I love Broinne!

He's so cute!

god modern pokemon are shit.

Gen 1 didn't have this tryhard waifu trash

I like the gen 7 starters but the evolutions are hideous. I felt the same about gen 6 too.

>Gen 1 didn't have this tryhard waifu trash

name one

Why can't I find a Pichu in this route? I got a Grubbin but no Pichu and I've been search since this morning.

yeah instead they were all either boring, dumb, or ugly designs

gen 1's pokemon are some of the weakest in the series, kys


But they're objectively better then shallow, generic waifushit

>blue turtle
>red chameleon with fire tail

The only one that wasn't "shallow and eneric" in gen 1 was bulbasaur.

its a pokemon line based on being a performer. brionne is specifically about being a dancer. its not my fault you think dancers are waifu trash concepts

Just get Mimikyu



>Just a generic uguu kawaii girl seal


literally whu?

>87.5% chance of being male

Really, I got a female on my first try.


didn't need it

Did someone come across a gen VII version of this template?

I got mine, female, shiny, modest nature on the first try

Get on my level, scrub

Why stop there? Flareon and jolteon are also qts

fuck off furfag

With "feminine" and "masculine" Pokemon having the ability to be either gender, you have to wonder, what DOES it mean for a Pokemon to be male or female? I mean, there's breeding mechanics of course, but physiologically Pokemon of either gender appear to have no visible genitalia whatsoever. Which brings up another question: are the daycare employees playing dumb for the sake of children or do they really have no fucking idea how Pokemon breed? We've only witnessed the creation of a Pokemon Egg once and it was a possibly special case seeing as how it was Pokegod Arceus reprogramming the universe around us with the Unown in order to prestidigitate an egg containing Dialga/Palkia/Giratina before us.

But since even the lesser Pokemon are closely bound to the fabric of the world's reality, maybe the same thing happens on a lesser scale. Maybe being a "female" Pokemon merely means that they serve as the output function in the cosmic background programming that goes on every time they replicate. Maybe the daycare employees are just so traumatized from witnessing reality tear open every time some Pokemon get it on that they just submit.

So, in short, appearance doesn't matter for pokemon genders.

You don't want a Pichu, by the time you'll have enough affection for it to evolve it'll be level 28 or so and will be stuck with thundershock

I swear if Lille doesn't shut the fuck up about "I just can't bare to see pokemon hurt" I'm gonna take her hat and throw it off the island. I just got to this stupid school and yet again she brings it up.

I want to impregnate a female Charizard.


No, I play Patrician 2.

stop shitting this place up even more
keep your off topic shit in your containment board

> female

pokemon is allowed on Sup Forums sperg


>fag pokemon


She says, "Oh I hate watching pokemon get hurt, but just this time I'll watch this battle for you Jamal-kun," at least 7 times by the third island.

I want to fuck a male or female Salandit and Salazzle to a lesser degree.

>that squatting pose Salandits do
They had to know what they were doing

Should I evolve Pikachu? Just got a Z-crystal thing for it

If you want a fairy type, then sure.