How do you define JRPG and WRPG?

How do you define JRPG and WRPG?

Roleplaying game made in Japan

Roleplaying game made in the West

Country of Origin

so stuff like Stick of truth is a WRPG while the Souls series is a JRPG

But Japan is west of America

RPG's made in Japan and the West respectively.

>Souls series is a JRPG
You mean hack-and-slash?

you mean ARPG?


you mean Action-RPG?

ARPGs are Diablo-likes

hack-and-slashes are DMC/Bayo

How about RPGs made in Korea or China? Should we name them KRPG and CRPG then?

I didn't know Korea made games that aren't MMOs and Mobas.

predetermined story
colorful gameworld
cute girls
even cuter boys
wildly inappropriate yet somehow catchy music

choice in story direction
drab grays and browns
morality system
NPCs look like they belong
music fits theme perfectly

defining video game genres is fucked because everyone has a different word for the same game. Like Dark Souls in this thread.

We don't refer to them as all because they don't matter.

Shitloads of games have rpg elements now. Pure RPGs don't even really exist. It'd be more accurate to just call them Adventure games.

angsty teen fights god
Adult does odd jobs around town to defeat morally ambiguous bad guy

By region. Like most other genre names, they tell you next to nothing about gameplay.

Not enough of either one to merit a genre. They're just RPGs.

how gives a fuck about the sub genre, the Souls games are still JRPGs

>How about RPGs made in Korea or China?
They don't exist.

>Souls games are still JRPGs
They're not though.

All games these days are Venn diagrams of multiple clearly defined genres.

It started with RPG elements bullshit, maybe a bit earlier but that's probably the clearest divide in the timeline.

With that in mind, place of origin is now the only consistent method of defining the two.

>They're not though.

they were made by From Software. A JAPANESE company.

hence they are JRPGs and no whining about it will say otherwise.

Hell, look at these decent JRPGs that came out this year.

>they were made by From Software. A JAPANESE company.
But they're not RPGs, they belong to the Action genre.

>rpgs have to be turn-based

>rpgs have to be turn-based
Nobody said that.

>But they're not RPGs, they belong to the Action genre.

so I guess the Tales games are not RPGs then by your "logic"

except implied it

>I guess the Tales games are not RPGs
Tales are nothing like Souls games.

So, Witcher games aren't RPG either?

by their country of origin but they're both pretty shitty designations in that regard

I just go by RPGs and JRPGs

>generic anime art style that looks practically identical to everything else in the genre
>embarrassing writing that panders to neets and losers with nonexistent social skills
>repetitive, god awful combat that becomes tedious after a handful of encounters
>zero interesting gameplay elements because they'd rather shove m-muh waifus!! in your face the whole time than do anything fun for a change because appealing to sex-deprived autists for easy sales is much simpler than making good games

>everything else

JRPG tends to have a specific connotation. I've never seen anyone explicitly refers to Souls as a JRPG. If you're introducing someone to the series for the first time, for example, it's always referred to as either an RPG or hack n slash/action adventure game. Same goes for Dragon's Dogma.

When I see JRPG I think SMT, Tales of, Neptunia, Persona, Atelier etc. aka worthless drivel that only complete and utter failures would find enjoyable. There's plenty of really, really good older stuff but 99% of JRPGs from the PS3 onwards have been fucking worthless trash.

but by 's "logic" they are action games and not JRPGs

For me wrpg means pillars of eternity and jrpg is bravely default

>they are action games
Tales games are not like Souls.

>JRPG's are shit except for these examples of great JRPG's which you cannot call JRPG's because they are... good.


Fallout 1 & 2, Temple of Elemental Evil, Divinity OS, Shadowrun... are they JRPG? They're not real-time like PoE.

>How do you define JRPG and WRPG?
Thats easy.
A few good ones.
A few shit ones.

But they are action, and therefore not RPGs.

Define your usage of "good" and "shit".


SJW trash

Fallout 4 is not a RPG
The Witcher 3 is a RPG
Souls is not a RPG
Tales is a RPG

>But they are action, and therefore not RPGs.
>Action RPG already exists as a genre
You need to try harder

>How do you define JRPG and WRPG?

I don't, because the terms are too loosely-defined to be useful in conversation, so I don't use them.

WRPGs used to be RPGs but not anymore
JRPGs never really were RPGs in the first place

Why is one rpg that's not turn-based an RPG while another is not?

So you're saying that Dark Souls is part of the same type of game as Earthbound?

characters, story, combat mechanics, artstyle, voicework, sfx, humor, polish and lack of bugs

wrpgs don't hit on these for me nearly as often as jrpgs

>Anything actually being west of anything on a globe

>a handful of decent series that are -ALMOST NOTHING- like the vast majority of the genre should still be labeled as such because of a metric as arbitrary as country of origin

whatever floats your boat, bud. when the nips go back to making good games maybe JRPG won't be such an embarrassing label but for the meantime can we let go of semantics and not insult Miyazaki by referring to his creations as JRPGs? thanks. I mean, it even says in literally ever marketing description for the series that they're action role-playing games. even FromSoft themselves wouldn't refer to them as JRPGs, only autists that want to make the genre look like anything less than a complete pile of shit would.

Like this

No, people who label their game "JRPG" are.


>hack-and-slashes are DMC/Bayo

i thought DMC/Bayo were beat 'em ups?

>Dark Souls
Not an RPG. Replace it with Dragon's Dogma


Fallout 4 is a shooter with RPG elements.
Witcher 3 is a RPG using action as a medium
Souls is an action game with RPG elements
Tales of is a RPG using action as a medium

Some good games, some bad games
Some good games, some bad games

Also it's nice to see RoF appear in some form every now and then. I thought everyone forgot about it.

