Releasing DLC for an early access game

>releasing DLC for an early access game

Little late to the outrage user

>he actually literally buys early access games

>developer tries to hide behind being "Early Access" as an excuse for bugs and bad optimization while trying to peddle Season Pass bullshit

If enough people bitched Gaben would've moved his ass to deal with that kind of exploitative shit. Hey, Valve lets you filter out Early Access games now at least.

Subnautica is the only decent early access game.

ive played 200+hrs and bought the exp pack

and theres nothing you can do about it

Factorio is better you dipshit.

Subnautica is a shit
>Crap base building customization
>Terribly optimized so they removed stuff instead of fixing it
>No guns cuz "muh liberalism"

Only good thing was how spooky it was, but that wears off after a short while


Ark is a disgrace of a game. It holds the eternal title for worst optimization ever. I have NEVER seen a game run so bad while looking so bad. It makes ARMA 3 look like the most efficient game going around.

I would have loved to play ARK but they just seem to think it's ok to let it be this laggy.

Like Ark, Subnautica is missing a critical peice: Multiplayer. (ARK is missing optimization).

I hate to be that guy, because I must of been lucky, but Ark ran great for me. People I was on a server with started getting mad because they would lag and clip while I'd be running fine with 40+fps constantly.

Early Access is a meme right now, it's just a tag that means "You can't complain, the game is not ready yet!"
Review sites don't review EA titles and getting out of EA gives them a new wave of publicity.

The people complaining about this liberalism shit are even worse than the fact itself. It never bothered me that the game has no guns and I only found the reason because of people like you being obnoxious about how obnoxious it is.

>running fine
You are part of the problem.

You are part of the problem

30 fps is more than enough actually. Not saying 60 doesn't feel great, but if you have stable 40 and you complain you are part of the problem.

When people struggle with 5 fps on Ark, I think 40 is doing pretty fucking good you mong.

>buying early access games in the first place

You deserve it.

>I must of been lucky
Must have been lucky. Fucking retard. It ran fine for me too doing a free weekend. 60fps. Arkham Knight also ran fine for me from day one on PC.

>Criticizes grammar
>Doing free weekend
>Not during

Karma is real fucker

Sup Forums isn't outraged over this EA title with fucking DLC.

Instead, you have faggots defending this piece of shit game.

The shilling is real, folks.