now that even reliable gaming journalist are praising Sony VR, can we say it's the best VR device so far?
every fucking picture i see of angry joe the dude looks fatter and fatter
stop spreading a stupid meme, it's just the stress
>ITT: Joe being defensive about his fatass
He's bulking for fucks sake.
Are you mistaken him for someone else? it's not him and god knows what's his name
the beard is giving him this weird jowel look.
but holy shit he looks fatter.
Wow he got fatter suddenly
Who's the guy on the left
Joe"Angry Joe"Vargas
Wat no, the HTC Vive is the best one hands down.
It has the highest res display out of all the VR devices and the lowest latency.
If you don't want to spend a gorrillion dollars, then yes, the PSVR is probably a better choice, but the winner here is the Vive.
Alternate andre
>put on vr
>nothing looks like it does in real life
>it just pops out a little
psvr wins because it actually has games.
trivia: his real name is Jose
He picked up joe to feel more american
>tfw I'm the reverse
>shit gets too real and I almost panic when things are going towards my face in VR
lol no it fucking doesn't don't you dare lie on my Sup Forums. There is no VR game yet, just a bunch of tech demos.
Hungry Joe
How fat can you get?
but seriously when one of them gets an actual game that is the winning platform.
Sony is funding that shit, valve doesn't give enough of a shit and facebook doesn't really understand?
his hunger just cannot be quenched can it?
Seething Sean
>drink and eat whatever unhealty shit I want for years
>still have the same weight and body mass
>some people tell me I got thinner
Now I just need to build up some more muscles. Is the constant weight a good or a bad thing?
PSVR is overpriced as shit though, PS4 + VR + Eye and the move sticks = more expensive than a vive.
not english, but isn't "thirst" that can be quenched?
Yeah hunger gets "sated"
Expanding Enrique
>I eat because of the stress, the stress of being obese.
Hahahaha how many pesos did Sony give him?
Yes, hunger is sated.
He looks bloated as fuck. Is he ill?
The beard is supposed to hide the jowels. Someone should photoshop that shitty beard off.
I just looked at the review and he's not wrong.
ah ok, cheers
How fat does a man fucking GET?
what the fuck happened to Pissed Pedro?
It's the most well supported one so far, but is still too expensive to really be worth looking into unless you have a significant amount of excess cash.
I'm still going to wait until the second generation hardware comes out in a couple of years before I consider spending any money.
>Higher resolution
>No wires
>Better controllers
>Better software/gaming support
At the very least. I'm not gonna throw my money at this prototype crap.
>giving a shitty gimmick an 8
That's wrong as fuck.
pizza pablo
>get hot has fuck blonde gf
>turn into a hippo
Oh boy, I smell a trainwreck ahead.
what's his endgame Sup Forums?
Replace Joe when Joe ironically blows up first.
Did he get stung by a bee? I'm legit asking, it's not a fat joke.
They pay him with buckets of lard, he got 8 buckets for this review
It's a fair system
You have to be retarded to not notice the photoshop edits.This one is better than other ones, some of them are too obvious.