>craft adamantium armor
>hardmode mobs still push my shit it
what's the point of defense if I can still die?
Terraria bullshit
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Don't get hit.
Tank&Spank died way back when they introduced potion cooldowns.
I'm playing on extreme and I can handle the random mobs but the hardmode bosses just rape me a new one even though I have what I assume are the best tier magic items and adamantium armor
I'm going to try again in a few hours after my newest batch of moondrops are harvest and I can mess around with some new buffs
how the fuck is that image even made
>what's the point of defense if I can still die?
instead of dying in one hit, you die in two.
Terraria is one of the most shit games. Armor serves nearly no purpose in that game. Meleeing bosses is near impossible.
And it's boring as fuck
why did people start calling them mobs instead of monsters?
It was originally an MMO thing that just caught on, I think
its an old MUD term that means the monster is mobile
hence mob
I thought it was a MMO term, you learn something new everyday
>Armor serves nearly no purpose in that game
How about you actually play the game
God damn I miss MUDs.
Terraria VR
When a monster patrols an area, it's "patrolling" hence "mob"
New character server on Gameranger?
"Updated. New characteres, pls."
Why is Terraria such an amazing game?
What's a MUD?
I've only ever heard that term used when it was talking about the early stages of RuneScape development.
underage pls go
A lot of side grades. Each play style is pretty viable, and sometimes you won't find a particular item so you learn to appreciate another. This time through I didn't find running boots, horseshoe, grappling hook, balloon, double jump bottle, or anything except the grappling mega man wall slide item. It was fun after a little bit. Had to make my vertical tunnels 3 wide so I could escalate properly, and I did die a few times sliding down and then getting hit by an enemy and falling to my death
Being able to solo the game as a summoner, or as purely ranged, or purely melee (admittedly the later hardmode melee weapons are all projectiles) is pretty cool
Are there any mods that fix the crafting system?
just google "mud acronym" mate. First result and you don't have to look like a child
I haven't played since the last big update.
I usually play with friends but there's always an issue of one of us feels like playing but the other doesn't or is busy at the moment and doesn't want us to play without him, or 2 or 3 out of like 6 of us play the server themselves and the rest come on and they already have all the cool stuff.
I've never beaten the game on my own, maybe I should try.
How the fuck do you beat Skeletron in expert mode? I'm so much fucking stronger than I should be but he always ends up touching me while spinning and now oh look I'm trapped in his face and I'm dead.
How do I into potions? I don't want to fish.
here's two examples
First only uses magic weapons
Second is beating expert mode skeletron on the first night
I think all of the good potions need fishing. The hard part is finding the proper biome for each angler quest.
It was a pain in the ass to start. Need to make a bait farm, switch out your angler set for your regular armor set, make a safe area so enemies can't reach you while fishing, only being able to turn in 1 a day.
but then when I need something like Ebonkoi for a wrath potion, I spend 8 minutes fishing and get a few. Then take all the items to an Alchemy Table which has a chance to not consume ingredients. You use fewer potions than you think like wrath or rage, it's once in a while for a boss
Thanks user, that second example is really helpful. I hadn't thought of using life regen items in the arena. The multi-layered arena is also way better than what I was doing.
>bait farm
Just get a few worms and combine them with stars. Make sonar potions. If you have access to it, extractinate for a bit of amber and make crate potions. If you have access to it, crispy honey for a few fishing potions, but only the sonars are really necessary.
Ideally, you should get more bait from crates than you can actually use with your sonar potions, especially once you get the Sitting Duck's Fishing Rod.
>finding the proper biome for each angler quest
Make your own. Dig and fill three pools, one at surface level, one in the sky, and one at cavern level. What you do is place enough snow, or ebonstone/sand or crimstone/sand or pearlstone/sand or jungle grass in an isolated area, literally one block away from changing the water's colour, then set up a receptacle where you can place the block that tips it over and changes the biome.
Alternatively, you can get Flower Boots, stand on jungle grass, shoot a flare at your feet, and just keep swinging a net to get loads of bugs.
