>he fell for the "Pillars of Eternity has bad writing" meme

You lied to me.


No one fell for that meme.

PoE is a modern crpg masterpiece with very few faults.

It got a bad rep because most of Sup Forums are underage with autism who can't stand having to read to learn the lore of a game.

The writing is not bad per se.

It's simply convoluted, pretentious and full of immersion breaking lore dumps at every step.


Except it is bad? Obsidian wrote it. It sure as shit isn't good.

What about the lack of importance of choices?

durance and grieving mother were written by chris avellone (rest of the characters weren't), and they got the majority of their content removed (grieving mother was supposed to have a stealth-focused dungeon that took place in her mind for example)
rest of the characters are varying degrees of shit
eder isn't too shit but he's just really fucking bland which is also a flavor of shit
it's all shit
i want to die

also it's fucking info dump - the game
it's so fucking horrendous

>full of immersion breaking lore dumps at every step.
Elaborate, please. I've played a nice chunk of it once upon a time ago, and I don't recall any of that. It's been a while though.

You can literally kill off anyone, and butcher towns. Go be a unique snowflake / cookie cutter contrarian somewhere else lad

Recommend me a different CRPG to play so I don't go and buy this 1

Whoa. Why are you so mad and defensive of PoE?

>Butcher every person possible in town
>Nobody says shit about it and nothing changes

Fuck off though


I thought PoE was okay. Kept my attention enough to play through once, but I wasn't interested in the expansions that came out after I finished. The dumb backer characters everywhere really killed the experience for me.

Durance is hands down the most memorable part of the game though. Great character.

My point is the game is full of NPCs that give you tons of exposition when asked simple questions.

When I'm asking "What can you tell me about this city?" I'm usually asking for a short description of it, landmarks etc., not an essay about the city history. Especially when the person I'm asking is just some random guy on the street.

It's GOAT. Casuals are the only ones that don't like it.

Is Divinity Original Sin better than Pillars of Eternity?


>released in the same year as Underrail and Age of Decadence
It wasn't even a candidate.

Oh look another memetard who never played something he's complaining about. Kys you absolute retard

>The moniker is obsolete now
That is the most clunky, awkward sentence I've ever read. This is terrible.

Just because you are poorly read doesn't mean that the sentence is clunky. Do you even know what a moniker is?

>It got a bad rep because most of Sup Forums are underage with autism who can't stand having to read to learn the lore of a game.
It's pretty much literally the other way around. Being underage yourself you've never actually played any of the vastly superior crpgs PoE tries so shamelessly to copy. 90% of the writing is garbage and has nothing to do with polt or lore development, and even then all the party members are pretty hit and miss, only Durance had an interesting story.

But he's right, no one fucknig cares about butchering a town.

>b-but your reputation with that town changes!
And it still doesn't change a single thing.

What the fuck are you even on about.

I actually disliked durance and the grieving mother the most, durance wasn't too bad but the grieving mother was mind numbing.

>Especially when the person I'm asking is just some random guy on the street.
PoE doesn't have random guy on the street, npc are related to a quest, merchants or backers fanfic

It reads fine dude.

Language so flowery it borders on ridiculous and incomprehensible isn't "good writing". This reads like something an 8th grader with a thesaurus would write.

It's funny when people complain about Lore dump but say they love Durance when he's the biggest offender

I was really excited for this game because the art was great, but the game was just so boring.

I dropped it after getting to that first castle place after the first town.

No, there are some NPCs in Defiance Bay that are neither backer not related to quests. Very few of them, but they exist.

It's alright but they totally fucked up the combat and encounters.

Those fucking ghosts that multiply and teleport and ARE LITERALLY FUCKING EVERYWHERE are completely retarded.

And the stamina/hp system is just awkward and annoying.

>fill game with trash mobs
>get no exp or worthwhile loot for defeating them

Chris Avellone is the most overrated writer in the history of video games

>those phantom that stun on hit and can completely destroy your tank because of the graze system

He is also one of the earliest companions you get which really put me off at first, they probably should have had him join later in the game.

PoE was just bland to me.

Despite them trying to create some unique fantasy world, it all felt very boring.

