Is the FFX remaster better or worse than the original

is the FFX remaster better or worse than the original

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PS4 version is 1080p 60fps

Better than the original.

It's way better. Only downside I can think of is some people didn't like Tidus new model

what about the PC version
is it worth it to buy or should I just emulate

Wait it's 60 fps on PS4?

Some people hate the new ost but I liked it.

Buy. PC version looks a lot better

You get a choice between the two anyway.

It's worse.

It's 30fps.

Every model is worse in cutscenes not just Tidus, Lua is worse than Tidus in fact. Lifeless eyes, less polygons, worse textures, worse animations, etc.

Emulate, it's truly a better experience.

Ignore this nostalgia faggot.

Remaster is better in every way

Subtle eye movements are gone, the lighting is worse(FFX had really good baked lighting), FMVs are cropped, and the new music is awful too.

It's not nostalgia.

Can't go wrong either way. Game really is one of the best in the genre.

>Ignoring the mountain of improvements in remaster but mentioning something about random eye movements and new music that is optional

Fuck off.


Environment textures are not coherent or consistent, the sky textures are literally always worse than the original game, there's tons of bloom that looks bad, and subtle lighting effects that were baked into some scenes/cutscenes have been removed. For instance Auron's glasses casting a colored shadow or water emulating caustics.

There are no improvements. It's just the International version with a cheating scum mode and worse graphics. When a remaster fucks up the lighting this bad you know its shit.


Also when I said subtle eye movements, it's actually not subtle when I think about it.

Also Luna's cheeks no longer puff and the characters don't express their emotions properly.


They fucked up a bunch of the music and made Tidos' sclera BLACK.

Why the fuck.

ok you won me over

so what do when i want to replay? pcsx2? do i need custom settings or just run it straight default?

Oh shit it's almost as is human connection with the characters is important for a story-driven game.

This is outdated but should you come across any issues it might help.

Enjoy your shitty 2001 game instead of the improved remaster 2016 PC game.

Fucking dumbass you deserve it.

Hd version has more content, that's reason enough to play it.

Those comparisions arent from the pc version you gigantic tit fucking faggot

>Emulate, it's truly a better experience.
t. Someone who's never emulated FFX and seen all the hilarious bugs from 1080p

>improved remaster
>Literally proven within the very thread it's the opposite of improved
>resorts to referring to the $CURRENT_YEAR


The remaster does nothing good.

No it doesn't.

No bugs.

Runs fine on it's own, don't forget to grab the Translated International version .iso

Only unfixed bug from 1080p res is the stroke around text not being implemented in a resolution-aware way, so it'd need a specific FFX feature fix.

It's worse, like pretty much every remaster. Please don't fuck up FF12, SE.


what stroke?

Prove it you dong

>No bugs.

You've never emulated it, or I guess you didn't notice that opening up the resolution throws all the models off in cutscenes.

Which music tracks sound worse? The battle theme is noisy as fuck, but I can't go back to the MIDI instruments.

OP just watch this fucking video and ignore the nostalgia fag that is rapid-fire f5 refresh shit posting

I jusr want to tell you that the comparisons he posted were not made using the HD remaster.

Gimme a minute to fire up PCSX2 yo.

Works fine for me.

Kill yourself, SE Shill.

.03 shekels have been deposited into your account

Thank you for supporting the Clinton foundation

>Please don't fuck up FF12, SE.
They made it blurry and fucked up the lighting. Overall it looks softer than FF12 on emulator, not really an improvement.

Overall it's okay though, definitely recommended over emulation but not worth buying if you can emulate.

You're clueless

These guys are going hard.

I fucked up, it's not a stroke, I misremembered, it's font glyphs.

See the little dots around the numbers and some near Tidos' name?

these webms are bullshot. what the fuck are your settings? I played the fuck out of the remake and it looks nowhere near that bad

Just emulate the international version.

The music can be fixed in the PC/PS4 version, but it doesn't fix the garbage character models.

>that font

Why do they do this?
> "Even with the 3D scenes," Kitase added, "if you just extended the image to 16:9, you'd have things like people visible on the sides in story cutscenes, waiting for their 'cue' to enter the scene. I imagine we'll have to work on quashing little things like that right up to the end of development."
>Completely ignoring that there are models all over the place when you fix the aspect ratio
Wew lad

Emulated it like half a year ago. Only problem I had was that the characters were looking,the wrong way in like 4 fights.

Holy fuck you're blind

This actually explains a lot

Update? Use another backend? I didn't have that according to memory but I can't find my emulator.

>these webms are bullshot.
What the fuck?

Lol, if you have that, then tell Auron to use Shooting Star on the Highbridge fight, he runs all the way down the arena into fucking space. Good shit.

You can fix that by clamping some value or other in the emulation settings. It's really distracting for the Yunalesca

No he isn't, FFX runs fantastically on emulator.

Haven't updated in ages, but I'm not gonna go through the rigmarole until you show me a screenshot of yours working without the issue I have. Not worth the effort for a couple dots that might not go away.

Suffers from the same thing a lot of remasters do. The technical limitations make the devs get creative on the visual style, which then adds to the atmosphere. A lot of the original FFX has an almost watercolor painting style to it especially the backgrounds. It was in between the age of pre rendered backgrounds (FFIX) and modern games (FFXII), which gave it a really cool look.

The remaster tries to do things more modern and in engine. It makes the game run nicer and it probably is stronger technically, but it also looks worse more or less the whole time.

