Overwatch's 21:9 support actually reduces field of view

"Overwatch's 21:9 support actually reduces field of view"

>Blizzcucks will defend this


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i love blizzard

>wanting a unfair competitive advantage

Kys champ

better hardware gives you advantage over other players on PC?

If they really wanted to be fair they would limit it to a 1:1 aspect ratio at 30hz.

i think you mean 24Hz, the human eye can't see any faster than that

This is why PC is a problem. People who are privileged to have more money than others will win, regardless of skill. At least on consoles, you're equal.

no it doesn't, here is proof.

>144hz monitors supported
>le ultrawide le le le competitive advantaaaage

Hang yourself where you sit, blizzard is fucking retarded and so are you.

well shit this means we are not humans

>This is why PC is a problem. People who are privileged to have more money than others will win, regardless of skill. At least on consoles, you're equal.
On the off chance your not b8ing, the same is true to consoles just to a lesser extent.

You really think the guy with the 7"x9" CRT TV he got for $5 at Thrift World is going to play the same as someone with a $3000 HD LCD TV?

>use meme resolutions/aspect ratios
>be surprised when no games support your memes

What was the last good Blizzard game? As in, a game that's actually well designed, not one that's designed to be addictive. I haven't played Starcraft 2 so I don't know if I can even answer that question

>no one
I can go back to games made in 2000 and they support it. Honestly I have difficulty finding games that DON'T support 21:9

This. 144hz is far more of a competitive advantage than a couple degrees of additional FOV (that they could give to 16:9 users too)

Vanilla WoW

He'd probably wipe the floor with the LCD fag because of his ricer hdtvh with 30ms response time.

Who cares

So what you're saying is one of the players has an advantage due to their technological setup, even on console?

How interesting.

>Affects 0.001% of users


This is why I love you, Sup Forums

>At least on consoles, you're equal.
Tell that to folks playing BF1 on PS4 Pro.


I'm saying don't buy HDTVs if you want to play competitively.

If I spend the necessary amount of money on a 21:9 monitor as well as the hardware necessary to run games at those resolutions game developers are obligated to give me the necessary software support, I don't care how much of a minority I'm in compared to the rest of poorfags playing the game at 720p.

>pros play cs:go on 21:9 monitors

delet yourself

Can't wait to hear you complain about some niche issue in the future, hope you'll remember this retarded comment.

Why is anyone bothering to play Overwatch anyway.

>If I'm a consumer whore, that means companies are obligated to me in any fashion

Not how this works.

It actually is, or blizzard losses support from those tv companies and their shills get hired by other companies.

>July 2016
Why are we talking about this now?

That's exactly how this works. They're the ones who asked me to fork up the cash for the hardware, the least that i'm entitled to is software to use it with

>At least on consoles, you're equal.



>They're the ones who asked me to fork up the cash for the hardware

Fallacy: Appeal to the masses
"They" don't exist. There is no "They". And if "They" did, "they're" clearly not Blizzard, who very clearly and very early on articulated their stance on ultra-wide displays vis-a-vis Overwatch.

And before anyone accuses me of being a Blizzard shill, this runs across the board.
Buy Atypical hardware, expect atypical results. This has been true as long as hardware variations have been a thing.

wait are ps4 players gonna play with ps4 pro players in games like this where they're gonna have 4 times the resolution on one console?

if so, on ps4 pro you could snipe people who couldnt even see you

holy fuck what is wrong with you that is not how the economy works

>Maximum FOV of 103
>21:9 and 16:9 have the same FOV

What seems to be the problem here?

I'd like it if the maximum was higher for all, but keeping the FOV the same across 21:9 and 16:9 just keeps things balanced.

If blizz wanted to be cool, they'd let it max out at 120 or 130, but apparently this hurts the casuals who play at 70 too much.

xXKaptainKaosXx is a giant faggot

Because they just responded to it at Blizzcon saying "we're not going to change it"

DICE pulled the same shit with Battlefield 1942 when 16:9 was becoming a thing and 4:3 was the standard.

Everyone that has seen my 21:9 monitor has switched or intends to.

This is the problem. You see less than 16:9 users. That is not balanced, that's putting 21:9 users at a severe disadvantage by cutting off 30% of their FOV

>Implying 21:9 monitors will ever be the standard

So run at pillarboxed 16:9.

or play a different game.

>So run at pillarboxed 16:9.
>or play a different game.
I'm choosing the latter. Fuck Blizzard for using "muh competitive advantage" as an excuse meanwhile CS:GO the most competitive FPS in existence supports it just fine (as does every other major title in existence)

>confirmed for never using a 21:9 monitor
People are choosing 3440x1440 instead of 3840x2160 because you get 1440p text scaling with near 4K visuals

3440x1440 is the sweet spot.

BF1 on PS4 Pro has both consistently higher resolution, and an average of 15+ FPS in stressful situations.

You have an all-around advantage playing on Pro vs. normal.

The rich should rule the poor just like how the strong rule the weak.

Chaim shut up
They need to believe in their independence

Can't you just change the FoV?

>"we took performance issues into consideration"

Wait what the fuck is wrong with these people?

This game runs flawlessly on even my laptop, anyone who has a 21:9 monitor has a computer way more powerful than one needed to play this game at that resolution. Plus people can upscale or turn graphics down if they want.

Sounds like a bullshit reason.

Thats so fucking gay, these idiots could have helped the 21:9 industry a lot, i was even thinking of buying one of those monitors months ago, and reading about this made me consider it much less, and i never did because so few games support it

>Blizzard will lock their next big game to 30FPS saying that 60FPS gives too much of an advantage.
How soon until this happen?

Thing is, it's not about poor versus rich, these monitors are fucking cheap. $200 for a 2560x1080 21:9 monitor and $500-$600 for a 3440x1440 display by a reputable company

It astounds me how PC gaming culture will allow people to spend $200-500 on a graphics card/processor but mock people that spend more than $200 for the output of all that hardware

Nope, they're the same for both aspect ratios which zooms in the screen on 21:9 resulting in a 30% loss of FOV
pic related


>playing games that very often drop below 60fps

>Nope, they're the same for both aspect ratios which zooms in the screen on 21:9 resulting in a 30% loss of FOV
that doesn't answer the question - doesn't the game have a FOV slider? can you further increase the FOV on that picture?

Why do CS:GO Pros play at as low as 800x600 4:3 then

>doesn't the game have a FOV slider?

>blizzard game
>sensible options

Because they're literal spergs
No, because it's 103 degrees for 16:9 and 21:9 meaning they zoom in on those 103 degrees calculated for 16:9 to fill in the black bars that I'd have otherwise

It's technical incompetence.

CS:GO doesn't have a FOV slider either

Hes married, has 2 children and gets blowjobs from her wife every now and then, has a job. We're still here.