I don't know how you guys do it

I don't know how you guys do it.

I don't know how you guys put up with the constant shitposting, the overwhelming negativity, the regurgitation of stale memes, the name calling, the shilling, the idiotic opinions, the Sup Forums bait, etc. just to experience a handful of decent vidya-related discussions

Why do you keep coming back? I know there really isn't any other better place to discuss videogames, but fuck man, this shit is really tiring and the whole "le we hate bideogames haha xD" shtick is showing its age. I really have been coming here less and less over the months, but this latest surge of retarded Conan/FFXV shit has really made me consider just giving up on this board entirely. I suppose the only reason to stay really is for off-topic shit.

fuck off

Dude lmao weed lol doood

nice blog, now time to fuck off back to neogaf and never return, cuck

If you can't beat them, join them. Dumbass.

Honestly? Its the good discussion around off-topic stuff that keeps me coming back. None of the actual video games related threads are worth the time to read them.

stfu lol

>a bloo bloo bloo
Eat a dick, fag.

>he pre-ordered final fantasy

I wish there was a place with Sup Forums's speed but with people who actually cared to have good discussion about vidya. The older I get, the more painfully aware I become of how underage most of Sup Forums is.

Metathreads are cancer.

>m-muh safespaces

I know of a place

It's my peanus weenus hahaha!

but what's so appealing about an anti-safespace?

Some user hit the nail on the head with the "Sup Forums is like porn for socializing".

It's quick, no-risk, instant fulfillment social interaction that you don't have to put any effort into to get results.

The fact that it's the best place to go for video game discussion (in those 5 minutes per week when the shitposting dies down) because you don't have to deal with retarded forum registration, post count = quality posts, or e-drama/bias that comes with regular message boards or forums just makes it easier to hang on to.

Unfortunately, this website's biggest strength (anonymity) is also it's biggest weakness because of the influx of users who don't give a shit about lurking and learning the unspoken rules of Sup Forums, they just dive headfirst in with epic memes and shitpost like crazy because they aren't allowed to do it/would get a bad reputation/downvoted on their home sites.

All that said, if Sup Forums were to mysteriously disappear one day, I probably wouldn't be too unhappy. I imagine in the next 10 years, "online imageboard/forum addiction" will be a hot topic in the mental health community.

>he thinks he can actually leave Sup Forums

What a faggot.

>eating burgers with buns nigger than the patty


see you tomorrow user

every yang must have a ying m'sir

Burgers are proof white people can't cook

Because user, with what comes with freedom to discuss games, negatively or positively, comes with the same freedom to say all kinds of crap too. There are usernames, but those are looked down upon. There are no post counts or ways to determine age or newness to the board (outside of obvious signs). Your opinion and statements have about as much weight as anyone else.

1) Sup Forums is one of the only places where people don't tiptoe around opinions because they don't want their e-reputations soiled or their good boy points taken away

2) the speed of discussion isn't really matched anywhere else

3) fairly wide array of topics in a day

4) not counting the obvious bait/retard opinions (so like 5% of the board) poster intelligence seems pretty high, but you get a lot of parroted opinions from people obviously trying to fit into the hivemind

Sup Forums has never had good memes. The reason I still come here is the same as it was in 2007, for every 20 garbage off-topic/FotM threads, there's one with some decent discussion

Take that back you shitstain cockmongling human trash heap! YOU KNOW NOTHING.

>coming to Sup Forums, the website known as "the asshole of the internet" for decent discussion

holy fuck lmao

Sup Forums is literally the place you go to shitpost and then join in on some decent discussion every once in a while.

If putting some meat and veggies between two buns is considered cooking then I'm a world class chef in your mom's bed

It's a double edged sword.

When it's shitty, it's REALLY shitty. Like... beat your head against the wall, I-can't-believe-I-waste-my-time-here shitty.

But when it's good, it's absolutely fucking fantastic. I've had some really great discussions about games with other fans in some threads, and that's addicting as fuck.

