What does Sup Forums consider to be the best Roguelite? What should I buy? BOI, ETG, RL?
What does Sup Forums consider to be the best Roguelite? What should I buy? BOI, ETG, RL?
Risk of Rain is my favourite.
I personally prefer Binding of Issac over Enter the Gungeon but Gungeon co-op is fun if you got a buddy. Not sure what RL is I might be just being a retard.
I've been have a shitload of fun with Enter the Gungeon tonight. I don't know much about the rest though.
ETG is fucking great
>Dem Sprites
>Dem game/movie/pop culture references
>Dat music
ETG has a stupidly difficult curve to it, otherwise it's my favorite of the 3
Rogue Legacy
risk of rain
>There's one where you can be Doomguy and wield a BFG 9000 and Serious Sam's Cannon and Samus's Arm Cannon and Judge Dredd's Pistol all at the same time
Why? You might as well go in balls deep and play a proper roguelike.
Just spent 6 hours playing with my friend on co-op. Can confirm it fun as fuck.
>ETG has a stupidly difficult curve to it, otherwise it's my favorite of the 3
Go on plz
I'm not him but I think he's talking about how challenging the 4th-5th floors can be.
They're insane compared to the ones preceeding.
BOI will give you the most content but relies the most on luck out of the 3.
ETG is the hardest but most rewarding in my opinion. The ammo limits are kind of a pain but dodge rolling though bullets is fun ounce you get the hang of it.
RL is worth playing but not my favorite. In my experience the magic was usually useless so you were only left with a the basic attack and a pogo while you grind for stats. You CAN beat the game at level 1 but you will most likely have to play for quite a few generations to get the stats to beat the boss fights.
Starward Rogue is a lot better than Enter the Gungeon.
Crypt of the Necrodancer
It also doesn't help that floor 1 is insanely boring.
Referring to how the enemies keep getting more difficult as you go down but your guns will never be any more powerful than when you first got them so you have almost no chance to be on equal footing unless you get lucky with a bullet upgrade or several powerful guns. It's not impossible to win, but in 9/10 runs you will really have to fight tooth and nail for a win
Dungeon of the Endless is pretty fun.
Well, since you're bringing it up I think Sword of the Stars The Pit or Dungeons or Dreadmore are good introductory games. Problem with ROGUELIKES is there are free titles with over a decade of development invested in them so nothing new can really complete except in, well, having actual graphics.
Such a good game. The soundtrack is great too
Because they are totally different genres.
Most ougelites are generally defined by moment to moment gameplay like an action game or shmup up with randomization and strategy thrown on top.
Rougelikes (in my experience) are almost pure strategy with no mechanical skill required because they are turn based.
The game is 90% soundtrack they fuckin BETTER have gotten it right
Rogue Legacy is a fun one.
Also look into Vagante.
I liked Roguelands, but don't pay money for it, it's not worth that.
And, finally, do yourself a favor and play Desktop Dungeons.
rogue legacy or risk of rain with buddies are the best