Maybe Obsidian just isn't any good at creating original settings.

but then they'd have to condense all his awful badly written dialogue into an even smaller space

>And the stamina/hp system is just awkward and annoying.
Not to mention it makes traps a complete non-issue.

>out of combat
>walk into a trap
>party member gets knocked out
>gets up immediately
Woe me

Good writing can't make me overlook the bland gameplay

You realise that's the town guide, right? This shit has been in CRPG's all the way back to its roots. There is lore dumping but this definitely is not part of it.



You misunderstand. I'm not complaining about lore/info dump.

I dislike the the sterotypical fantasy nomenclature.

Durance is the only good character, though

The rest is le reddit fedora tip garbage.

he has a point. the whole section reads awkwardly and feels quite contrived

maybe that's just the character?

No. It reads fine.

i'm completely without any context, but on the face of OP's image the writing seems very amateurish in that specific instance

i wouldnt call it terrible like that other guy but it could be rewritten a little

or it could just be the character.

I didn't find the writing to be *that* bad. I didn't like a lot of the characters but that's not a huge issue. My problems with it are in the gameplay.

I never had a huge problem with Valve playtesting their games to death, but in an RPG you can definitely get away with esoteric mechanics and putting stupid stuff in "because it's cool." These weird "flaws" give an RPG a lot of their flavor, which I found to be missing from PoE. I think they were just trying too hard, when they really should have let the plot and setting have its way with the game's balancing.

The best RPG I've played in a long time was D:OS, which was definitely more like a Fallout than a Baldur's Gate, but it was still fun as fuck. If you tried to be a bit cheeky or clever in combat that game really shined. Pillars was "just OK," which is not enough for me to actually recommend it to anyone, but it was still OK.

>it is pretentious
literally what do you meme-loving fucks mean with this

Tries to seem more important and deep than it actually is.

I found the kickstarter characters immersion breaking

>Isometric for some reason instead of a fully 3D world
>Despite saving money be cheaping out on graphics they still couldn't avoid full VA's so only one in every 7 screens are VA'd even when speaking with companions.
>No meaningful choices in the game, everything is flavor text
>For all the quests outside of the main story line you feel like a fifth wheel sticking your dick where it doesn't belong. Games does nothing to make you care.
>Retarded ass combat system that takes the worst elements of D&D and adds in retarded shit like ZoC combat with 50 enemies on screen.
>Final boss literally tips his fedora and unzips his katana
>Music was pretty okay I guess.

Gotta have some pretty low standards to enjoy this

You can butcher towns, but you still end doing the exactly same quests in the exactly same ways besides instead of talking to one guy, you talk to another, or loot a letter from his body.
This type of freedom is the action version of conversations where you can choose different lines, but all you decide on is in which way you get the same information.
I liked PoE, but saying actions matter in that game, atleast to a decent degree is just dumb.

this dumb fucking bitch

>super powerful entities that are able to hinder or harm people in major ways are known to exist

This. I have yet to find a way to stop the ghosts from randomly doing the "heh, nothing personel" on my backline, then I get swarmed and since my backline is locked to combat, they can
t run away

But they actually are fake. I feel sorry for anyone who made a priest. They got cucked hard.

No, she is pretty fukcing dumb but was right about this one.

Her point was that even though they are immensely powerful they are not primordial omnipotent/omniscient beings and as such don't have any kind of divine authority.

It's shit like pic related that makes her dumb, she chooses to sufeer for all eternity to make a point even though gods couldn't give less fucks even if they wanted to.

It's a shame the first response is shopped.

>Isometric for some reason

The fact that they are man-made does not negate the impact they can have on the world. Simply choosing to ignore the laws of a dictator because he's not the true ruler won't stop you being imprisoned or killed.

>>Isometric for some reason instead of a fully 3D world

>>Despite saving money be cheaping out on graphics they still couldn't avoid full VA's so only one in every 7 screens are VA'd even when speaking with companions.
You went full retard here.

Everything else is true though.

Durance and Grieving Mother were written by Avellone, though. Duds and utterly forgettable writing is FAR more numerous.