>ITT, people argue genres of games when the problem is their definitions of genre are different in the first place

game worth playing

sjw western trash

no, beat em ups are sidescrollers like double dragon, battletoads, castle crashers, etc.

>It's another "JRPGs aren't real RPGs unless I like them :^)" thread

How come none of those "immersive features" detail worldbuilding when worldbuilding is the most important part of whether or not a game is immersive?

Why is souls an action game with rpg elements and not an rpg using action as a medium?

JRPGs and WRPGs are not real roleplaying games. One is Japanese and the other is Western.

stop trying to apply logic to your arguments and definitely stop posting unbiased and accurate comparisons! reeeeee! I just want to vent my anger towards (weaboos/normies) because I hate their lifestyles and dislike their opinions!

Because he said so.

are you genuinely stupid? it's baffling that you're even asking this.

Your shitposting is strong user, I'll give you that.

So you don't have an answer and are just arbitrarily putting things into categories however you feel like.

JRPGs generally have characters that are set in stone and don't offer huge choices when it comes to dialogues and story. They are heavily influenced by animu culture. Which isn't a bad thing because it means JRPGs explore more "far out there" world concepts, like worlds where sci-fi and classic fantasy coexist or crazy stuff like everyone lives on two giant mechas that have stood still for aeons. And they generally also can convey these things through far superior art direction and visual design.
They mostly are way better at boss fights, but that's a general thing with games from Japan.

Are you joking? Play both and come back.

Maybe because the combat/weapons/enemies/bosses aka "action" elements are the central aspects and without them the games would fall apart? Christ, what RPG elements do Souls games even have? Character creation and a lame decision towards what ending you want to get that has zero effect on gameplay anyway. That's literally it.

Souls without character creation and with only one ending would still be a fucking phenomenal series. Souls without combat would be... a walking simulator? Fuck, I'm upset that I even have to reply to this. How could you possibly think of Souls as RPGs with combat elements rather than action games with RPG elements?

But it's East of the Prime Meridian, so there.

I agree with this definition

Country of origin is too vague and can be totally irrelevant. For example, what if you had a bunch of Japanese people living in America that made a JPRG-esque game, then it is still a WRPG? Or if you had some Japanese people in Japan that copy-pasta'd Skyrim (same art style, combat, etc) but with different char and location names and a slightly different story, then it is a jRPG?

>the combat/weapons/enemies/bosses aka "action" elements are the central aspects and without them the games would fall apart
>Souls without combat would be... a walking simulator
So Witcher 3 and Tales wouldn't? That's a pretty bold claim.

SRW's more of a light-strategy game, though. Although you could also classify it as Strategy RPG.

>King's Field is fine but Dark Souls isn't
Nice and consistent, I see.

Man, I really need to go back and finish Radiant Historia one of these days.

Wizardry is a weird one, because I'm pretty sure it's become way more popular in Japan than the west.

Do you think RPG means VN with dialog choices?

There are also more Japanese Wizardry games.

You could argue that VN's can be RPGs just without a battle system, and more focus on the "RP" than the "G"

I define it as Action Adventure

This, too. Aren't they still making Wizardry over there?

And hell, Etrian Odyssey and games like that are basically Wizardry-likes.

>Dark Souls not an RPG
>Ys is


>Ys is

>Dark Souls is not a RPG

How is this hard?

Kys fag

I have one on PS3 which was also released on iOS, still haven't played it, though. I think it's one of the latest, haven't heard of the current gen ones.

Because you have to be mentally handicapped to have opinion like that?

It's not that it's hard to understand, it's that it is impossible to understand without clarification. Or brain damage.

Are you role playing as a Witcher and making decisions based upon that? Do you play as neutral or something else? Do you use a magic build or a sword build? RPG by definition.

Because you've failed to actually define what either genre is. All you do is say a game is a genre, but you can't properly explain why it's that genre or what about the genre makes that game part of it.

And any attempts at explaining why are full of holes.

>Dark Souls isn't an RPG

Is the distinction of "Action-RPG" this hard to define?

If an RPG is a game defined by statistical management determining one's rate of success, and an Action game being defined by real-time combat mechanics determining one's rate of success, why wouldn't Dark Souls just be an action-RPG? You can apply tremendous amounts of points into out-leveling any threat and scrub your way to the end, you can put in equally tremendous amounts of effort and try to just bareknuckle it, but when you put together your mastery of the real-time combat mechanics as well as statistical management and superiority, you achieve your goals with a significantly greater haste.

Or are you one of those retards who still thinks that a Pen and Paper RPG is defined by the Roleplaying and not the "Game" part?

>Is the distinction of "Action-RPG" this hard to define?

You forgot turn-based combat, something which WRPGs do not have.

Dark Souls always gets this shitposting
Mostly from people that can't admit dark souls is japanese

I double dog dare you to name three gameplay mechanics Dark Souls lacks that Ys has that make it not an RPG.

>a game with combat falls apart if you take out the combat
#wow #whoa


Are you trying to say japanese people are only capable of making turn based games? That the west can only make action games and anything that they make that has a turn order becomes japanese?

>People think Dark Souls is a RPG
Next you'll say Metroidvania's are RPGs.

>What defines western RPG and japanese RPG

western RPG is actually more like first/third person action games with progression

japanese RPG is turn based garbage that keeps trying to copy skyrim

Japanese western RPG's are western RPG games attempted to be made by japanese devs, dark souls falls under this category