Does anyone want to play overwatch with me? >.<

Does anyone want to play overwatch with me? >.<

Minimal requirements:

MUST be Master or higher (3k+)

MUST be 18 or older (unless you're a girl in which you can be any age)

MUST not have any of the following heroes in your top three most played: Hanzo, D.Va, Pharah, Symm, Junk

MUST have atleast a tank or support role in your top 3 most played

MUST have atleast 300 hours or more played

MUST not have over 5 wins in practice vs bots

MUST have a microphone

MUST have atleast 2 years experience minimum in gaming

Leave your xbl gamer tag if you meet the requirements

R u a boy or girl :D


Sent :)

3k is not master 3k is diamond. You and your awful standards are not worthy of playing with me you fuckboi.

>unless you're a girl in which you can be any age
permanently ban this stupid fucking pedophile mods

Fuck off im serious about video games unlike you degenerates

>pedophile calling others degenerates

I can't begin to imagine something that would have less importance in my life than a competitive rank in overwatch for XBOX

Xbox 3k is masters because everyone is shit on consoles

>asks for 3k rating min
>doesnt know dva and pharah are good

fuck off and get boosted somewhere else

>start reading this
>hey, pretty patrician taste, i want to play with this gu-
>xbl gamer tag

holy kek

I dismissed the post with >.

>must be over 18 and have at least two years gaming experience
>must play with me on xbox

pick one

>gets buttmad because he lost some matches
>wants to get boosted here
>playing on xbox
>having an xbox
>doesn't want people playing when she's a decent pick
>using ">.

You are the perfect mark. Autistic enough to entertain the stupid requirements and autistic enough to be triggered by the ending

Please tell me where you copied this from

wouldn't 2 years of experience in video gaming be enough to understand not to buy a xbox console ever?

>multi fps on console
it's stupid and you're stupid

I play on Xbox because I don't want to deal with Koreans using aim bots in my games

>inb4 they don't exist

Literally YouTube and get a million results

what the fuck that's the dumbest name for an image possible.
it has a fucking stupid camera image name but somehow it's a PNG and then it's clearly also just ripped off google.
OP didn't miss a single detail with this post. he carefully crafted this.

>no characters condition so probably got wrecked by them or thought his teammates playing those are to blame
>wants people to play with him while making demands without taking into account that most people don't play with faggots
> >.

>MUST not

Wannabe confirmed.

>i would rather play with shitters 100% of the time than risk running into hackers 1% of the time

you are such a fucking pussy

I agree stupid fools like him could entertain my ironman number threads for hours! I am practically god with these threads and these peons under my whim are laughable.

The fact that a few simple words could allow me this much power is absolutely ridiculous, I'm fucking invincible!

sorry OP, you're not worth my time. ;)

>he plays supports and gets carried by his team
>look at my higj rank gysu I'm toralt gud!!


make sure you post this hourly. really spam it all over Sup Forums so we can pretend this shit is a funny forced ironic meme.

i'll be a girl for you user
but only if you can be a girl for me user

sounds like someone is salty. not my fault i can solo queue to a higher rank than you can get to with your team

> >.

Im disappointed but not shocked that you all took this bait

Play with me instead m8s

minimum requirements

MUST not fall for stupid-ass baits like the one in the OP

that's it