I hate to take it to such an extreme, but it is just a 3D version of what they did to FFVI. If you play them in a void you probably won't mind, but once you're aware of the differences in visuals it makes one seem completely immersion breaking.

>No he isn't, FFX runs fantastically on emulator.
Models are all over the place, setting the tone wrong in MANY cutscenes you idiot.

"more content" has never actually been a good thing with the FF games. All the remasters and ports add a bunch of mediocre shitty end game dungeons that you can tell are tacked on. In the case of FFX it's the international version which also just adds a bunch of mediocre shit.

More isn't always better. It has more content literally, but the content isn't meaningful. Since FFX is one of the most story driven FF games, I think it's more important the atmosphere and character depictions are preserved at their fullest, which the HD version fails to do.

I'll check it if you send me your save file. I really can't find mine.

They can't be serious. They look like fucking kingdom hearts characters now

English dub, so it's shit.

Emulate the original, simply because the UI is dogshit in modern SE games.

FF in general really sucks at end game.

Inflating HP to bullet sponge levels doesnt make a good endgame boss.

That wouldn't even be so bad if they animated well. But they don't.

MGS2 does the same thing, Ocelots model in the Tanker sinking is slightly off camera and it's hilarious

Name one instance. I have saves throughout the entire game, I will load one up and prove you wrong, or concede that it's a problem. If it is, I've never noticed it.

Sure thing senpai, where to upload it?


Everything was tied into framerate and the entire game would have needed to be rebuilt for it or it would be completely broken. All versions are locked at 30FPS, there was a guy messing around with 60FPS for PC and got the opening cutscene running at 60FPS but it would require him going through and re-doing every cutscene for it.

Maybe I'm just not as retarded as you and know how to properly use an emulator.

wherever. dropbox or mediafire or mega idc

its only seems really bad because you see it next to each other. also whats wrong with the saturation?

>Name one instance. I have saves throughout the entire game, I will load one up and prove you wrong, or concede that it's a problem. If it is, I've never noticed it.
Load up the laughing scene.

Or the scene where they escape bevelle.

Or when Tidus finds out about Yuna.

You're blind if you didnt notice.

Better other than the weird faces. Great way to play the international version if you have not played it. Has the dark aeons/penance and such. New soundtrack is also very hit or miss but you can switch to the original in the options menu so its not a big deal.

PC version is really good pretty much identical to the PS4 version.

It's a problem built in to the fucking game you moron. You're blind.

FF12 zodiac age coming, will there ever will be a sequel set in ivalice?

>not loving the English dub

It's before the period where an English dub just meant the same 10 people over and over again. The dub performances are great in FFX. How the fuck can you listen to English Wakka and not think that's the perfect voice for him? Yuna's performance is really good too. These days they'd just slap Laura Bailey on Yuna, Jamieson Price on Auron, etc.. and have another extremely generic performance

Yeah. It's why I can never be bothered to do the side content. FFX has atrocious side quests. I don't see how anyone could be bothered to deal with it. At least all the broken stuff in VI is easily accessible the moment you make it to WoR.

FF just sucks at anything that isn't the core story. The minigames, side quests, endgame, etc, on every single entry are terrible.

Sorry for wasting your time user, I finally found a save(though it's not my main one, I hope I didn't lose it).

Fixed. KH2 had its text issues fixed as well.

>it's only worse because its worse
It's worse in motion, VERY noticeably terrible.

I feel the thing that differentiated FF from other jrpgs at the time was the more focused narrative so it makes sense to me that it was always weaker when it came to side content.

ist not completely perfect but still you can just press a button and play. emulators not worth the pain

I dunno about that, FF always had a focused narrative, as did nearly every other JRPG on the market, but it still botched side content and player exploration bigly

It's easier and faster to play games on emulators.

Someone post Auron running all the way to space

If you have a PC I guess

how can it be easier than pressing install and play?

For you

Wtf you have to sign up to mediafire now? Fuck that.

Checking them out now.

Worse. Reminder that this 'remaster' was done by the same chinks that did the Bamham and AssCreed remasters.

So is this game worth picking back up? I played it for a week or 2 and got through 1/3rd of the story then honestly got bored with it.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great for what is does. I like how the story actually follows the narrative of a happy-go-lucky protagonist(usually narratives follow brooding deadpan people). I also like how you need to strategize between party members instead of having a Cloud Strife/Ike-type character carry your entire team.

Although, once you figure out your teamwork and enemies weaknesses, it quickly gets repetitive. Also it's strange how that weird sports minigame gets thrown under the bus, even though it's supposed to be one of the main features of the game.

You don't have to press install. It's faster too.

Not really, it's very dated


>Load up the laughing scene.
Auron hanging out in the back
>Or the scene where they escape bevelle.
Kimhari just staring in to space next to Seymour
>Or when Tidus finds out about Yuna.
All the characters standing around out of sequence
>You're blind if you didnt notice.

mfw I only have international

PS2 version will always be best.

So was FF7 when I played that back in 09, but I still managed to have fun with that throughout the entire game.

What in the world are you talking about?

How the fuck did you get to them so fast? I'm still stuck in the cutscene where Auron's spillin' the beans

.My saves are from international.

>How the fuck did you get to them so fast? I'm still stuck in the cutscene where Auron's spillin' the beans
Speed up the emulator nigga

Better in general since it's the int version touched up, but Tidus looks off.


>Auron... Will I ever go home?

>That's up to Jecht. I'm going to offer my services to Yuna. Come.

>My saves are from international.
That's weird, it must be a different CRC or something.

I've played it like 9 times my nigga I don't need to see that shit again