ITT: Games Sup Forums said were shit but are actually good
ITT: Games Sup Forums said were shit but are actually good
In what way is it good? I never played the first one and debating if i should pick it up.
>that thelemic hexagram
wow not even trying to hide it
>pic not related
Personally I think it's more appreciable for people coming off the original game because this game makes efforts to correct things people didn't like about the original game (the protagonist's personality, the lack of diverse hacking options, etc.).
So it's not "good" on its own in any measureable way, since you just tried to rationalize some false dichotomy of it "fixing the original game" which wasn't what i was asking at all?
Stupid shill.
If anything I was dissuading you from trying it since you didn't play the first game but, sure, call me a shill. Not my fault you're too dense to even understand what I was trying to drive at.
Too bad the characters are cringy, and the driving clunky.
>parking building
>drive up a upward turn
>car fucking bumps everywhere because shit physics
Jesus christ dude. Chill.
Apart from some features, when it comes down to missions its nothing like the first one. It has its own unique way of stealth with the RC drones, and infiltration is pretty satisfiying too. I've seen some anons compare it to MGSV but i havent played it so i dont know, but so far im liking it.
I mean I know you cock suck Ubisoft like it's going out style but, seriously, you should be banned for this.
Lol these dumb fucks keep copying points from their "it's nothing like the first one!!!" marketing guide even though i said i didn't play it in the first fucking post.
Look at the wording on these posts, holy fucking shit. Screencap this.
The mission variety is nice.
>it's a conspiracy!!!
Are you fucking serious?
But OP, all games are shit
>that obvious strawman
You're not worth the pennies you're paid by whatever ad agency you work at. If i was your boss and saw your hilariously out of touch HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW GAMERS posts, you'd be out on the street before the day is out.
fight me
did Sup Forums ever argue this was shit? I've brought it up as GOAT puzzle material and no one seems to care to discuss it.
No, I liked that game too.
ITT: Marketers who try to convince Sup Forums to spend 60 dollary doos on their shit games
Not gonna cause I unironically love Nep
>picture not related
$0.50 has been deposited into your bank account