LAST TIME >We chased down the noble-hating thief, Shauna >As we cornered her, she kidnapped Tricia's 'father' >Before stabbing him in front of her, she wrenched a secret from him--he'd apparently bought tricia on the slave market as a young child, and had raised her to be his sex slave! >I'm not exaggerating, or memeing. That happened.
What's going on? >I'm playing through the ps2 game "Soul Nomad & The World Eaters", taking inputs from you >What sort of party layout I use and who I name party members will be decided by you
>What the FUCK is this game? This is Soul Nomad & The World Eaters, a SRPG created by NIS(who you may know as the Disgaea company) >Is Gig really that edgy? yes. >You seem pretty knowledgable. not at all, I'm playing this completely blind. >Are you playing _______ next? (embed) >Who is everyone? Niggress- the main character(real name Revya) - a child who was strangely bound to an ancient evil Gig - an ancient evil, the master of monsters called world eaters. He's incredibly edgy, and wants to kick Niggress's soul out of her body so he can kill everyone Danette - a cowgirl. She's fucking retarded Levin - a cow-boy. He's a massive siscon Vitali - a fuccboi. He's also TOTALLY trustworthy Juno - a mermaid. She's super dedicated to her /ss/ 'son', and wants bigger boobs so he'd be happier with her. Grunzford - a 'redflank' ie a bullman. super mysterious, knows why danette is a retard, but refuses to exposit. Galahad - a soldier of the fallen country of Raide. Used to super hate nereids and had a chip over his now-dead commander DIO - a dracon man, who had his allies run away from him. He's not the real DIO, unfortunately, apparently his real name is Odie, but who cares about that? Tricia - a british archer girl. She was raised as a noble and is secretly the sister of the /ss/ bandit, Shauna. Her 'father' was raising her to become his sex slave before he was executed in front of her.
>previous threads
Carter Brooks
Alright, it seems I have a new room, so it's time to update Levin's room and get this new room set up.
So, who's filling these 4 M and R slots?
Robert Reed
whoops, wrong pic.
Benjamin Fisher
Draco mage for M
Joseph Lopez
Isaiah Diaz
remember that time I streamed this finale for 11 hours because I had to restart?
Aaron Miller
still waiting on GET rolls.
Jeremiah Richardson
Rerolling this
Kayden Ross
dracons in M it is!
what are their names? 4,5,6,7 names one each. First two rolls will get to name one each.