Is this real?
The Old Man has voice acting in Breath Of The Wild
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>that voice acting
This is literally Zelda Skyrim
It starts at 04:28
I mean, there was voice acting at the beginning of the game too.
And they did very clearly state that the old man will have voice acting, during the E3 presentation.
I don't know why this is a surprise.
>after answering one of the old man's questions, you can hear him grunting, at a volume that much more closely matches the game's, in response
>that grunt at 9:44 overlaps the "voice acting" for his line
So clearly you just decided to overdub the old man's lines with your own bad voice acting. But why?
What are you talking about? I didn't make this.
Sure you didn't.
That voice looks a like placeholder, at the very least.
It would also mean that it can't be Link from another time.
lmao he sounds like one of the oblivion NPCs
But I didn't you fucking retarded, I subscribed for this channel because of these little cutouts of BotW gameplay.
Getting defensive, are we, Raidenway?
fake as fuck
There's no sound when Link hits the ground.
I've lost 40% of my hype now, that's just straight up unfinished.
>that's just straight up unfinished
no shit
Bet you think you gonna fool a lot of people and then put it on your portfolio as proof that you sound convincingly professional LMAO
If real, then the v/a may very well make me say screw it to the game.
Then again, Zelda's voice a short time after the old man encounter is sexy as fuck.
How the fuck could you possibly think this is real?
If it, somehow, hypothetically WERE real, don't you think it's kind of odd that not one single media outlet reported on this? That the only actual evidence of it being there is a YouTube account with less than 1,000 subscribers?
What part of anything you replied to implies that OP isn't full of bullshit.
That's not a question. That's a statement.
looking at where links appears... which place this game will be in the story line? after skyward sword maybe?
I'm betting sometime after Adventure of Link.
Holy fuck that was cancer.
You cna also tell they never do voice acting because their lip synching was NIGGER SHIT.
It's Ganondorf
Screencap this. If he isn't Ganondorf I will suck my own penis somehow
>voice acting and cringy dialogue in a zelda game
Did the game leak or something?
Where did all this footage come from?
ganondorf should have an orange beard though. lame.
>Ganondorf separates from Ganon/Demise somehow and lives life as a hermit
would be pretty cool
I hope there's no Dorf at all and we just go back to classic Ganon. Tired of the Dorf sht.
I'm expecting Nintendo to pull a meme on us by giving him a couple of the engrish lines from the original, or at least saying something is the secret, or wanting to play money making game, the Nintendo-fellating nostalgia kids and streamers would love that, Pewds might even say it's worth some epic brofistery