>fill three ponds
that's just what I like to avoid doing, it's so duplicating water
and I was thinking he didn't want to open crates for the same reason I don't, to save them for hardmode ores. Now that I beat the wall of flesh and opened my crates, I have so much bait but no reason to use it because I got all my armor and upgraded anvil/forge
Any tips on how to make a decent looking snow cabin? I've tried layering and mixing boreal with grey brick and placing snow on the roof, but it always comes out rather plain.
I'd post a picture if I could, but I'm a bit busy.
Amber torches. You're welcome.
gathering every possible buff you can is really the difference between getting bodied and winning handedly
expert is garbage
Expert is the only way I can enjoy the game anymore. Everything exploding with a slight glare is ass to me.
To each his own, I love playing melee and I prefer fighting bosses without arenas so expert was not fun for me
You'd think it'd be more fun given the first boss gives you an item that lets you bump into enemies on purpose to damage them.
You could try playin without armor. Before expert mode was introduced, I managed to get to plantera without ever putting on any armor
Oddly, of the mechanical bosses, destroyer became the hardest since it's tactic is whittle-spam that you can't take as an armorless dude.
Man all these years I thought it meant mob as in a mob of monsters. I first started using it back in vanilla WoW when CC was important. They'd tell me to go sap the mob, as in reduce the size of the mob that will attack us.
>there are people who need to rely on magic in this game
Maximum pleb. Ranged+melee master race. Puny wizards need not apply.
>Make your own. Dig and fill three pools, one at surface level, one in the sky, and one at cavern level. What you do is place enough snow, or ebonstone/sand or crimstone/sand or pearlstone/sand or jungle grass in an isolated area, literally one block away from changing the water's colour, then set up a receptacle where you can place the block that tips it over and changes the biome.
Is there a guide for doing that correctly? That sounds like an amazing idea.
I used this video once. It's the same principle, this ocean one can be your surface one, and then you can do the same thing up in the higher layer and another one in the underground layer. It'll just require a lot of digging to empty out a space large enough to mimic the size of the ocean
Here you go
>who need to rely on magic
>When melee has the most broken weapon class ever introduced and ranged is the most reliable and straightforward "click to kill enemy"
pure ranged >>>>>>>>>>> all
>mimic the size of the ocean
Yeah, no. Only the ocean needs to be the ocean. Anything else is a fairly small pool.
Measure out a 30x10 pool space. Or any other dimensions, as long as it totals 300 or over.
Fill with water. You can do this easily by setting up a duplication hook. X is block, O is air.
Either just hold down or rapidly click in the tile of air just above the J's left hook.
The idea is that some water will go into the hole on the right while some will spill out to the left, always leaving enough for another full bucket.
Once you've filled your pool full of 300+ blocks of water, set down 200-ish blocks of ebonstone nearby. Preferably floating in the air. Once the water and music change colour, remove blocks one by one until it goes clear again. Any time you put down a block of ebonstone, it will change from purity to corruption. The same general principle applies to other biomes, although how many blocks you may need might change.
For early game jungle, you can use jungle grass. This works best if you have flower boots. Stand on some jungle grass with flower boots then fire down a flair, so it'll keep eating the plants you grow while you stand there, shitting out seeds.
Enclose the mound of mud once you've got enough of it seeded with jungle grass to change the biome. Leave no outer edges exposed, or else vines or plants will tally up the jungle block count and change the biome without your say so. Use seeds on mud to raise the count.
It's really that simple. Shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes for the pool, and maybe another 5-10 for a few masses of blocks.
>most broken weapon class
Then why does it consistently have some of the worst killtimes? Please. That extra defence means so little as to basically be nothing.
Oh good, I saw the thread last night but couldn't find the picture I wanted.
Rate my base
How old are you? Do you know what Photoshop is?