It's like being in a desert full of diarrhea and you're endlessly sifting through piles and piles of horrible shit, but every so often you find a diamond and it makes it all worth it for a while.

>Sup Forums is the asshole of the internet

yeah dude i heard it's all pedos and super haxorz!!!!!

If you come here every day and you aren't playing games in your free time then you'd better be here for shitposting. Anything else is fucking stupid.

Sup Forums in general is the only forum I've ever been on where the community didn't eventually devolve into gigantic circlejerk with everyone essentially gathering around the select few popular/funny members and sucking each others' dicks for upvotes/points/whatever.

The untraceable nature of posts here means people can say and post what they want and, more importantly, what they feel.

While Sup Forums specifically has gone through unfortunate periods where the collective has adopted a hivemind-like, unquestioning adherence to some cause or campaign or another, you eventually get people who are self-aware enough to break through the groupthink and start making fun of each other for it.

That's the thing; on other forums you risk your entire reputation and potentially membership for disagreeing too strongly with prevailing opinions. Not here. Occasionally you'll get quoted and shitposted to hell, but if your view is even privately held by others, they'll have the confidence to speak up and at least throw some differing opinions into the fray.

The community is actually in constant disagreement with itself, which I find essential to any well-balanced organization of people or colleagues or ne'er-do-wells chatting about games on the internet.

Think about the calibre of people that form the majority of this board.

so you are reaching barneyfag tier autism

jesus you are literally from r/Sup Forums aren't you?

>I wish there was a place with Sup Forums's speed

The reason that Sup Forums is shit is because of it's fucking speed, retard. Or, rather, it's popularity.

>poster intelligence seems pretty high

It's fine though

>overwhelming negativity

Sup Forums in a nutshell.

>e-drama/bias that comes with regular message boards

Instead you get the even more retarded e-drama/bias that comes with anonymous message boards.


>Why do you keep coming back?

9 year habit, and I also like trolling/shitposting.

>Why do you keep coming back?

gb2 reddit fgt

>(so like 5% of the board)

'cuz I'm not a bitch nigger.

Within the past 24 hours I have played a significant amount of MGS2, Gravity Rush, and MGS1. I can shitpost on Sup Forums and play your favorite game, fuckboy

Sup Forums is the only place that can post criticism about upcoming and newly released games, even if it is exaggerated, and also have discussions about Japanese games.

If you try to talk shit about an upcoming game on Reddit or Neogaf, no matter how warranted, you get downvoted and banned, and you can barely talk about Japanese games on Neogaf anyway



>ITT thin-skinned bitchboy
I'm a fucking redditor and the amount of shitposting isn't any better over there 2bhonest

Stockholm syndrome/"old habits die hard". I've been here since 2007 and I probably couldn't function in a normal forum environment. I rarely engage in memery, but I've said enough stupid shit in the past to know that I couldn't bear having a physical account tied to it for long. There were plenty of opportunities to leave over the years for greener pastures, but I couldn't be more than a lurker now and I've guessed I've become to comfortable with this place as painfully obvious that I and many holdouts on the older and more jaded side of the population here. It's been worse in the past, though not by much, especially with the events of the last two months.

's kinda okay if you're into retro though it's gone downhill a lot since it started. All my new favorite boards seem to be heading toward shit.

While Sup Forums and many other chans aren't safe-spaces in the strictest sense, if you go against the grain or fail to tow the line, your going to have like fifty responses telling you how much of a faggot, SJW, CTR shill of a cuck you are with Smug waifu of the month along with it. I personally don't mind as much since I know that's how Sup Forums has rolled for a long time, but I get the feeling that a majority of the population here just jumped on the bandwagon and is just going through the motions. They don't understand the culture, which to be fair, has been diluded and warped so much in the past decade that you probably wouldn't browse here these days if you time warped from five or ten years ago.

I feel you dude.

Every so often though there's a really cozy thread about a series I care about. That's what keeps me coming back amidst all the bullshit.

Off topic shit like this thread?
>Boo too Sup Forums is so shit let me make it worse pay attention to me!
Can't you just fuck off?