Before release, I was so fucking hyped for this game. I pre-ordered it and played it on launch day

Before release, I was so fucking hyped for this game. I pre-ordered it and played it on launch day.

Music was excellent, with some exceptions (battle themes).

Visuals were amazingly good, especially considering the console it was being played on.

Gameplay was a huge improvement over the original, with lots more depth.

But I still haven't beaten it. I stopped playing at the final chapter. The story was just so bad that I lost all drive to play it. It was so fucking disappointing. The original actually had an epic story that made me want to finish the game, and the gameplay was good enough that I enjoyed the play through.

Why can't I bring myself to finish this game, Sup Forums?

I seriously hope they manage to take the best things from this game and the best things from the original to make a truly great game on the switch.

i wouldnt even mind if they went even more western-open-world as long as they somehow managed to actually tell a story this time around.
id also like for them to completely change the character art. the human characters actually look almost ok imo, but the humanoid alien races look stupid as fuck

Sounds like you're a faggot.

>The story was just so bad that I lost all drive to play it
Wait you stopped playing right as the story was escalating?

Are you trolling or retarded?

Whats so bad about the story anyway? I played it through and the most I can say about it was that it was disjointed. It did some interesting stuff, especially in side quests and world building.

It tries to be some crazy epic story with tons of different races and shit, but in reality, not only was the story cliched and dry, but the characters were unmemorable with exception to the main ones, who also lacked a fair amount of character. One huge problem was that the protagonist isn't even a protagonist.

But specifically, what was wrong with the story?

Elma and Lyn are the protags.

Name another vidya where humanity crashes on a planet to simultaneously hunted and survive, while fighting against the clock.

does this games story compare at all to the amazingness of xenogears?

It's like the set up for Xenogears, if anything. Leaves a lot to the side quests and worldbuilding to fill in the blanks and doesn't get nearly as philosophical

But the secondary characters are more interesting than the main ones.

but the philosophy was part of what made XBC's story so interesting.

Too many characters, none of them were likable or memorable.

Too much time spent moving around the environments.

Story in general was boring. It lacked the comfiness and character-driven elements of XC and the mindfuckery of gears and saga.

I didn't have much problem with the story until the post-credits stuff.

Now THAT was unnecessary retarded fucking bullshit, and whoever came up with that should be shot on sight.

Especially since they probably knew full well that this game will never receive a sequel. However, even if it had a sequel, that shit is unsalvagable.


XBCs story is the most by numbers JRPG story in existence, right down to the cookie cutter characters. Stop memeing

This is an 18+ site.
>being scandalized by some pretty standard shocking twists

The thing is, there's nothing specific about it. It's just generic, boring, and dry. The whole "earth blew up and now they gotta fight to find their bodies thing" was an interesting idea, but it was implemented so poorly. They made it feel so irrelevant. It didn't feel like there was a time limit.

Now you stop that, user. Go to your room.

I dropped the game after 30 hrs, chapter 5 I think, I want to pick it up and restart again. I've heard that ranged is better than melee in the game is this true? Because when I played the first time ranged sucked dick damage and tp wise.

>Especially since they probably knew full well that this game will never receive a sequel
They're working on a new game and left the last game at a cliffhanger. It's likely it's getting a sequel.

You can't be serious.
>playing games for the story
Come on

Explain your point, honestly. Your vagueness is infuriating.

Read the manual, honestly. You get the last part of your on foot arsenal after Chapter 5 if I'm remembering correctly

It depends on your weapons, your equipment and your build.


It isn't really "standard shocking twists", it's that if it wasn't for that sequence, the game would have ended on a somewhat satisfactory note. However those "shocking twists" made no fucking sense at all, were unnecessary, and it just defecates on everything the game was building up. It was horrible, not clever or shocking, intelligent, or anything at all.

I disagree and the fact it's still discussed a year on is great. We'll find out more in the sequel.

Your language kind of indicates you either aren't very good at following narratives or are just bitching for the sake of bitching.

The game lets you customize your build a whole lot, both melee and ranged can be made viable with the right equipment and augments.

Too bad early in the release a meme youtube video went viral depicting the ether blossom dance build, and now every faggot in existence believes Longsword + dual guns is the only viable build because it's the strongest. Too bad not many people realize that by the time this shit even matters, and where the ether blossom dance build shines is well into post-game, and before that longsword is just as strong as anything else, provided you take your time to set the right equipments and ability synergies.

>However those "shocking twists" made no fucking sense at all

How didn't they make sense? Throughout the game, they're hammering home that Mira is holding a lot of secrets, and the final twist is that the planet itself not only pulled in several different races, gave them the means to communicate, but also kept them all alive. That's a great twist and prime sequel bait.

I have no idea why you think I couldn't follow it. My language only indicates that I didn't like it at all, and it was poor writing at best, not that I didn't understand or couldn't follow it.

Knife and Ray Gun is the best build btw

What about it was poor? The writing, that is.

>out of nowhere
>when it was foreshadowed repeatedly
uh huh

>anime games
>good stories

>it didn't feel like there was a time limit

because faggots like you would go apeshit if the game had an actual time limit. every single game that tries that gets shit on for "muh nerves" "i can't enjoy the game at my pace" etc.

