What else do you think should be added to the list?

What else do you think should be added to the list?

Rainbow Six and Splinter Cell

Crash Bandicoot
Spyro the Dragon


MGS but it should've been a continuation of Snakes story set directly after 2 and not a prequel or old snake like in 4.

>should of

Mega Man X4 is honestly better than both X2 and X3 so not that one.

Thief and Silent Hill should have ended after the second game.

Mega Man Battle Network

Soul Calibur

>should of
go to school

Phantasy Star
Mega Man
Final Fantasy
King of Fighters
Star Wars Battlefront

that's retarded. The PS3 games, especially ToD, were easily the best, at least before the recent remaster rolled in.

>should of
Skyrim thread in elaborate disguise?

>Ratchet and Clank
>should of
Fuck off you massive idiot

Fuck right off no it is not.

But Halo Reach is the best of the series

Yeah you're right they really should've went right to a continuation of Harry and Cheryl's story and skipped all that nonsense with James in 2 that spawned Tomm Hulett and the movies.

So Soul Edge, Soul Calibur and Soul Calibur 2?

Good picks.


Command and Conquer

>my face when "should of" is triggering more Sup Forumsirgins than the comic sans

Phantasy Star 4 is the best one, are you retarded?

>implying comic sans is bad
Aloha reddit

Saint's Row

Phantasy Star 4 is the reddit choice, the only good game to come after the original trilogy is PSO2

Came here to post this :) have an upvote instead

No, they should start AFTER the third game. 1 and 2 is garbage.

To be fair 5 is also a hot mess

explain right now.



CiT was great and Deadlocked and Nexus were good. Haven't played the PS4 game yetn
Sonic was up and down but it had fun games.
Spirit of Justice was the most consistently good game in the series, except for maybe 3 (haven't played AAI2 yet.) I honestly think it was worth the mediocrity of AJ and DD.

I think anti-Comic Sans punditry is older than reddit.

it's exclusive to Sony consoles, making it automatically inferior to the original trilogy

Thief 3 is still a very good game, especially by todays standards.

Holy shit, I have never seen anyone have such a terrible opinion, and I've lurked Sup Forums for years. Phantasy Star IV was the game that connected everything together, then sent it off with a fitting conclusion. And you're saying PSO2 is better?

I LIKE PSO2, and I think you're either trolling or have brain problems.

>ugly perspective on the ground tiles that are angled yet the action is completely 2D flat
>annoying intrusive story (its fun for nostalgic reasons but it honestly sucks)
>weak level design
>inferior soundtrack (better than X2 but I prefer the rock/metal style soundtracks rather than electronic anime stuff)
>meh bosses

I of a big red balloon. What color balloon do I of?

Roller coaster tycoon

PSO2 is easily the deepest MMORPG in gaming history so yes, it's easily better than the massively overrated PSIV.

I don't know user, 4 is objectively and the most agreed upon (from what I've seen in BN discussions) the worst one.

3 = 2 > 6 > 5 = 1 > 4

1 is pretty bad, but it's not 4 bad. While 2 is a major improvement over 1, except fuck Freeze Man's part. 3 is of course, perfect. 4 is just shit, and 5 is not as shitty as 4 but just a bit more bearable than 1. 6 is ok/all right I'd say.

>ace attorney

You had me pretty good until you said PSO2, alternative title A Game of Grinds, alternative title Wacky High School Shenanigans in Space, alternative title OK Episode Three Was Pretty Good, is the deepest MMORPG ever. You tipped your hand a little too much there. Still, very nice.

The only great AA game after T&T is Investigations 2.

Resident Evil
Metal Gear Solid
Devil May Cry
The elder Scrolls
Star Ocean

But RE4 is one of the best in the series

Name a deeper MMORPG. I dare you. No other MMO has anywhere near as much depth as PSO2. PSO2 is the Super Smash Bros Melee of the MMO genre.

Sonic 3 is not the third sonic game.


Ehhhh go fuck yourself, MGS4 is a masterpiece despite Sup Forums's autistic rants

>Not just going for its spiritual successor Planet Coaster


Devil May Cry

I wonder if the "should of/should have" misuse have reached the level of "literally/metaphorically" misuse to the point the 'mistake' become the 'informal usage'.

I don't hate 4 but it isn't what I wanted and neither was 3 and what came after it.

Mgs4 was one of the most innovative games ever made and had more gameplay then mgs3

>Blend in anywhere Octocamo suit
>Control of Mk 2
>Over 60 well designed and varied weapons
>Tornado Gun, Solar powered stun gun
>Emotion based ammunition
>Varied and open locations with multiple paths through them
>Can recruit Rebel fighters for support
>Added a stress meter that makes you shoot worse when stressed out
>Tons of weapon customization
>Varied gameplay, can either play it as a 1st person, 3rd person, action, hunter or complete stealth game
>Loads of replayability and unlockables
>Ability to use boss weapons and gear like the face camo, railgun, grenade launcher or mantis dolls
>In game iPod to listen to kojima studios podcasts or songs from zone of enders
>GOAT MGO2 with thousands of hours of replayability

Debate me

>heroes 3

Is this a joke? 5-7 are vastly better and constant improvements.


MGS4 is perhaps Metal Gear at its most Metal Gear. That'll be bad or good depending on different people.

Also what was that about kojima studios podcasts

>where X4 is one of the best games in the series

>shitposting about 5
Don't you have a containment general to fuck off to? kys

>Ratchet and Clank
>When the best game in the series is A Crack in Time
Play the games sometime user.




But thats wrong. Ace Attorney 1 is infinitely superior to T&T.

First of all, that's wrong.
Also, ace attorney shouldn't have ended after the first game, what the fuck man?


Also, I would put warcraft on that list.

>should of


>implying PW isn't good
>Implying Rising isn't good
I want this meme to end

Mortal Kombat

I mean, isn't the 'third game' of the series Metal Gear Solid?

Wonder Boy
