now that Time Fuckery/Manipulation skills are confirmed for the expansion, who do you guys think will teach this skill?
will it be a totally new psionic school?
will i need to get psi aids to be able to use it?
UnderRail Thread i guess
now that Time Fuckery/Manipulation skills are confirmed for the expansion, who do you guys think will teach this skill?
will it be a totally new psionic school?
will i need to get psi aids to be able to use it?
UnderRail Thread i guess
Anyone want to give me a fun psi build that actually works? Haven't played before
>will it be a totally new psionic school?
Yep, complete with its own set of feats.
>will i need to get psi aids to be able to use it?
Yeah, obviously.
On an unrelated note holy shit he delivered. Blessed be his name forever.
Basically any psi build works, you can't really fuck it up. Max WILL, have good INT, max psi skills, bam, you have a viable psi build.
The only thing you should decided before jumping in is whether you want to be a Tranquility or a Psychosis psi.
Tranquility is only good if you are going for a hybrid desu, so you don't have to focus that much on psi damage but more on it's utility
pure psykers are better with Psychosis to end fights faster or to fuck around with retarded crits
You have never played a Tranquility psi if you genuinely believe that is true. Psychosis rush the battle, Tranquility play the long game. It's a difference of playstyle, but that's all.
that's what i meant senpai, tranquility has a bigger use for the utility from psi
while psychosis ends the battle faster
using tranquility psi for hybrid builds way better
but you can still get around with it as a main build because psi is god tier after all
but compared to Psychosis, Tranquility easily falls off since you aren't always on 100% health to proc it, and you can get around the cost increase from psychosis by having a tac vest with psi beetle shell and a psi headband with mufflers on early game
You can get around the cost increase enough that you get back to normal, but a Tranquility psi can use the same tactics to make abilities even cheaper, and in general work with a larger psi reserve.
A Tranquility psi is at its best when it also specializes in Electronics, and has high Agility with Dodge but mostly Evasion. Abilities like Cryo-Shield and Pseudo-spatial Projection are there to keep your health at full for as long as possible, and Force Field to heal if needed.
And this is the reason why it isn't necessarily better as a hybrid. You will want both Electronics and Tailoring, which means you already locked 6 out of the 8 skill spots. Do you want to Hack? To Lockpick? To Stealth? To Persuade? You can't have it all, although you can have most if you are careful. But it requires a pure psi.
Besides, sure a Tranquility psi will never one-shot spoiler. But it won't have to pray to RNGesus either to grant him luck with that Cryokinetic Orb when facing 5+ enemies not clustered together in the same tight spot.
That being said I like both branches. And the expansion makes running a Psychosis psi more appealing to me than ever before.
you can chokepoint yourself with force barrier and wait for enemies to eventually clump nearby your position and cast locus of control + enrage
or you can just get them together and use Thermodynamic Destabilization on the one with most health and crit him to death killing everything around him
goddamn, psi is so good
Sure. You can do both with both kinds of psis.
LoC+Enrage gets nothing out of Psychosis/Mania, also you probably don't want to this just coming out of Force Field since they just might attack you instead of each other.
As for the second, the Thermodynamic Destabilization > Telekinetic Proxy > Telekinetic Punch combo will almost never fail you.
Yeah, psi is amazing.
>Besides, sure a Tranquility psi will never one-shot spoiler.
Can still one-turn it easily. Proxy, implosion, mental breakdown, neural overload, and spam few more NOs for good measure.
Or if you're feeling lazy: Don't do the mutagen puzzle. LoC enrage the full cadre of tentacles. Wait and laugh.
>tfw you made the final boss suicide
Wait, what? I tried a few Mind Control abilities, but the "Immune" message popped up almost every time so I just didn't bother after that. You can actually Mental Breakdown it?
Give me a second, I'll have to see this.
The eye and thought control tentacle-dick are immune to enrage, that's it afaik.
Started playing yesterday
>decide to create a stealthy pistol/psi user
>level 1
>no psi yet
>pistol only scratches rathounds
>sprinting and stealthing my way around turning on generators because I can only kill rathounds 1v1
>psifags get more stuff
>gunfags left in the dust again
feels bad man
also, epeli posted a string of text in the last thread, said it was all he was wiing to give us with regards to hints about unreleased stuff
also posted this one on the forums a while back
anyone got a clue about what this means? or was he just trolling
that was why i fell in love with the game really. It was the first time i felt properly challenged in an RPG in a long time
One IP from Hungary already figured out what to do with the first one. Please don't repost that string around too often, I'd hate to have to disable it.
The second is different and doesn't actually contain anything of interest, just the expansion's codename.
you guys are deraileds, sooner or later those imprints will fail on you, fry your brain making you guys go crazy just like the Lunatics
real Jacks go for Stealth+Chemical/E-Pistol builds
I'll be damned, it really does work.
