What the fuck they did to her?

What the fuck they did to her?
She looks like a whore

i played the shit out of lockdown ps2 and 3 for xbox? will i enjoy this? also dont call people whores

I have no idea what is going on but she looks fine. I agree with user don't call people whores.

dont agree with me. user said she looks like a whore not that she was a whore. user, don't say that people look like whores especially when they dont

I agree that we shouldn't call her a whore just because her horrible makeup is reminiscent of a stereotypical hollywood-movie back-alley prostitute.

But at the same time, her new portrait there looks really weird and I'm not a fan.


>wearing makeup to fight terrorists
Actual slut.

>Ubisoft actually spent time, money and effort updating the character portraits

That's actually really cool.

Its a nice thing for them to do but now she looks worse.

some of them look worse imo like bandit

>look mom, I made the same thread again!

Shut the fuck,you cunt

Yeah I know, but I still think it's a cool thing they did when they could have just ignored it like most other developers would.

>looks like a whore
>painted nails while operating, like a whore
It's almost as if she's a bit dumb.


You're on Sup Forums you fucking knob polishers.

Why fix what isn't broken though?

I don't like it. When I get home I'm going to try to find a way to reverse it

90% of the problem is her eyebrows tbqh

show before pic pls


>she looks like a whore
>can only see her eyes and mouth

is this Saudi Arabian Sup Forums

She's wearing while killing bad gjys
I bet every times she uses her drone she gets a little wet when she's stunning people

Can someone dump the updated character portraits?

how active is Siege on PS4?


Holy fuck I just can't play post update.
My loading times used to be a little high like 30 seconds sometimes but now they are 3 minute +

For me my screen freeze's for like 10 secs that's annoying as an attacker

more like bae

Fairly active, especially now that the big update dropped. You can find a match in less than a minute in casual and ranked (provided you've got a full squad)

I wanna fuck her

They need to tone down the red lips but she looks great desu, she no longer a fucking ninja turtle

Dear Marketer, which game is this? Looks generic fight the terrorists game v10 but which is it? Is it ... The Division? Or... I don't even know.

They turned up the brightness and took away all the texture from the mask.

Without the angery eyebrows her smirk makes her look like a... stock photo? I dunno, it just seems a bit off to me.

Elevate yourself secondary

Of course she looks like a whore, she is one

>Someone likes a game I don't like
When did this board become so shit

French whores are the best.

You're obviously new. You do know that marketers go on message boards and try to advertise their game by pretending to be an average consumer, right? Just like your precious reddit. Speaking of which, shouldn't you be heading back by now?

>mfw they changed Bandit's portrait

y tho?

Makes her look like a stock photo of a computer hacker

they took his drugs away


It's like you want the baddies to win

They took away his innocence.


"I'm a fat piece of shit and I don't identify with the characters anymore." is essentially what you're saying.

This guy's little fucking nuts are obviously quaking

"In other words I'm a huge pussy" -You


I like female operators

Especially half dead getting raped while bleeding out of several bullet wounds

That was the plan, to give you a boner; and it worked.

Fuck off Nic cage

There was nothing in those dead eyes before.
Drugs took it all.

this entire post



/r/rainbowsixseige for any and all problems this update

They bitched long and hard about the acog on the Mac, and Twitches aesthetic that the devs complied to shut them up

>ctrl+f "suck"
>ctrl+f "blow"
it's for that.

I didn't think literal members of ISIS played video games

they redid her balclava to look less like a gimp and instead made her look like a whore, gg ubi

pocket sniper was pretty stupid and the over reliance on acog in general should be addressed

t. Lord chanka memer {-}7

I'm sorry they took away your crutch user.

Fuck off smoke was the best with his shotgun and mac11 with Acog

>Not playing Siege

Best multiplayer shooter on the market, to be honest family.

that has nothing to do with anything, you know damn well you can't defend either the logic behind one out of all sidearms getting an acog (the one it's most effective on, no less) and making it as if not more effective than certain primaries, nor can you argue against how there's no downsides to the acog past a certain skill level so 100% of guns that can use it should use it with no alternative

What's wrong with that?
She's a woman

>Can't prove him wrong.
>Responds with only a picture.

It's true, this place has gone to shit. Nobody can even come up with a good response anymore. Fucking new fags.

>mfw I don't even use an acog on my main
>defenders don't even have an acog yet they win rounds (so much for that crutch logic)

Smokes acog & shotgun was fun as fuck. Slap that silencer on the Mac and that shit is hilarious. Its not even a matter of get good but plain "I die too much so it's OP"

t. Plat 3 last season

How exactly are you supposed to argue against a bunch of paranoid drivel?

Literally no one complained about Twitch's appearance. The devs changed her on their own accord

>everyone is a marketer

Back to Info Wars with you. Alex Jones has a hot new conspiracy theory about the Jews you might like.

Hold on now,so does Ubisoft knows that sex sells?
Why the fuck did they create this monster

You're on Sup Forums. What the fuck did you honestly expect?

>everyone has to be pretty like a failing FFXV

She's a literal parody of (You).

go away you stupid faggot, don't tell people not to use words

She looked and sounded like a man before.

I like the change.

Ahh, this is still Ubisoft masterpiece? I thought Siege had issues with player base. I might check it out if it's alive and if it's actually worth playing.

Battlefield 1 = shit, players wont even revive, everybody just runs like headless chicken
Cod IW = no comment didn't play
Titanfall 2 = great, fast gameplay

But what is missing is 'intelligent, tactical shooter'. Battlefield used to be bit like that but it's too stupid now and it's playerbase doesn't really elevate it on any level.

>Wears lipstick, eye shadow, mascara, and paints her nails


She's an obnoxious asshole that the player is supposed to hate, and you have the option to execute her in the story.

Shut it nerd

No time to waste, hostages need to be saved

well I never said it was op, and just because people win without it doesn't make it not a crutch, besides that you refuted nothing and just went

look nigga they finally managed to ship a DLC with a good map and two new ops that arent either incredibly OP or incredibly useless. they can afford to slightly fuck up a character model.

>you have the option to execute her in the story.
How did I miss this?

Siege is constantly getting more and more people. It hasn't dropped player counts like most games do a while after launch, and has some attention in the competitive scene too.

It has notoriously shitty matchmaking, but there's a great game to be had behind it. Find a group to play with, and that will pass more easily too.

she looks fine, what does it matter? it's in first person, you won't get to see her face.

Fuck you

>it's literally the same shit with a different pose
you guys will really argue about anything.

dont worry user

almost everyone on Sup Forums didnt bother with the game

I played it and never had it happen.

i didnt buy the game and nothing happened!

>i didnt buy the game
Neither did I.