Just use a rope you fucking retard
How are the last two updates, the desert and that crossover one?
i see loss
>Shit talking magic
Opinion disregarded
guady as fuck/10
I tried something like that at first, but a house made of only boreal seemed too plain. But the simple design is nice so I might try to mix around materials to see what works.
mah nigga
Terraria Otherworld when
Ah shit, how did I not notice that
>Melee master race
>Had to introduce magic throwing weapons because it was impossable to use straightforward physical damage and survive
>Ranger is ultimate babby tier
Tried to use as many different types of building an furniture as possible and match NPCs appropriately, I agree, I made it a while back and it is kind of a clusterfuck isn't it
here's an above ground mushroom biome I made a ways to the left of that base
not pictured in the first one was the gold vault I attempted to make for Scrooge under the left side and the supply depot under the right side
This. I still love Terraria but I'm ready for something new. Especially since it doesn't look like it will murder my eyeballs like Terraria does, I have to spend everything but boss fights with my resolution tiny as shit.
Looks like you need to add an observation room on the right hand side or something. Way too rectangular really but the tiny mushroom house looks good.
>Then why does it consistently have some of the worst killtimes?
Yoyos are safe as fuck, are easy to get and have great damage. Lategame you're basically unkillable and with the Terrarian plus some accessories you'll probably have the highest DPS in the game minus the Last Prism which is impractical as fuck thanks to its huge mana cost
Now's a good time. There is more content than you might expect.
>Post-EoW/BoC : Four earlygame sentries for Summoner, a 1-in-8 chance of getting an weapon that throws ale if your tavernkeep dies, two new pets.
>Post-First-Mech : Upgraded versions of those sentries for hardmode, four new summoner hybrid armour sets based around sentries with set effects built to further improve a specific sentry, four new non-stacking accessories (with vanity potential) that boost summon damage and add an additional sentry, a new light pet, three melee weapons, a ranged weapon and a magic weapon, all of which either have new passive effects or alternate functions on right click.
>Post-Golem : Further upgraded versions of those sentries for lategame, three upgraded versions of sentry summoner hybrid armours while one of them becomes a purely tank sentry summoner armour, each of which further improve specific sentries again, wings, two melee weapons, one each of ranged and magic weapons, again with passive effects or alt fire.
The lategame summoner tank armour has nearly double the defence of Stardust armour, plus massively improved life regen capabilities.
Server on Gameranger.
"Updated. Fresh characters, pls."
Oh good a Terraria thread
Pick which one is the best girl.
And if you pick mechanic cudos for having fantastic taste
An infinity +1 weapon gained from defeating the game's final boss. It can't really be said to be representative of the class as a whole.
>Last Prism
Again, an infinity +1 weapon.
You've beaten the game at that point. Those arguments are kind of poor.
Early to mid game yoyos have a limited time, range, and number of hits and can't really be used for the entirety of melee progression given that there are other weapons which are superior within the class.
That's endgame you fucking nonce
You're not so much cucking the goblin as forcing yourself upon her, as she has an active interest in the goblin. Good job becoming a molester/rapist.
Bases her entire life around an unsafe work environment. Your dick, never mind any potential child, would not be safe around her.
Not interested at all. Fucks trees.
>Party Girl
Irresponsible and probably likely to fuck other people behind your back.
Best possible choice.
Ideally I'd go for Mechanic but she's spoken for, but Stylist is a 10/10 herself. Will have the most handsome child with the best-coiffed hair in the school.
You can fuck all the mechanical bosses with the stormbow and holy arrows if you get desperate. Otherwise just get better at playing keep away - mobility is very important.
Defense is very helpful, but stacking defense just means you CAN take a couple hits, not that you should. You still want to avoid being hit when possible but stacking defense helps a ton for planteras leaf things for example.
What is wrong with it?
Rope is gay and enemies still knock you off of it. It's more fun to actually play the game than slide on your shit string
it was used in MMOs years before WoW when things like aggro and threat didnt exist as mechanics
>enemies still knock you off of it
Angle yourself back onto it then. It's better than the extreme tedium of having to hop back up and down over and over.
>Early to mid game yoyos have a limited time, range, and number of hits and can't really be used for the entirety of melee progression given that there are other weapons which are superior within the class.