The only reason why I couldn't get him in a single turn is that I was doing this with a hybrid with only 12 WILL and no headband.
Fucker got to live for one more turn with 42 HP. Still, whew.
You are the best, seriously. This made my afternoon. Thank you.
Also, I see what you did there with the timing. Too bad the thread died just a little too fast.
>chemical pistols
>reading that one doctor npc in the protectorate and that other merchant in the depths dialogues.
Chemical guns, never again. I don't wish that not even on my worst enemies.
I kinda hope we had some sentry or minion build to keep it as well. It wouldn't be as overpowered since the game is throwing countless enemies at you anyway, and the minion could be kept with a maintenance sort of system. Also that fucking drill mech, i really want it.
>Also, I see what you did there with the timing.
I originally planned to post it Six days later, but Styg delayed the fucking devlog, probably just to troll me.
I love how after becoming invictus, nobody recognizes the main character as one, and he is constantly whining about it to everyone. Was there ANYONE that did? I think twitchy did but no one else.
>Also that fucking drill mech, i really want it.
what if i told you you get to pilot one in the protectorate quest line
Twitch, Goran, the Oligarchs, and Fixer. Only people who have a really good reason to recognize you. My favorite is that as you are getting more and more desperate you start rambling about being Invictus even to people who have no realistic way of even know what Arena is. But really, all three running jokes in the game are so beautiful.
Hahaha, that's gold. Who better to pull off a Temporal Manipulation like that? But that cockblock is just as funny, so it's still great. By the way, did he give you his blessing or should we stay really silent?
i wonder if that mysterious disk from the scrappers questline will ever have a use
it looked really important
Is it worth just dipping into psi or hybridizing with it? I'd hate to lost 1/4 of my health if it's not going to be worth much in the long run
>No Underrail nexus or workshop yet
it seems like it had one but as a quest it existed since the early alpha. so it's likely that styg forgot about it or couldn't think of a use for it. but it does seem strange that one of the only artifact-quality items in the game was just completely forgotten about.
Maybe in the sequel. Which means we are going to spend the next 7 years sitting here and arguing about what the orange items sans Beast head do. Or if the expansion happens to sell well, and Styg makes more, maybe the next 10+ years. But no worries, hopefully we'll get to visit Zeta and see the Khazum Morakht before computers get phased out and replaced with neural implants.
It can work, but usually I'm not feeling the synergy. Whether I pick it up as the main or as a support skill, it's almost always just better to stick with one or the other during combat.
Although Electrokinetic Imprint works damn well as a support skill, and if you are playing a stealth character that HP malus is not that horrible. But I'd wait for the new school for real not psi-centric hybrids.
I would have "accidentally" left expedition mode checkbox visible if he didn't mind. What happens in Sup Forums should stay in Sup Forums.
He would probably freak out if he knew what Tygrende has been doing since January. I and others know though, and we agree it's good for the game.
It's not forgotten.
>it's not forgotten.
>What happens in Sup Forums should stay in Sup Forums.
i'm guessing the devs don't post here then?
codexers in charge of having a fucking clue
>Not sure that I want another game that does time-manipulation abilities without incorporating such a massive setting-altering tech into the meat of the setting/campaign. It's just jarring for me - time manipulation and psychic abilities are things that should alter a setting at a fundamental level.
He is doing god's work, that's what. Although I never realized you've been aware of everything for such a long time.
So I liked Fallout 1 and Wasteland 2.
Will this game keep me interested? It looks like Fallout.
yes, but it's a combat oriented rpg
so don't think you can go around with a chatty character
Maybe. Did you like those two games for the combat? If yes, go for it. If no, does it bother you that this game is primarily about combat and exploration? If it does, look for a different game.
Thats actually ideal, probably. The reason I don't player many cRPGs or whatever the genre is is because Im pretty casual and typically need some solid combat to really invest myself.
i want to go back to playing this but then i remember i hate getting lost
So do we have to scream harder about Deep Caverns being a fucking fantastically designed area, or is it a lost cause at this point?
>fantastically designed
hol up. i wasn't one of the shitters that complained about it being too hard, but you have to admit it drags out just a little too much
Well, the combat is more than solid. It will really start to shine once you are done with the tutorial and the map opens up, although there are quite a few really good ones even before that. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, if you feel like you are getting bored by walking around in caves, stop doing that and focus on the main quest until you finish the place called Depot A.
Also, depending on your definition of casual, it may or may not bother you that this game only has a minimalist journal. If you want to take longer breaks and don't want to take notes, the Underrail wiki has everything you need. Similarly there is no in-game map, so if that's an issue for you and you don't feel like drawing, you can find maps on the wiki as well. Print one out, and that should solve the problem.
>fun scifi game
>suddenly, psi magick
every time
I disagree. The place has enough variety and even more secrets that on a first run it shouldn't get boring unless you really don't have the slightest clue what you are doing and so end up having to revisit almost every area several times.
