Sup Forums plays Soul Nomad & The World Eaters

>We chased down the noble-hating thief, Shauna
>As we cornered her, she kidnapped Tricia's 'father'
>Before stabbing him in front of her, she wrenched a secret from him--he'd apparently bought tricia on the slave market as a young child, and had raised her to be his sex slave!
>I'm not exaggerating, or memeing. That happened.

What's going on?
>I'm playing through the ps2 game "Soul Nomad & The World Eaters", taking inputs from you
>What sort of party layout I use and who I name party members will be decided by you

Other urls found in this thread:

>What the FUCK is this game?
This is Soul Nomad & The World Eaters, a SRPG created by NIS(who you may know as the Disgaea company)
>Is Gig really that edgy?
>You seem pretty knowledgable.
not at all, I'm playing this completely blind.
>Are you playing _______ next? (embed)
>Who is everyone?
Niggress- the main character(real name Revya) - a child who was strangely bound to an ancient evil
Gig - an ancient evil, the master of monsters called world eaters. He's incredibly edgy, and wants to kick Niggress's soul out of her body so he can kill everyone
Danette - a cowgirl. She's fucking retarded
Levin - a cow-boy. He's a massive siscon
Vitali - a fuccboi. He's also TOTALLY trustworthy
Juno - a mermaid. She's super dedicated to her /ss/ 'son', and wants bigger boobs so he'd be happier with her.
Grunzford - a 'redflank' ie a bullman. super mysterious, knows why danette is a retard, but refuses to exposit.
Galahad - a soldier of the fallen country of Raide. Used to super hate nereids and had a chip over his now-dead commander
DIO - a dracon man, who had his allies run away from him. He's not the real DIO, unfortunately, apparently his real name is Odie, but who cares about that?
Tricia - a british archer girl. She was raised as a noble and is secretly the sister of the /ss/ bandit, Shauna. Her 'father' was raising her to become his sex slave before he was executed in front of her.

>previous threads

Alright, it seems I have a new room, so it's time to update Levin's room and get this new room set up.

So, who's filling these 4 M and R slots?


whoops, wrong pic.

Draco mage for M


remember that time I streamed this finale for 11 hours because I had to restart?

still waiting on GET rolls.

Rerolling this

dracons in M it is!

what are their names?
4,5,6,7 names one each. First two rolls will get to name one each.

if you roll 45, 56, or 67 you get to name both

Saradin Garm
Or just Saradin if it don't fit.



Wicked Fan?

I thought Galinda is supposed to be valley-girl type pretty, not...obviously a man.

Eh, that person was wearing a robe, didn't notice the beard.

Second name... Ahriman.

DIO it is!

Next up, the R slots

we doing archers? pyromages? More dracons? gun shotas?


Send Tricia to the room with GRunzford. They have an attack together. Fill the room with pyros otherwise.

Name one of the Pyros Galinda and replace the previously named Galinda with


Thad require trish to lead, and be in melee range, its not worth it at all when she can just lead an archer death squad

I'll put grunzford in the archer room.
pyros it is!

What are their names?
1,2,3,4 names each
get 12, 23, or 34 and name both

Mrs Skeletal

Rolling this for this


Alright, and since Grunzford is leaving the party, what's replacing him?

Another redflank? swordsman? bareknuckle? nereid?

>leading an army of mages

well alright, bareknuckle i guess

bareknuckle it is. What's his name?



Mike Bison it is!

Now, I have a whole empty room--it'll be my Home, and it'll be Los banditos(the room that lets you move IMMEDIATELY after . What sort of unit is leading it?



Bandit leader it is. I'mma keep him in M since bandits have shit for def.

Bandits, of course

Bandit Keith



Hamsammich it is. Alright, since I'm doing 1 cleric in back, I have 2 F slots and 1 R slot.

Who's going in what?


All bandits

A deal is a deal Nigger.

bandits have no R attack, I'm not putting one there.

I'll do 2 F ones though.

34,45,56 names both

Schinderhannes, or S.hannes for short..

the fuck does that mean?

it's weekend where's the stream faggot, dont tell me you got cucked by yo landlord

[Shadowruns intensify]

There's like noone in the thread, same reason I didn't do a stream last night either.

Besides, not much interesting is happening right now anyway.

I think he gets off on the fact they think their real father is raping them and doing horrible things to them.

I remember some npc actually being one of his "daughters", she was someone in the village where you find grunzford and she was all messed up, I think you might be able to find her in the town you find Tricia right now, the name is "covered woman".

If Nig can only stream once per week, he should stream tomorrow.
You still need another name. Krauser to keep with the german theme?

I know the feeling man.

Its why I'm feelin my own threads are ded and shit.

I remember the NPC but I can't find her anymore.

Krauser it is

one more ranged slot. What's getting it?

go get a priest

You might find her after dealing with Yesterwind I guess, I remember checking dialogue changes after different missions throughout all the towns.

I'm getting a priest as the other slot.

gun shota


what's his name?


blackedboi it is.

Finally, what's the name of this team's healer fuccboi?


Just put Mercy on that slot.


Alright, time to continue on with the game

my stream is Live

as per global rules, I can't post my url or my name, but you can search by game.

comfy soul nomad music is back~

>facecam that covers gig's face

>christophe is super nice to levin, reassures him he'll find out what happened to his sister
>gig's response

oh shit, is christophe allied with the child sex ring?


>that huge mug of piss

oh shit

cant gag the gig

vitali is a SPY?



goddamn you're awesome, gig.

>you're not very good at deception

I bet.





sleep with Christophe

Yesterwind has had enough exposition already. Ask about qtberth.

Yesterwind, this shouldnt be a choice really

I can't remember what either option does so yesterwind.

>It's all a sepp's fault

inb4 it's christophe's son


I never noticed that Median had a picture of himself in his kid's room.
Man knows style.

oh hey, Median and Dio's daddy!

If you conquered the fuck out of everything why wouldn't you hang pictures of yourself everywhere.


oh shit, was median posessed when he killed Vigilance!Gig?

there was just a flash and Median's attitude just did a 180




Didn't Layna already tell us this?

She did.


Didn't we already Dominate Christophe to fight the second world eater?


domination is only for people who can fight, people you can put into the rooms


Covered woman would be found in the city you meet Tricia, if you don't find her now you'll find her right after you take out yesterwind, that's the save I loaded to check it.

She was in the bar