An asteriod is going to hit earth and end all life on the planet. What is the last video game you play as it hit earth?
An asteriod is going to hit earth and end all life on the planet. What is the last video game you play as it hit earth?
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The hug and say goodbye to my family game. Jesus man.
Just kidding, maybe some rocket league.
Super Mario Bros. on NES. I'd hope the meteor strikes the other side of the world first while I'm trying to play a shaky run as the earthquakes/tsunamis get stronger and stronger until the power cuts off. Would love to listen to the SMB theme one last time before death.
Breath of the Wild on Nintendo Switch. An asteroid isn't allowed to hit Earth before it's released.
preemptively kill my self, just to prove the universe doesnt have control over me game
but knowing my luck the asteriod would burn up in the atmosphere and no would would di so i'd just be awkwardly hanging in my bedroom
id shitpost on Sup Forums
half life 3
>and no would would di so
what did he mean by this?
DDR. I'll die on my feet, dancing like a madman!
Clearly he's DI-ing in Super Smash Bros Melee, but only bad DI leading to a SD.
>implying I'd be able to focus on playing a video game
I'd either be looting or raping
Why taint yourself with 3DPD when you finally will be able to be with your waifu?
Would love to see the level of shitposting this would inspire
>the entire world ended before Valve or Nomura learned to count to 3
Majoras Mask
72 hours remaining
This, probably, if there's really nothing I can do I'd honestly not spend time with people wailing and bidding each other goodbye and shit, I'm autistic to the point of psychopathy so rather than keep up appearances and fitting in with people who are breaking down emotionally, I'd rather just play some relevant vidya.
Well said
Anything as long as it's with my friends
Super Mario 64, Mario Kart, Wii Sports or Minecraft. Not kidding.
The first 3 together with my family around me, cheering me up.
I'd play a game called having an existential breakdown as it dawns on me that not only am I going to be eviscerated, all human civilization will come to an unceremonious end.
Not for nothing, but being annihlated by a giant fucking space rock isn't exactly anti-climatic.
>playing vidya in the last moments of human life on Earth
>not going out to rape attractive women
I don't think you realize how exhausting rape is. I tried to rape my gf once and I physically couldn't even do it despite being at least twice as strong. Of course, punching/KO was out of the question but still, it's a lot of work
If there's a will, there's a way.
Whats the point if the world will end? Why not spend your last time on earth doing something fun
Majora's Mask, I suppose.
Knowing the earth is ending and seeing people populating servers regardless will be a comforting thought to die to. The final chuckle.
Chrono Trigger
Probably Zelda:OoT or Halo 2/3 I guess. Can't really go wrong with those, yeah?
Lay on my bed alone like I would any other day and masterbate with Komm Susser Todd playing on an old vintage boombox next to me.
Rape and plunder
>all this faggot giving up
Fuck that, I'm getting a baseball bat and finding a hill.
If I knew it was coming I'd be too stressed to play anything. I'd just sit quietly and wait probably.
Good luck pooh. You know that ball spans thousands of dimensions and timelines at once. You'll never be able hit it
> I tried to rape my gf once
0 replies
wew lad
I'd go out and try to get laid. I'm sure there would be at least a few people willing to throw me a pity fuck.
Someone has to try.
Asteroids fall all the time. You should of said that sun fell out of its orbit, that would be more threatening.
the go out and rape girls game
he means that actually asteroids don't hit earth because they get vaporized while landing on earth and won't make big damage which is true
I've raped two of my girlfriends and it was a great time. Keep headphones around to tie their hands once you get them behind their back.
All the post about "raping someone"
It made me realize I don't belong to this board.
Seriously what the fuck am I doing with my life?! Talking to retards and rapists on /v....fuck
>should of
Some people are comfortable talking about their fetishes on an anonymous message board
I go to where the projected impact site is and welcome it with open arms.
final fantasy 7
ill pause it just as sephiroth is going to cast supernova, and unpause it so that earth gets hit at the same time the summon hits
You're right you don't.
defend women against rape :^)
It's just a gif of young jodie foster
I imagine shit would get real feelosophical.
Final Fantasy V or Chrono Trigger lel
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and hope Rayquaza will save me.
>implying there is a more suitable answer