How is that game coming along, Sup Forums?

How is that game coming along, Sup Forums?

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I stopped. Again. I want to make my finish these shitty projects I keep starting but I have no drive to come back to it the next day. How do you do it anons?

I plan out my projects as much as possible

Most of the time when you burn out on a game, it's because there's no plan. However, if you have actual plans and give yourself some deadlines, it becomes easier to keep working on. It feels like you're really working towards something.

Game developing is still a flexible art, though. If something doesn't work or make something great by accident, you have to work with it.

slowly building the battle look of my SRPG. camera changes are king ugly but I aim for functional first

I would have finished the engine rewrite already if i wasnt so lazy
At least i got some artists to make some assets so it saves me time

Finished revising/standardising the incoming damage (less armour etc.) system first thing this morning (started off just wanting to add fall damage, things snowballed nicely), finished implementing a flashbang-style attack just now. All the groundwork was in place for that one thank christ.

Casually adding new features whenever the mood takes me is comfy shit, fuck pressure and deadlines.

artist finally delivered on one of the final bosses's lineart!

so after I ruined it with my shitty coloring, I coded it in and I'm currently compiling to test it.

I bet there'll be like 3 bugs.

that dude's got a narrow waist

game looks pretty interesting tho, despite the super retro visuals

Force yourself. I already have to force myself to live, forcing myself to do shit like this is nothing compared to that.

Being suicidal is awesome.

>shitty projects

I think I've figured out the problem.

it's a goddess(female)

thanks bro, but if the kickstarter passes, I'll get some real artists to give the game the aesthetics it deserves.


It's funny that some people will find this name alright but to Brazilians it will sound retarded.

>Posted a game in Early Access
>Visit Sup Forums for the first time in a while
>first thing I see is this thread

yes and rip, minus the shitty flash optimization(haha)

hehehe... those brazillian madmen, am I right? hue

Show us your game user

I'd name him Zhen Yu or Jinnoh something exotic like that... but that's just me.
Right now it's low on stages, which is why it's in Early Access.
But I've already started adding more. If I really get my shit together, it's gonna be done by the end of the year.
I wanted to have it on discount intil 1.0, but, for some reason, Steam doesn't allow devs much freedom in setting up sales, and the lauch one just ended.

video games

the blood splatters need to be fixed up a bit

Looks cool user, good work

If I want to make a simple Homm clone, what is a smart way to go avout it?
Is unity to heavy ? What engine should I start off with?

Really looks cool but isn't depth perception a big issue with this?


gonna dump some webms i posted on agdg yesterday with the current state of the game.



I was going to say that it looks repetitive, but no it's just the webm looping really well.
Reminds me of the guardian legend


also, we're greenlighting in a few days.

what is the actual perspective? sometimes it looks top, others it's 3/4, and then it's sideways?

whatever suits the moment.

Making random furniture assets to fill the my airship with.

Thanks m8s

Looking good. Perspective is mighty confusing though.

Are engines like UE4 inherently resource-intensive or is it fine to use for small 3d games with low poly graphics?




Well... it used to be.

By now I've came up with several ways to make it easier on the eyes.
For one, the closer the edge of the shape is, the more transparent it gets, which both prevents it from obscuring what's going on and gives a pretty decent hint to your brain.

If you zoom in, the background fades out quite a bit.

On each bounce of the sphere, there's a "ripple" effect, showing the point and angle of impact.

And something that was actually adviced by a user while it was going through Greenlight: There's a "prediction" line for the next two bounces. (it's not in the video, cause I recorded it before adding that).

And, at the end of the day, you get more used to it eventually. By now I can perform some impressive tricks in it myself.

>want to make game
>dont know what idea to chose
>so much possibilities, so little development time

>dont know what idea to chose
Pick the easiest one.
It's still going to be harder than you expect, but at least possible.

Framedrops, and I can't fix it.

Is it caused by graphics or by the code?
If by graphics add options to reduce quality
If code then learn to optimize

How long does it take to make something like this?

At least 6 hours. Much longer if you have no idea what you're doing.

More assets done yesterday. I think I'm making the stones on the road too bright and I think I should go back a notch with the hues.

Today I'll be doing display code. I'm not sure how much of the world should be displayed at once in viewwindow yet. The tiles are 64x31 but I want that neat display effect used in Populous/Powermonger/Genesia/Utopia when you see a 'slice' of land. So I have to figure that one out.

Still thinking about the final 32+32-colour palette for the game.

For me, It took months. The time was divided into
a) Making assets (Soundtrack, Graphics, Maps, Content)
b) Debugging, fuck this. Spent these last days tracking a bug causing players to disconnect randomly.

The engine is really user friendly but not open source yet, so if you want to add extra features you'll have to wait until december.

