Do you shit talk in online games Sup Forums? I can't stop myself, it feels really satisfying when it gets under the enemy's skin
I was on a community sever for TF2 and everything just micspammed Youtube Poops.
I shit talk my retard teammates more than the enemy. Atleast the enemy is a competent fight, teammates are just beyond saving.
>Don't heal
>Don't get on the point/capture the objective
>Don't finish off low HP enemies and just let niggas escape as easily as possible
>Waste their ultimates/best power/whatever
The list goes on.
Yes, I do. Ever since 2007 in Counter Strike
Nowdays I do that mostly in
Dota 2
Anyone want to play 3v3s?
I actually do that as a brain attack DURING a game. When something goes well for us I say gg easy and then the enemy starts playing much worse as I imagine them like pic related, and then we win.
I shit talk back if somebody is doing it to me, but for the most part I just tend to say gg and actually mean it, I do shit talk my own team more than the enemy though, especially in games like OW where you rely on the IQ of your teammates. If it's a game where you fight for yourself and don't have to depend on your team, then the only person I'm allowed to shit talk is myself.
>enemy skin
lol, i shit talk to teammates in shit games like HotS
its fun and hate inducing
In my experience, the "gg ez" guy is always on the bottom third of the scoreboard
>brain attack
Oh I'm laffin.
dude, can u literaly MIND HACK people??
it's called making them go on tilt. i think.
All the better to enrage you with
lol what
then there's the people like me that remain silent or ignore you while watching you go nuclear
I wasn't about to spend 5 min googling the exact term
>guy starts shit talking and spouting nonsense at the end of the game
>nobody replies or acknowledges what he's saying
>shit talker looks like an autistic retard now going crazy over something nobody cares about
it's fine. just keep attacking peoples brains.
I love to get under peoples skin with pre/post game banter. Its the best. I found that when I engage in pre game shit talking I usually play better
Do you think that i need someone to speak to in a fucking video game with random people? its just satisfying to type i dont need any answers and if i get them its even better
>Do you think that i need someone to speak to in a fucking video game with random people?
well, you replied to me, didn't you?
save it for the vidya, lads
There's nothing more satisfying than ignoring bait and watching the faggot bait harder, I can almost feel their skin itching as they crave my reply like a junkie.
>Someone on team spergs out at you.
>Just say "Calm down nerd".
>They either go quiet or continue to sperg out and make a tit of themselves.
Works everytime.
>and if i get them its even better
make me happy erry time
>implying I don't play like a bigger shitter when someone in team starts talking shit about how were losing.
>implying the team isn't just fueling your anger on purpose because you're the only guy acting like a bitch in qp
Or they decide to completely ruin your chance of victory if possible in the type of game.
Only if the enemy had been super cancerous. Otherwise I don't get satisfaction from just fucking with people.
I don't think everyone is out to get you/everything is bait, man.
too fun, especially when they know they are bad.
Post some good logs
>shitters on enemy team think we're cheating
>lol that's it you brought this on yourself enjoy the loss :)
>toggle on everything
>lol gg ez so ez
You could say I'm a big meanie.
I never actually shit talk unless the enemy shit talks me, then I throw it back in their face after I win.
It always ends up in a disconnect.
I prefer triggering people with my online name and having them dump their built up salt on me. Playing Rainbow Six: Siege, most of the salt comes out of no where with people calling each other fuckheads and retards.
Not my fault they're childish. They wanna throw a tantrum it's fine by me, if anything I'd feel sorry for them.
It's a possibility but spergs usually are the shittiest players as well so not much performance is lost.
I think 'big autist' would be more fitting.
Ah, here's one of my victims.
Mad you got farmed?
Yes, It's called the rage tactics. Only master trolls will do this action and risk their own stats.
> faggots start to teabag you
> just roll your eyes at the child
> take more pleasure when you put them in their place later on
Best one was when a Reaper teabagged me (Despite the fact he didn't do anything but get frozen while the rest of his team saved his ass). A couple of minutes later he goes for Die Die Die in the middle of my team and just gets an icicle to the face before he can actually kill anyone.
>I'll lose, that'll show him!
What about the other people on your team who aren't being faggots? Kill yourself, tubby
>guy keeps ripping on lvl 11 newb cuz he keeps choosing tracer
>"calm down dude its quickplay let him learn the game"
>guy keeps bitching and moaning
>suggest we all go tracer
>entire team goes tracers except that one guy
>we lose but have fun while guy is losing his lid
It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside when a group of strangers come together to piss one guy off
I never, ever have chat enabled if it's an option because people like you get under my skin lel.
