Haha you picked the girl character again? what's that the 5th game in a row now?

>haha you picked the girl character again? what's that the 5th game in a row now?

The goatee guy is hot

why don't you go lose some weight?

you are what you play, they say

yeah bro, she's my waifu and has perfect feet. got a problem?

>it's not my fault you like staring at manass so much

Took long enough for someone to post this lol

>le man ass argument

>projecting your sexual insecurity

fucking kek stupid kissless beta

>it's just a game bro chillax

>Yes I did.
end of conversation
who the fuck cares what gender I play as, I certainly don't

I'm lonely...

Because you're a FAG


>looking at women IRL is fine
>looking at digital women is not
The logic of autistic manbabies will never cease to amaze me. These are supposedly the "alphas" of mankind too.

Spotted the FAG

my friends are aware I want to be a girl

haha what a FAG

>want to play as a tiny girl so you can stare at her ass
>I'm the real man in this situation

pick 1 you fucking sissy faggot kek

when i play skyrim i always use chillax

man I havent seen that picture in fucking years

>want to play the 'roided male so you can stare at his ass
>I'm the real man in this situation
Pick 1 you homo

Did you also used to play with barbies you little pansy?

Kill yourself.

it's not gay

yes it is lol fucking homo pansy

>being insecure in your sexuality that the thought of staring at a man's ass scares you because you might have sexy thoughts

fucking kek you pathetic sissy faggot

why would I kill myself

>play a female hunter in Destiny
>get message
>nice hunter :)
>delete character

>haha you lost against the girl character again? what's that the 5th game in a row now?

>being insecure in your sexuality that the thought of staring at a woman's ass scares you because you're actually a faggot

fucking kek you homo

>projecting his insecurities on others

fucking kek, sucks you've never kissed a real life woman huh? fucking maximum zozdrive

>it's a first person shooter

>sexuality pissing contest: the thread
none of you have ever gotten laid.

I like to crossplay, and what?

Not him but I often play female characters and I have a gf