So I found this for $10, did I get a good deal?
So I found this for $10, did I get a good deal?
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Damn right you did.
Whats up barneyfag
Is it good? I looked it up on ebay and it said it was like $70
I likes it
you got an excellent deal if it was in good condition
It's a good game
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
It came complete.
Get killed Barneyfag
Give it up Lee
You first you hypocrite
Why did you have to shit up a perfectly good Opoona thread?
I don't even know what's going on, I just wanted to know if the game was good?
I've heard its pretty good.
However, summoned Barneyfag (some guy who trolls any thread that gets a pony picture posted) and ruined your thread, likely OP.
>summoned Barneyfag
Lee posts the images himself.
It's a lifestyle RPG, in the sense that you fight monsters (rogues in this case), but you also do tasks like gardening, walking dogs and even fortune telling. They increase your stats and developing relationships with other people will net you some bonuses as well. Without spoiling too much, the relationships are the first aspect you'll notice very early in. The designs for some of the aliens and rogues are fantastic, too.
Prove my boy did it
Sounds like animal crossing with combat almost.
Somewhat. You gotta play it to know what I mean. You can play the ukulele, too.
Yeah I mean for $10 it should be a blast.