Why is it still getting updated?

why is it still getting updated?


RIP ;__;

he just wanted to come from the war.

why not

who the fuck pays people to update a decade old game

Its free if you own the original so i cant complain.

Its a recent release on GoG. Dunno if that means anything. Then again like a solid decade or so after KOTOR2 came out they released a patch. That's dedication.

because they're good devs

because THQ is trying to come back from the grave by remastering a lot of their old games, apparently. Excuse me, WARmastering

I never ever played an hack n slash before, if that's the correct term for this kind of ganes.

Is titan quest a good starting point?

I own the original retail copy and I still need to pay for the upgrade

That doesn't replace an actual blue item, right?

Action RPG. Also yes, Titan Quest is one of the best ARPGs out there.

is this still worth playing if you never played it and dont have any nostalgia

Anyone have the screencap of the developer dealing with idiotic shareholder demands?

it's just a random easter egg drop, has no effect on the game

I played through the Anniversary Edition last week, I still really love the game

Hopefully they will make an Immortal Throne tier expansion fir Grim Dawn

The original devs have moved on to make Grim Dawn (under a different name), the TQ IP is owned by THQ Nordic and they just released the Anniversary Edition because you can bet your ass they are going to use the IP and have someone make a Titan Quest 2

yeah i meant THQ Nordic were good. there's a lot of things i don't like about Grim Dawn in comparison to TQ, but it's still a fine game for sure

I think TQ has the better setting and a greater sense of going on a grand adventure/ travelling I still remember when I played it for the first time and made it to the wall of fucking China but I still thought Grim Dawn was great and really enjoyed it

Nordic seem pretty good, they are reviving a bunch IPs like The Guild, Spellforce and Darksiders that I am fond of, I hope they can deliver

If you like games like Diablo 2, then it's worth checking out.

>start grinning as I read this, just appreciating all the effort the devs put into this game
>see the word sexism
>immediatly stop frowning
>realize this is shit the new publisher has hamfisted in
>all that out of universe hurr I get my lawyer, muh lobbying muh corps muh sexism muh womyn in the military

Way to fucking kill the spirit. I fucking hate these people.