I only play the shit-talking game if someone else starts it, and usually by focusing on things they did or said that are clearly wrong/retarded
I got a little sick of shit-talking after playing a lot of J-Stars with the mic on. Nothing but poor teenage nigs on that game and they can't help but shit-talk constantly because their self-esteem is so low. I'd often brutally harass them after they called someone "illiterate" when they meant "ignorant" but it got old eventually.
BF4 might have some of the most retarded moderators in an online game. I got banned from my favorite infantry server for saying jew.
that shit's the best
i hate when the more experienced players shit on the new ones instead of giving them good advice, never made sense to me
yes, it goes something like this
when i get rekt: “?”
when i wreck somebody “?”
ez and effective
It's fucking quickplay. Never expect anything from a team of randoms in quickplay.
Of my group of friends, 3 of us shit talk in chat 90% of the time and the rest of us either don't at all or just in TS.
Also the 3 guys that do it are black, which we bring up every time they do, for a laugh.
Really makes you think.
so simple. love it. im stealing this
i dont trash talk with words
>dude is being a dick on the other team
>play mcree
>forget about the objective and just spawn camp him to oblivion
>he switches to winston or roadhog and gets his team to come back and help him kill me
>run away, wait for him to switch back
mad ting bruv
Ranked fucksticks ruined that shit. QP is now just a waiting room for teams waiting to play Ranked or warming up.
No one plays No Limits because its a mode based around fucking around instead of just wanting to play the game like normal only without the pressure of try harding like fuck.
I do this but with Tracer because she tends to aggravate the opposition more with her presence alone.
Yeah whenever someone starts shit talking in chat its just a free reign to it even more. Actively seek them out and "wave" at them when they die.
Someone last night was going tits because I kept landing Mei headshots, that just made me Mei harder.
>wanna try out sombra
>go to quickplay
>realize they added hero limit to quickplay
>don't own ssd and can never load in quick enough to lock her in
>10 minute queue for no limits
is sombra fun?
>playing LoL
>playing illaoi
>enemy top laner gets lee sin to gank at level 3
>grab lee sin with E, proceed to slap all 3 champs with a tentacle, my two lane tentacles slap them as well and my W slaps them again
>they fuck off with 10% HP, i'm at 50%
>go back to farming and go back and grab the hammer part of BC
>come back to lane, get 6
>they go to gank AGAIN
>lee gets the perfect combo and kicks me
>away from his laner and towards my tentacles, but they still keep fighting for the kill
>grab lee again, ult all three "champs"
>mash W and Q
>they die, I take fuck all damage
>type "no" in all chat and go back to farming
It's so satisfying being able to outdamage a 2v1 gank and just listening to a Riven and a Lee-sin froth with rage for 15 minutes about how broken my champ is.
If you play a game dominated by poor black people they shit-talk constantly and for no reason. They're also really bad at it somehow, extremely uncreative. They're also very bad at comebacks that aren't to basic shit like yo mamma jokes.
Yeah, I've been banned for the most retarded shit.
I was on a US server and had someone shit talk me, teabag me and constantly attack me but when I said "faggot" once I got banned.
To my knowledge, that faggot is still playing on that server nowadays.
Fuck BF4 crapmins, I'm glad that in BF1 server owners have no power.
I only shit talk when my own team is being a bunch of worthless fuckwits. If I have to pull their weight they're going to hear about every second of it.
I don't care how good or bad the other team is.
>people who talk trash are usually shitters
>people who are good are humble and usually critical of their own plays
Really makes you think
>playing on team that's not working like a team
>we're getting crushed
>no heals anywhere
>shitty zen switches to mccree
>say "OK, guess I'll go support for you guys!"
>go Symettra
>gold elims, silver damage
>we end up winning
This happens way too often
/mute all is the only way to play any game
dunning-kruger effect
You slipped up. Reporting you and the rest of anonymous to the fbi.
You mind hacker. I hope you rot in jail.
>some guy says gg easy after we win
>he did fucking shit all the entire game and was easily the worse player of either team
enemy talking shit doesn't bother me, but this shit ruffles my feathers to no end
Not really. I sometimes fire back when someone messes with one of my friends and they had it coming, but that's rare.
My friend do it constantly though and it's always embarrassing as fuck.
Straight up pre-school type shit like "X country sucks!" and "you misspelled that word haha".
