When did the FPS genre die?

when did the FPS genre die?

November 15, 2001 was the start. It died on November 5, 2007 when CoD4 came out.

Either Halo or Counter Strike

Halo made a shitload of compromises to FPS design in order to make it work on a console, plus it lead to the rise of P2P matchmaking cancer. On the other hand, Counter Strike shoehorned 2-weapon limits and tried to force tactical shooters to play like arena shooters, resulting in a bastard child that would lead to Call of Duty 4.

So in the final summation, Counter Strike killed FPS. Halo helped push it over, but CS was the first infection.

Why was FEAR 2 so fucking bad
FEAR 3 was shitty but after the mess that was 2 it's not like anyone had expectations


Babbys first fps

Are you saying it didn't? Halo started all the terrible mechanics ruining FPS these days.

>2 weapon limit, regenerating health corridor shooters, slow as fuck movement speed.

Halo was actually a good game though and had many levels that weren't just one long corridor. CoD4 is the game that really popularized that trend.

do you honestly think those trends are because of CoD and Halo's popularity?

it wasn't that bad.
sure, the game was developed with consoles in mind, but monolith didn't forget how to make a good FPS.

I dunno the game itself was okay/good.

The story just went to shit but I enjoyed the gameplay

Why does this game hate Helicopters so much?

>2 weapon limit
started with CS
>regenerating health
was part of Deus Ex
>corridor shooters
>slow as fuck movement speed
Rainbow Six/Medal of Honor

The only thing Halo started was making online play on consoles popular. All the other points were existent in FPS before Halo.

The genre is alive and well. Just because you don't like any of the hundreds of fps games that have come out these past few years doesn't mean the entire genre is dead.

>Something something Big Bang Theory started in 07.
Combat Evolved was breddy fun when I played it at a netcafe. I never got further than the third level though.

It was alright but you could definitely see how the 'modernized' read: consolized it.

I recently played Perseus Mandate, never knew you encoountered guys with reflex abilities like you. Shit was rad.

I kinda like what they did with SW2 and NuDoom is alright. Needs better maps and more enemies but the combat in both are quite buzzword.

When people realized the gameplay is too shallow.
They tried to revive it by putting a lot of rpg in it with Borderlands but it didn't work.

who's this "they" you speak of?


>a lot of rpg
how much rpg?

>mfw playing Duke Nukem Forever

Seeing the credits was actually a sweet relief and all I could think was "I'm glad its over".

>COD 4
>killed FPS games

more like saved them it was the sequels that fucked the genre up

Kind of.

An FPS can't be deep if the player has no mechanical skill, so they force in some secondary genres so that scrubs have something else to latch on to.
If those other things weren't there, they would get bored killing the same enemies in the same way every time because they don't/can't experiment, e.g. the kind of people who think Crysis is a bad game.

>Everyone was forced to run either stopping power or juggernaught
>Those two made every other perk in the second slot worthless
>Saved FPS genre

>hurr despite the awards and popularity the game was bad because I got rekt by juggernaut user :(

go back to Quake 3

oh wait it's dead I wonder why


when valve got praised for in game scripted exposition you couldn;t skip