On a second run, kind of. Personally I love the place, although I always forget how long running around at Arke picking up keycards takes compared to how I remembered it. But the rest usually takes me less than an hour, so it's not an issue. Thankfully gate parts are not randomly placed, nor is the Biohazard Suit.
But as long as you are not part of the
>DEEP CAVERNS IS THE DEVIL FIX PLS (never played it by the way)
group I have no quarrel with you.
If people think DC is fucking fantastic, they should air their thoughts on, steam, rpgcodex. But don't make it a personal autism-fueled crusade. That's how Al Fabets happen.
>Biohazard Suit
What do you need it for?
>tfw gunslinger still works with e-pistols
hope that bug never gets fixed, being able to fire 2 shots from plasma pistol per turn is really good, plus i can stop levelling dex at 12 and get 3 strenght levels so at 24 i can pick steadfast aim for more crit chance
i can in theory one shot Tchort if i manage to land a execute crit and stack crit bonus i'm almost at 800% with critical power + circular wave amplifier on my plasma pistol
this game is really fun
you should be able to get several psi-skills before you leave SGS
Complete immunity against Spore Turrets. Makes grabbing the heart less of a hassle if you are not in the mood to fight a bunch of shrooms with True Sight.
A decent low freq shield emitter will do the same.
So there really is no way around it without namefagging? Fuck, I feared that much. I'm user for life. But maybe. In the future. Taking bets, which would give me worse karma faster, the 'dex or
Which you might not have with you. The suit on the other hand is always there, and takes like a five minute trip to pick up.
>But as long as you are not part of the
>>DEEP CAVERNS IS THE DEVIL FIX PLS (never played it by the way)
>group I have no quarrel with you.
In a way, that group has been winning even before the game was released. Fun facts about pre-release DC:
Tchort had 4k HP, insane resistances across the board and immunity to every fucking debuff known to man. The mental damage Tchort dealt out of combat kept increasing indefinitely, until it killed you in one hit. The mutagen tanks also had stupidly high resistances and 1100 HP. Creeping Dread went up to -60%. There were also some nice bugs like Leo's dialog branch about Echoing Soliloquy not working, infinite spider spawns inside Caerus, but my absolute favorite was pic related.
Unfortunately no. I don't like namefagging and registrations either. You have no idea how long I've been pestering Styg to at least open the damn wiki for user editing.
holy fuck. i can only image how goddamn mad you would have been.
Holy fuck. You know, I think not all nerfs are bad nerfs. And some of the bitching really was justified. DC is much better for the reduced debuff cooldown, and I suppose no one misses the respawning Burrowers. Or the previous bullet sponges either, although those I think served their purpose fine. And the hint about the shroom forest trick really was easy to miss, even if it hits almost mocking levels of spoonfeeding now. But in its current form, there is little else left to complain about, and the whole area is just simply clever with its various location gimmicks, or with how it informs you of the optimal order.
But that... ouch. So I assume there was no deus ex machina cutscene of the player suddenly and magically overcoming the debuff with apparently nothing but sheer willpower? I actually really would love to give it a shot just to see it for myself. Now that sounds like a challenge. Also kek at that picture.
I was laughing too hard to be mad. And it got fixed in less than 20 minutes, I barely had time to go fishing and test crafting some of the new drugs. Good thing I did, because regenerative mixture didn't work. The time pressure was heavy, I don't think any of the stygsoft guys slept much.
But yeah, beta DC was... exquisite fun.
No, not all nerfs are bad nerfs. Tchort was literally impossible to kill with certain builds, so something had to change drastically. I wanted to handle the boss fight differently, but perhaps it is for the best that Styg likes his own ideas better.
For me the game crashed when I opened the gate for the first time. I have no idea how that happened, but that was one hell of a perfect timing. And the only time the game ever ctd'd for me too.
You know, I think the run that cemented my love for that place was when I tried to beat it with a badly unprepared character, and resource management really became an important factor. That was when I genuinely had to start to take whatever help the environment offered at avoiding fights or saving whatever little drugs I had for Tchort. I think I never would have realized otherwise that you can use Spore Infection to your advantage to drastically save on Health hypos. In a way it was a lot more fun than curbstomping everything in my way like it usually happens.
>killed all the free drones that stole the train
>go on the wiki after I finish the quest
>apparently could've sided with them
I think I'm okay with my decision. They seemed like typical rebels. Don't know if I'll join the Protectorate or if there's more factions that I just haven't been given the option to join yet.
There are other factions too, but that questline is about the Protectorate/Drones only. The situation with the Drones is a bit more complicated than them being "typical rebels", but you are not completely wrong either. Also, the Protectorate questline gives you much better insight into the situation anyway. Now go, pledge loyalty to your new overlords, and sacrifice someone to Moloch or something.