I do this all the time precisely because it annoys autists
no, I don't see the point in antagonizing random people in video games
Short, simple responses are the best.
>Playing CSGO for the first time in months
>get ranked, but still play like ass
>playing with a team a few ranks lower than me
>get 3 kills in a row after pistoling their AWPer down and getting a no scope kill point blank
>they try to trash talk back, saying that was the only decent thing I've done
>we end up tying out
>I type "gg ez"
>half their team loses their goddamn minds once they see my rank
Feels good. The only good way to shittalk is to be subtle. Too much and it comes off as try hard. That or you need to constant;y point out the one area they're weak in. I love saying "where's you're card?" at the end of OW matches if my team shittalks me.
I've seen legit good players do both. It's always a bummer seeing a good player be a stereotypical perma-virgin nerd who says shit like "wooow you guys are sooo baaad" or seeing them be a stereotypical bro stoner douche who talks mad shit in a non clever way.
Still, the chill ones are bro as fuck.
play like shit?
it's fun
Why do people get so mad at that stuff?
I've never understood it.
When I'm drunk I'll tell complainers to fuck off or shut up, but usually I'm pretty tame online.
>tfw top of the scoreboard by far and shit talking both my team and the enemy team
yes I scream into the mic as loudly as possible
no im not a fucking idiot but I get drunk and say retarded shit a lot of the time but even if i completely shit on someone im not gona rub it in their face
if we win but I did bad I'll say it
otherwise I only talk shit when I'm doing well
A mega faggot in other words.
because it seems like you don't care while they are tilting/tryharding
I always say gg easy after winning a close game because it's guaranteed that someone will get triggered
Maybe it's because I never try that hard and I don't really care if I win or lose as long as the match has been interesting then.
I'm not autistic, so no.
As I say to my team mates and enemies, you can talk to me when you're not at the bottom of the scoreboard.
>tfw typing "I'll come first" at the start of the round then going on and doing it
do this in Battlefield 1 because it's so fucking easy
>Enemy team accusing you of cheating.
>When you're obviously not.
Is there a better feeling
Will Overwatch go on sale this holiday? I wanna buy it for a friend but not full price on PC.
I learned something recently
nothing gets to shittalkers like not carring, but still talking
I think I gave a lenny spammer a aneurysm one day just by being baked and casually comment on the match without really directly addressing him
at the end of the day, treat them like (you) addicts and you win the social "battle"
I don't talk shit, but I can't lie that there's a certain level of glee seeing a player rage quit solely because of you.
> Find a Sombra teleporter
> Wait next to it with D.Va
> She warps there with a single bar of health
> Easy kill and a rage quit
> Be Symmetra
> Oh shit, two Winston's coming for me at the same time (This is old QP for the record)
> Pharah rocket softens them up, and I finish both of them off as they slap down shields and try to tickle beam me to death
> I just take a seat over their bodies
> One quits and the other sits in their spawn for the rest of the game
> edgyname420 has been killed by Mercy/Symmetra
> edgyname420 has left the game
Or you know, whenever they press the talk button.
>Roadhog player talking shit
What a surprise
>it's another "I WAS GUD TEAM WAS BAD" thread
The best BM is simply getting potg. The enemy goes widow to counter your widow, and your play of the game includes doming her? That's fucking trash talk my dude.
speaking of things I never understood
>someone insults someone's
>"my mum is dead m8"
what is he trying to acomplish? is he trying to make the other guy feel bad for talking of his dead mom? I honestly never understood that reply.
>defense on Gibraltar
>team insta locks hanzo, widow and sombra
>pick Mercy since I'm not gonna be that guy who does not work for the team
>we get completely crushed on first checkpoint
>if we gonna loose I may as well practice with some hero I dont generally play (main tank or healslut most times)
>pick Genji since I have never played him before
>at final checkpoint we manage to stop their onslaught and win
this game lacks sense
Shit talking has been a legitimate strategy since forever.
The ones who complain about it are probably the ones who think participation awards are the best thing you can get.
>tfw you get banned from the server because everyone thinks you are cheating
Hanzo/McCree who can only land 1 shot at a time confirmed
>that one kid who talked shit online
>went to a local session
>got fucking BODIED 1v1
>the guy who beat him was twoce as big as him and was acolding him the entire time about keeping his mouth shut if he has nothing nice to say
>one guy gives to kid a talking to in the corner after it's over like a camp counselor
>rest of the night is nice
Fucking glorious
damn, now i miss the party van days