>using anything other than a photon saber

No, it was an extremely cheap cop-out if anything. We have a lot of unanswered questions, and all of them are explained as "lol muh planet" instead of "lol magic, I ain't explaining shit". This isn't "great twist", it's shit writing. And we will never get a sequel, and even if it did, it will have, I don't see them being able to build anything interesting on this.

>Not using Sniper and Longsword

It's like you WANT your battles to last more than 20 seconds when you're trying to grind augments

The only thing about that being foreshadowed was "muh planet", nothing else.

Yeah, you're an idiot.


fantastic, ad-hominem because you have absolutely no retort.

you really showed me

It was literally all foreshadowed. Stop blaming the game because you didn't see it coming
>And we will never get a sequel, and even if it did, it will have, I don't see them being able to build anything interesting on this.
>Muh headcanon
The twist was great and a sequel would build on it. If you're pissdd about being blue balled, whatever, but you're coming off like a whiney little toddler, honestly

So you didn't pay attention and don't know how storytelling works.

they aren't explained at all you mongoloid, that's what makes it a cliffhanger. nothing in game says "lol muh planet" is keeping us alive. it ends on the question "how are we alive", and it's up to you to decide what you think the answer is, until we get a sequel anyway.

You've been retorted numerous times and you sunk back on your heels and repeated your argument. That's not arguing, it's making a poor unexplained point. Like a troll.

Who the fuck are the Sumarans and why do they look like humans lads

Homs after breeding with machina and birdpeople but definitely not nopon.

because you've stopped being a weeb, and can't look past bad writing, bad characters, and "quirky" jap shit that is in the end just shit.

Is Elma

>A Ghost
>A Ganglion defector
>A Summaraan shill
>An anonymous fourth party with a vested interest in humanity surviving

Oh come on, don't tell me you saw that coming. If you really did, I tip my fedora to you, but it was so retarded I would have never saw it. Much less would I ever think it's a "great twist" and excellent storytelling.

It was a cheap sequel bait that managed to shit on everything and simultaniously made sure nothing made sense. I guess the main thing that pissed me off, and it still is, that there is very little chance we will have a direct sequel that will make the story whole.

i havent beaten it because i couldnt beat the final boss. planning to scrap my file and just play it through again this winter

I saw SOMETHING coming because nothing in the game involving Mira and survival of the various species on it was played straight. If you went in expecting it all to work out, then you didnt take heed of the warning in the narrative and side quests.

Yes, keep going. If someone has a different opinion, he must be a troll.

>shit on everything and simultaniously made sure nothing made sense
Circular arguing.
Literally wait for MSs next game, goddamn.

Where did I tell you I expected everything to work out? I expected SOMETHING sure, but not something stupid of this magnitude.

Skell combat, and the fights balanced around it were fucking terrible.

You have all the improvements in the ground combat, huge synergies and can do fun shit, then you get your skell and it's all just "press button on cooldown"

So fucking disappointing, holy fuck. If skells had been removed, and all content designed around skells would've been designed for ground combat i would've been able to see past the garbage story easily. And that's another point that you already mentioned, the story is just poop.

>Different opinion
Various retorts
To which you constantly replied
>Its bad because I said so

So yes, you're a trolling retard.

So you seen a twist coming but it was the wrong twist and not you're upset because, in typical Nintendo fashion, a studios future project isn't immediately known?

Whatever man. You've been told numerous times now why your points are stupid.

And those said it's good because I said so, wow that was hard.

No? A lot of those back up their reasoning, unlike your stupid argument.

You know foreshadowing doesn't mean it makes the nature of the twist obvious, right? It just means that an audience member could figure it out but, if not, it becomes clearer upon reflection that the writer was building to it. The game specifically and repeatedly talks about unusual planet-wide effects including mental manipulation and technological barriers even extremely advanced civilizations can't get around. It talks about potential problems mims could have with latency and how that isn't an issue. It constantly harps on life and death and the cheapening through an easy fix in the near future. If you do optional content before finishing the story, you also know humans have been working on a failsafe project in the event of something happening to the lifehold. These are all strong indications that there will be a twist directly related to the lifehold and the status of humans by the end of the story.

I also backed up my reasoning, but those are "stupid arguments" because you don't like them.

Even if you take that into account, the whole lol you were dead all along, the only thing that kept you alive was muh planet ;^) was just too much for me. You can argue in favor of it, you can rationalize it, you can even say it was foreshadowed to some extent, it was still a very stupid and felt like it was a twist for the sake of a twist and a sequel bait. You don't just throw something like this at the very end, and then maybe promise to elaborate in a possibly non-existent sequel. Some people might be cool with it, I definitely am not.

That isn't what the twist was though. Those are two separate plot points.

Your reason for the writing being poor is "the writing is poor" and your reason for the twist being poor is "the writing is poor". Stop trolling

>Skell combat, and the fights balanced around it were fucking terrible.
Literally don't exist

I wish more people understood this. It means even more when you go back and replay it.