webm thread GO.
Webm thread GO
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Kek what game/mod?
This is probably the worst webm thread I've ever seen
Is this all ironic?
Post some of your god tier OC, oh holy webm master.
Then 'be quiet'
Yes, this is all post ironic memecore humor
how would anyone ever suspect it WASN'T the toilet that killed him?
What game?
Warhammer Total War. Its pretty good
Warhammer total war
I think I need sauce on that...
Is that a young Kojima?
at first I thought it was a webm meant to show how "fucking cool skyrim is" and was about to start shitposting ITT but then it actually got good
wtf i love msi now
is this warhammer total war, too?
This is the only time cheating is acceptable, when you do it engage is goofy shenanigans.
Yes my lad
y-you guys think it would have the same effects on a white tranny?
thats not video games
Google gives result on second page. Fuck off.
That's Kojima and his mom.
Thats Kojima doing some early sketches for MGSV, how is that not videogame related.
>Can you hear it? The sound of... GIT GUD
hmmm, i dont feel like thats correct.
>tfw no jap qt will ever shove her tits in your face
You could always pay one to do that.
Surely, fulfilling a dream is worth a few shekels?
If you arent posting that with the music, you might as well not post it at all.
Can't wait for Ogre Kingdoms to be released, shit will be so fine
It wouldn't be the same.
The dream isn't the act itself, it's that a woman would voluntarily do that.
I agree
Fair enough, here's the second theme as well.
Seems balanced
Holy fuck - I haven't played yugioh since I was in middle school, wtf happened to it?
anybody order some hitboxes?
What the fuck is happening?
Monster Girl Quest was a fun game
Remember those FTKs/OTKs that required a 3-4 card combo and were clunky, albeit quick to play?
Now every deck is an FTK/OTK, but instead of being over quickly you have to watch your opponent play with himself for 15 minutes just to get his combo off.
what a girl
Thank god I didn't waste my money. That looks so bad.
They're playing Yu-Gi-Oh. The player on the bottom got first turn and built his entire deck to deplete his opponent's deck, leaving him with no cards to draw when his phase came up and thus causing him to lose by default.
>still no crack
The game is super fun though.
not the intend reference but sure thats cool too
Looks like a less-serious Final Fantasy though.
What game is this?
Final Fantasy XIV
>Your turn for 30 seconds
>Enemy Player's turn for 1 second
>You win!
What the fuck though
oops wrong one
That guy happened to have a deck which let him special summon indefinitely and his opponent just happened to blindly activate pic related. That's why he looped his synchro summons until his opponent ran out of cards.
It's not really a viable strategy because it relies on your opponent using Maxx C like a retard. It works surprisingly often though since pretty much everyone uses that card recklessly.
Forgot pic.
Custom Meido 3D 2
It's always nice when the RNG fucks itself like that in your favor though.
>he flies away
so now that its been out awhile is it actually worth buying? i avoided it because of how awful Rome 2 was
>Why we don't play Skyrim above 60 fps
Seriously, they better not tie FPS to physics in the next game because that shit is annoying as fuck.
It's fun
this game really needs a remastered.