Why can't she be real?

Why can't she be real?

Other urls found in this thread:


>wanting perfection to be tarnished by imperfect reality.

>hahaha snrk... chie-san those glasses look so silly- pffhhahahaha!! it's sooo funny!! chie-san stop it hahahaa!
I am glad she is not real.

because she is shit
Chie is the only good girl in that game

She's a submissive whore


Why is she so perfect?


You tell me.

I want to stay at the Amagi Inn.

Put it back

If she was real, she would never love you

user saying it how it is

>Only Chie and Yukiko to be seen in this thread so far
How could taste be so shit around here.

Maya > All


>I went for Yukiko when I played persona 4G a few years back
>as of this year my wife is a traditionally Japanese woman with a very silly sense of humor who wants to move on from the expectations of her home life and calls me "her prince"

Well ain't that some shit

Contribute then

I love Fuuka!

I love Aigis.

That's nice,

I love ------

she wouldn't love you if she was

I need more images of her, most of my folders got dumped


He did nothing wrong

>yukiko will never laugh at your dick and then while her guard is down you plunge it into her pussy and make her cum
why live

Here friend, all the Fuuka you'll ever need.


>You will tickle torture her.

I can fap to her dorky laugh for hours.

You, I like you, you are a good friend

>Will never go on investigations with Naoto.


>You will never be with naoto

why live


Not sure.

Naoto has too many good ships.

But she is.

>Yukiko is my least favorite girl personality wise.
>everything about her design makes me diamonds.




Yeah that shit.
>long black hair
>slender frame
>red clothes

it's torture


Her personality was modified in Ultimax and Q.

All I ask is that you respect Fuuka.
Please don't post lewds of her

I want to stay in Amagi.

Alright can do, no lewds. Just bazoos.

I want Yukiko to sit on my face, pretend my mouth is her inn and book me for 5 days.

no kidding lad

forgot to spoiler that didn't ya m80

she gives out happy endings like candy

spoiler porn is just as "bad" to the hotpockets as unspoiler porn is


fair enough

Thank you user, I hope you out have a good night.
Enjoy those Fuuka images.

>, I hope you out have

It'll take awhile with this sudden lag but it's worth it for some purity






Announcing reports is against the rules too user





no :^)




There is a girl just like her in real life and some lucky guy gets to fuck her. How does that make you feel?


Feels fine because Yukiko is shit

Who's your favorite then?

Woah there user, there's a nipple there!

Also, I'll dump some best girl.

Yuko from P3

In P4 I don't actually know, Chie probably. I have a thing for tomboys.

Ah. Okay.

I like boys too, want me to poz your boipucci?

whew, that picture looked better in thumbnail than it actually does



That's nice to know but try and think of something original

Do you know how many times I've heard that joke? You're boring, user.

Not even my favorite girl, but I'd would love to work with Naoto

is it boring because some guy already pozzed you?


What did he mean by this?


That's not a nice thing to say about Chie's best friend


Chie's best friend is meat.



Why is Chie molesting that pedophile?


why cant you be realistic





I bet she tastes like steak. In a good way.