
Explain how you can plant a bomb on an mcom, reload your weapon and fire it and stick on a gas mask at the same time without a keyboard.
I used to be like you. Now there's no going back. Aiming with a mouse is so fucking great. It really uncaps the skill ceiling. You can just put your reticule where you want it, not like console where you have to push on the thumbstick the right amount in the right way and rely on a softlock. Imagine how you used to play goldeneye with that fucking stupid N64 controller, and how it used to be so easy to do, but now you go back and wonder how you ever fucking played it.
Is this a bizzaro post?
There are 22,000 people playing CS 1.6, a 16 year old FPS on steam right now. Show me a single console game that is that old and has that many players right now.
like fucking a girl in the pussy
but the girl is a trap
and the trap is fucking you in the ass
t. trap expert
Name FPS games that would be awful or difficult using a controller.
Now name a single FPS that would be the same with a mouse.
around 24
Like Paralympics.
Easier and chiller overall. Less shittalking and ranked players who've lost all control of their life due to the party chats and muting.
Some games feel better on console than PC, especially modern CoD and I miss games like Timesplitters where aiming was its own thing and console focused.
I'd only play an FPS on console if it felt like the devs were focusing the game for controllers like CoD/Halo/GoW.
I think he is on about modern FPS games which most PC players drop immediately to go back to the GO/Overwatch grind. I do the same I don't take a chance on the next multiplat FPS because chances are the PC community will drop it. Only one I picked up was R6:Siege which has done surprisingly well but it always feels like it's hanging by a thread.
Makes no sense unless you're Australian or something. All you need is a couple of populated servers in your area for a game to not be dead.
The only time a game can be declared dead is if it literally had no populated servers in your area.
no but i'm not a millionaire who can justify spending $6000 on a toy like terry crews just to get sixty f pee s, so i have a PS4 Pro.
theres a shit ton of people playing siege especially since the sale and confirmation of another year of updates
No worse for wear.
$1500 for a 5 year investment. Cheaper games(or free if you're like that), no pay2play online. Better controls, better sound and grafix, a much better experience from all those plus higher resolutions and frame rates lets you appreciate the games more.
Then you have many games from different generations so you don't have to go up in the attic to grab your SNES or PS2 and have to set them up to play them.
That or you could just spend $400 to play Uncharted 4 and Killzone at a more stable frame rate.
PS4 is $300 for a 10+ year investment that plays more good games than PC :^)
wat. using a mouse is one of the most frequent things you do. wat
like shit. i have no pc, but i refuse to play shooters on console. autoaim is not saitisfying
It feels good because you actually press the triggers to shoot and your controller vibrates.
Aiming is nowhere close to using kb+m though so I'd never play an online shootan on a console
they have aim assist for a reason.
Actually it feels pretty easy. Since the console is doing most of the work for you, you just have to move the stick roughly to the enemys direction and it gets all the headshots for you. Cant imagine the hard work on PC with aiming myself to the exact pixel...
>mfw I tried to masturbate this way once to capture the feeling of someone giving me a handjob
Shit I was desperate
if you say you are alot better on console then on pc and that people on console arent just shittier
plug in a controller to your pc and try to play a multiplayer fps game on pc with a controller
good luck
6k? did you look at the gold-plated model? if you research a bit, you can get 5-8 years of fine gaming for 1k. without the need to pay for online, moddable games and the tons of other uses a PC has. and at the end of every gen, i like to get the cosoles for dirt cheap, if some exclusives were intersting
I found the thumbsticks on the PS4 controller terrible for FPS because of how short and stiff they are compared to the PS3. But I ended up finding these things
I know I'm being a shill but they're really fucking good from my experience. I can play Battlefield with the annoying Auto-rotate aim assist turned off and I raised my KD by sniping. You could probably find cheaper knock-offs of these things or thumbstick covers that add a bit of height that pretty much work the same way.
It feels like you are playing with a massive handicap on. Like you are permanently intoxicated, but without any of the fun.
you can literally see the automatic aim adjustment
Where? When?
just before you shoot the croshairs go towards the enemy and stop dead center of the enemy
its obvious that it is not you doing the adjustment seeing as how you just pulled the trigger off target
its the most obvious on the last kill however
You know when you run in a dream and it's like you're not even moving forward but rather just lean forward as you try to pick up speed.
It's a blurry view, everything feels sluggish and you can't control yourself.
Your cognitive part in your brain is turned of so you can't calculate things well, and if you're woken up from it you become angry that someone made you stop being in that dream (crying because you can't play anymore, since you're a child after all since you play on a console).
But none of those are even dead center.
Hell. The last one swipes across the guy and just keeps going after passing over him.
auto aim wont make the croshair stay in the middle constantly
it just adjusts itself towards the enemy
one video that explains aspects of it
But what I'm trying to ask is where you see this adjustment happening? On a frame by frame basis if need be.
Moving your camera view is slow and inaccurate.
Watch a console player and see how they barely look around. They don't notice stuff in the environment. It's because looking around is a chore. So developers added arrows and glow to shit so that console players would notice things. And we all know how that ruined games. Blame the analog stick.
>10 year investment
No. $60 a year for the next 4 years. You're already at near $600. Even more if you wanna play it online after the PS5 is out.
Huh. Crazy.
and this is why i hate "competitive" shooters on consoles, being a consolefag myself
people got used to aim assist and scrubs literally can't play without it so some games don't even give you the option to disable it. i fucking hate it and imo it kills any competitive aspect a game could have since it requires hardly any skill to aim
It technically works, but it's not perfect. It's rather hard to notice until you play a multiplayer game, and then it becomes apparent the kind of things you're expected to do that just become impractical with that setup.
It's far from UNPLAYABLE, but if you have the option to not do it there's really no reason to.
its smooth and fun