When was the last good Zelda game?
When was the last good Zelda game?
Oracle games
The one you played when you were a kid. For me it was Wind Waker.
Played them all as an adult I feel like the last good one was wind water.
Skyward Sword
Wind Waker was the first Zelda game I finished and I think it's one of the weaker entries in the series.
Wind Waker. SS and TP grasped at too much shit.
Phantom hourglass
but that was the last one I played
I don't own a wii
there's never been a bad zelda game.
prove me wrong without spouting autism
TP for 3D Zelda
ALBW for 2D Zelda
Twilight Princess. I'm not saying it's the best but it's the last good Zelda game.
>replay OoT: gladly play it all the way through, lovei t.
>replay MM: Holy shit this game is amazing just as good as I remember fuck!
>replay WW: drop it 2 hours in, bored out of my mind
Gee, I don't know you tell me. haven't replayed TP recently but I could probably play through it all no sweat.
MM3D. Or if remasters don't count ALBW.
And don't try to be cheeky by suggesting ALBW is simply a remaster.
Wind Waker is the best Zelda. It's the best because it embodies the concept of 'Adventure' better than any other.
Link is just some asshole living on an island peacefully and just wakes up and decides to jump head first into the jaws of fucking hell to save his sister. He travels to unknown lands, meets tons of new people, and sees things he's never even seen before since he's just lived on an island.
He isn't the 'chosen one', he didn't inherent the Triforce of courage, he had to fucking get it himself my scavenging the world to find it. He was just some fucking dickwad living on a bumblefuck island and was called into adventure.
All of the mainline Zelda games are at least enjoyable. No argument here.
I actually liked Skyward Sword.
You didn't describe a single thing about the pacing, which is what really hampers the game along with the boring dungeons.
All of them are good except SS.
SS could be good but its bogged down too much by all its awful shit, so the parts of the game that are good (some dungeons and like 3 bosses, groose) are heavily outweighed by literally everything else.
So 2006 unless you count the remakes.
2013 with a Link Between Worlds.
Home consoles you've got to go back to 2000 for Majora's Mask.
>Wind Waker is the best Zelda video game.
>It's the best because "reasons that have nothing to do with gameplay".
You're a retard.
I want to say Skyward Sword
>not a neckbeard
>had room to play
>actually liked the 1:1 motion controls
>having uses for old gear like wood shields preventing electric damage, etc
>upgrading gear with gathering and hunting
The only thing I really disliked and felt like stopped the game in its tracks was the forest underwater area
Plus Fi singing always made me feel warm inside.
I liked it, but it was admittedly one of the weaker ones imo. It did a good job of having an 'adventur-y' feel about it, but something just felt lacking about it.
Still a solid game.
>>not a neckbeard
The last good one?
Do you mean good in terms of "fun and worth playing"? Even the worst of the mainline titles was a cut above other games. Or do you mean "good for the zelda series" ? I haven't played skyward sword but the way people moaned about it, you'd think it was the worst thing ever made.
Console: Wind Waker for sure
Portable: I don't know haven't played any since Minish Cap because I've heard nothing but bad thing about Phantom Hourglass.
>wii motion
>wiiu pad
>Playstaion motion controls
Many of this things failed because they required the most basic of stamina.
Christ, I remember back when /ink/ was in its hayday many complained about tired arms as they attempted to rationalize stick controls
I really like the atmosphere, shit really does feel like an adventure sometimes, but I think that's only because of Lanaryu province. The final fight with Ghirahim almost makes up for how snot boring everything that isn't Groose or Lanaryu is though.
Hyrule Warriors.
Spirit Tracks.
Link Between Worlds
That outfit needs a fuckton of double sided tape.
Personally, in terms of the 3D games, I liked WW a lot. I know a lot of people hated sailing. I enjoyed it and the music that went along with it. What was satisfying was entering an new square on the map and exploring what it had to offer. I loved that as it was fun to discover new environments.
TP and SS were just eh. Nothing bad but nothing good.
Best girl.
I love it. It's one of my favorite Zeldas. Heavily flawed, though, and I can think of a long list of ways it could be improved.
Too long ago.
>1:1 motion controls
Another one who fell for it.
Skyward Sword was still waggle, mate. You didn't have to do large swings with your own arm, just a quick little waggle with the right angle.
Console wise: Wind Waker
Handheld wise: Spirit Tracks followed closely by Link Between World
>inaccurate fan art
Spirit Tracks?
Are you 14?
Skyward Sword and I mean that unironically
Seriously, pretend you never visited Sup Forums and you'll enjoy it
Not him, but Spirit Tracks was a very well-tuned game that didn't treat the player like an idiot.
No, but I have played and beaten most Zelda titles save the first two. Honestly all the handheld games are great, just Spirit Tracks ended up being my favorite.
I can agree on this, The sailing gets really old REALLY quick, It only becomes really bearable once you get the song that lets just teleport.
Probably majoras mask but they have been on a downward curve since OOT really. Every game has been slightly worse than the last. and things completely fell off a cliff with SS
A Link Between Worlds
man this shit was hard as shit
3D? TP
In general, Triforce Heroes was pretty funny
>there will never be another toon link home console game
thanks aonuma you fucking indecisive out of toiuch asshole
still waiting on the first good zelda and the way things are looking with botw i'll be waiting even longer.
You have to be over 18 to post here, kiddo
>Wind Water
Oh yeah, I also liked Oragrina of Tim
majora's mask
all the 3D zeldas after were very mediocre. great games just mediocre zelda games with those insanely high standards
>zelda was never good
Last one released because they are all good
ALBW which is the last actual Zelda game. Note, shit like Triforce Heroes or Link's Crossbow Trainer doesn't count.
In fact, every actual Zelda game is good, some are just than others.
>All these people saying Windwaker
Fucking kill yourselves you contrarian faggots. It's shit. It has 4 bland and easy as fuck dungeons, an overworld that is literally nothing more than a fucking grid, and a second half which was completely cut and replaced with one of the most infamous shitty treasure hunts in gaming history.
Literally the only thing it had going for it was the story and the artstyle. Oh and you could pick up enemy weapons on rare occasions which was kinda cool.
The same people who (claim to) like Windwaker are the same people who think Sunshine is a better game than Galaxy 1 / 2.
Majora's Mask is the last one that really impressed me. Honestly a lot in that game is super frustrating and beyond retarded but the 3 day cycle is super cool and all the end of the world gloomy and somber stuff is neat.
Windwaker is okay but the dungeons are pretty terrible and most of the islands are just little bits of rock with a heart piece on them. Skyward sword is more of that, except with what feels like a 5 hour long tutorial on top of it. Twilight Princess is a little different because it had some good items and fun dungeons but not so great everything else.
I really hate that every game is relying more on sword combat and less on spamming items. They give you tons of fun stuff to play around with but there's nowhere to use it. Even Link Between Worlds, where the whole gimick is renting items, made most of the items less effective than just mashing the sword button. Also while a lot of people seem to love that game I thought it was terrible. Because the developers don't want you to grind for money, despite giving it away by the bucketful, each dungeon only requires a single item to complete making them all really braindead and shitty.
Demon's Souls.