>character has a chance of staying invisible if you attack during invincibility frames
Time to fix some bugs.

Those are really pretty
I'll get there one day

What kind of game are you making?

Esentially a City/Nation builder. Build up towns, research shit, build army units, raid the neighbours.

I've been working at this for two weeks I think? I got the idea a few days before Trump got elected and have been working on it since then

I'm lucky to have a really good programmer though otherwise I wouldn't be able to get it done


I'm tasked with making a map on my dev team. It's in Unity. I have a few questions if any anons would be kind enough to consider them:

>Can I make a 2km x 1km map, then mirror it about the middle to make a 2km x 2km symmetric map?

>Is it generally better to use the terrain tools in Unity to make the large scale structures and then model smaller set pieces?

First learn to greentext, you just look fucking retarded, and yes you can mirror a map, copy all elements in a map, copy/past, then put them all under a single empty gameobject and rotate the empty object 180.

Better to have a single big object

Been working on score and health/damage stuff the past few days, but today I'm starting to go all in on death/gameover stuff.

Thank you for your response

So this game of yours, is it about smashing barrels?


Barrels are just a placeholder object for lightweight items i had leftover from demo day.

>that character design
>that speed
>that movement
>runs like naruto
not nice

What's the easiest programming language to learn?
I want to make games but I don't know how.


I'm sorry, but it was a direct request from the artist. it's an inside meme.

none of them. if programming were easy everyone would do it. thats like asking what is the easiest foreign language to learn


Yeah I know. Fortunately the shooting part of the engine is mostly done so I can just make levels now.

Oh and one thing I forgot to mention is that this game supports multiple floors in a level similar to M&L:SS. That's not that easy to make in isometric view in a 2D engine, I've been told.

that's some really nice art direction, man.
i am completely envious of all of this. trying to model for the first time sucks.

Picture this: your arms are really thick and heavy:
Do you,
A: Sprint like a normal human bean expending tons of energy moving them
B: Just let them flap in the wind so as not to bother you

i mean you still have to deal with wind resistance and keeping your arms behind fucks up your center of gravity

Absolutely comfy, user.

The colours and perspective are good but the noise is a bit hard on the eyes. I understand using it for leaves, maize etc but I'd really tone down the grass and dirt.

too much noise senpai, but easily fixable.

Perhaps a less saturated palette?

The grass will go through another iteration of noise reduction. Possibly into 2 colours overall.

I'm limiting myself to 32 colours, already having huge problem making compromises to fit enough colours for peeps.

pretty okay
polishing up the player characters, also changed crouch to duck so its lower hurtbox is more clear

Settlers 2?
FUCK! now i wanna re install that game.

The new projectiles show pretty clearly where their hitboxes are, but the actual visuals are real "epilepsy warning" and honestly just look kinda gross, something about the colors

Nah, Populous/Powermonger/Genesia

I've done some Settler-like buildings though before. I've tried writing a clone but pathing was too hard for me.

yeah i know, right now enemy projectiles have two flashing patterns which need to be reduced to one

ah, pardon my rudeness for lacking the differs.
but thank you for waking up sweet old memoreis from a good old game!

I'm gonna start Learn Python the Hard way and then make shitty text based adventure games or RenPy shit probably.

Post your favorite game over/continue screens

for research


My programmer has been silent for a while, so I've been stuck making music

You don't program it, that is another guy?
How much programming is there and how much is the rest (excluding making assets)?
I study CS myself, so a lot of programming would be better, but it seems that the actual programing is not that much?

Let's say I borrow/steal all my assets, and with no experience in using any of this or the engines , would I spent more than 3 weeks to make a simple thing like flappy bird?
What do you guys recommend to start off with? Unity, game maker?

SoTN because audio

Construct 2 comes with a Flappy Bird template already installed.


Yup it's a friend of mine
Quite a bit so far
Have no clue what you mean by the rest though

And no you wouldn't spend much more than 3 weeks to make Flappy Bird. GMS is decent for beginning with as long as it's 2D. Go with Unity if you're making something in 3D.

that's nice

how /where do i start

i dont know how to code

Either go learn how to code (pick up a book for a language that is commonly used or go learn a easy language to get the basic grips like python) or go search for some tutorials for stuff like unity or gamemaker.

Awesome concept, I'll buy it first sale.

I want to make a game where you get stranded on a island full of deliciously thick native chocolate women.

Nice low-poly aesthetic, what did you use for texture painting?

Made some changes to the lightning weapon before I implement the tutorial for that weapon. It's all part of the post demo day todo list before I go back to working on the 3rd boss.

If you're only going to have one 2D-focused creation tool in an image it should really be Construct 2 instead of Game Maker since it's a much better fit for the job in basically every way.

what are you using?


>thick chocolate women
Godspeed user.