Doesn't stop them from being a safe, ranged option with no cost whatsoever with plenty of accessories that boost their perfomance avalaible
stylist > mechanic > dryad > steampunk > nurse > barneyfag
Point is, they hardly make melee the most broken class in the game when they themselves are fairly lacklustre.
that's playing a platformer. All you need is wooden platforms, that's all we had before rope was introduced
i'm not saying it doesn't have a use, I'm saying it's more fun to build walls and jump across platforms than to ride a rope
I wish there was a summoner/sentry set for the event. At least the accessories exist to give an extra sentry.
I guess that Valhalla Knight armor would still be nice with a pygmy necklace, necromantic scroll/scarab, and a summoner potion.
Steampunker, stylist, and the nurse are the best.
The only yo yo I didn't like was the earliest one, the wooden one. Once I got the next one, I was sold. Then I found the yo yo string, and the skelerton NPC that sells the weights and it became so much better.
Going back to swords or other "melee" weapons like boomerangs is a downgrade
>Implyong being a monster is a bad thing
You spend the entire game weeding out the competition and making yourself stronger. If I wanna be a devil king with a harem on a throne of broken bodies nothing can stop me.
I don't agree. Ropes are the best option for a hellevator these days, given that even if you're knocked off one as you're sliding up or down, you will only count as falling for the length that you were knocked off, reducing pointless deaths and fall damage in the extreme, while also being a faster and less tedious way to move about. Making rope coils so you can climb spots just a bit higher than you can jump without having to fuck with the environment too much is far more visually appealing and mechanically satisfying than putting a bunch of cancerous wooden platforms fucking everywhere.
>fairly lacklustre.
But they are not.
>what's the point of defense if I can still die?
>Give terraria a try
>Endless tide of enemies spawning off screen and jumping into me
Did they ever fix this?
>going back to swords or other "melee" weapons like boomerangs is a downgrade
I don't see how. Terrarian is the only yo-yo to do anything unique. Meanwhile the enchanted melee weapons do all kinds of great, useful, and incredibly potent shit.
Fetid Baghnakhs completely decimate the Destroyer, as well as a bunch of other enemies.
The Terra Blade is a decent crowd control weapon on flat land.
The Scourge of the Corruptor is one of the game's best weapons for when you gain access to it, period, and remains relevant long after.
The Possessed Hatchet is so good that I ended up using it for the Moon Lord.
Mushroom Spear. Chlorophyte Saber/Spear. All this wonderful new shit from the Old Ones' Army.
Yoyos ain't shit.
All of the post-golem summoner armours from the Old Ones' Army boost minion damage by 60%. Just throw on a papyrus scarab and necromantic scroll and you should be good.
...Why would they "fix" a core game mechanic?
Death sickle, I completely forgot to mention.
I got 3 simple steps you can follow to fix this
>1 build endless npc house
>2 have at least 3 npc's and surrounding area becomes mob free
>3 ???? Profit?
You do know rope coils are a thing, right? You can throw out like 10 rope at a time and reach father than most hooks can. It's drastically faster than using platforms.
Its unfun and serves no purpose
Git better equipment
Been sitting here for 15 minutes waiting for the game to let me play again :/
why the fuck did you go into an ice biome, at night, with no armor, 100 hp, nothing above copper, and expect to be fine?
Kill them or jump over them, jesus. Slimes don't target you unless it's night or you've attacked them.
Zombies only show up at night, which is meant to encourage you to spend some time digging down into the world early on instead of just waiting around like a fucking chump.
Maybe if you'd progressed, you'd just be able to kill them and move on.
I hope to fuck you're not playing expert on your first time, or worse yet a small world.
>Expert Hardcore Large Biome
>Die to Boulder trap
Try digging.
Make a boreal wood bow. Make arrows with stone and wood. Make torches with wood and gel. Make ice torches with ice and torches. Make frostburn arrows with ice torches and arrows. Watch most earlygame mobs drop like flies.
seconded, start digging downwards
>Meleeing bosses is near impossible.
Even meleeing the moon lord is possible, git gud
Does snow respect your fucking buildings yet?
I'm fairly sure rain does but normal-terrain is boring as fuck. Maybe if they made it so that it could snow in grassy terrain sometimes instead of making it a shit terrain I'd bother playing again, or if they made it so blizzards didn't fuck my screen while inside my house
this looks like one of those "to be continued" memes