In my opinion the farm boy companion you got in the first town was miles more interesting than anyone else.

>For all the quests outside of the main story line you feel like a fifth wheel sticking your dick where it doesn't belong


Nah, what PoE was a tighter script. It all makes sense when you discover they literally used the first draft of the script because they ran out of time. And those FUCKING backer NPCs need to die.

Yeah, but that's not the point. People workship gods unconditionally because they believe gods must be right when it's not the case.

She's retarded but she wasn't wrong about them not being true gods, they are just very fucking powerful.

>The paladin will cockblock you constantly if you try to do evil

>actually I'm following the god of "who cares" so I don't mind you're doing evil every chance you get

bird nigger was the only genuinely bad companion though, other ranged from great to ok/average

Only because he was really written as a safe and likeable character. Average guy practically everyone can relate to. I'm not complaining or anything, but it's clear that was the mission goal for Eder. Expansions have some decent writing.

>dat feel when Zahua's everything

No. Not in every rpg every made. Other RPGs frame your role as one of importance where your actions make sense. In Dragon Age Origins, your side quests directly related to your war effort. Hell even in Tyranny you are Judge Dredd so most of the conflicts happening in side quests fall directly under your Jurisdiction. Being a dick ass adventurer is a shitty way to play the game

It would have no impact on peoples lives if the truth was exposed.

>"Oh so the gods are man-made?"
>"But they'll cause untold destruction if I don't worship them?"
>"So I'll just worship them then"

>True gods

What does that even mean? They were gods in every sense of the word. Knowing they have an origin story doesn't make them any less of gods.


>Expose gods as being fake
>nothing happens
>You probably get burned in a pyre for heresy

Source: Christianity.

>Pillars of Eternity
>Path of Exile

Who thought this was a good idea?

They even both have the Diablo perspective thing going on visually

Yeah, that would probably be the case. Maybe some people would rebel but it wouldn't be the most sensible thing to do.

Does Tyranny feel tighter script-wise?

It's pretty fucking terrible because all the interesting shit happened elsewhere or before the game.

Fucking retarded.

>What does that even mean? They were gods in every sense of the word.
No, they are not primordial, omnipotent and omniscient beings responsible for the creation of the world.

They are just powerful and able to wreck shit. It's like saying a man owning a nuke is a god.

This so much.

How much better would the game be if it was set during the Saint's War.

Only the absolute worst of the worst "casual gamers" didn't recognize PoE as a great game. Sure it had it's faults and sometimes it got a little lore-heavy, but what people don't realize is that this is what makes a good world and a good setting.

I almost found myself disappointed by how shallow Tyranny felt by comparison.

That being said, I did newly go on a CRPG-bender starting with IWD, then BG1 and 2, then PST. I followed those up by DOS1 (for something a little different) and then PoE with it's expansions and lastly Tyranny.

PoE is a lot better than people give it credit for, and I genuinely rate it up there alongside BG2.

IWD did not age as well as I thouht it would.

Greek gods didn't create the world either and they are still gods

>It's like saying a man owning a nuke is a god.
He is if he's in a dystopian sci-fi setting where his system of cameras and robots makes his Omnipotent

>No, they are not primordial, omnipotent and omniscient beings responsible for the creation of the world.

So that means the greek, roman, egyptian and nordic pantheons don't have gods either?
You're not a very smart person, are you?

>Sure it had it's faults and sometimes it got a little lore-heavy, but what people don't realize is that this is what makes a good world and a good setting.
No, random umlauts and tons of exposition don't make a great a setting.

Was Tyranny a blunder? Sales-wise I mean? Looks like the world wasn't ready for a CRPG-return after all.

Not an argument.

I never used him because he is such a failure at life.

>nearly 100,000 for a niche indie CRPG

>mediocre story with shit pacing
>shit villain
>mostly shit companions
>shit reactivity and choice & consequence
>shit itemization
>shit encounter design
>shit magic
>shit dungeons (except the castle)


Greek mythology has primordial deities as well.

The point is gods in PoE are man-made and as such they hold no divine authority.

during development the people at RPGCodex (a message board overflowing with severe muh crpg autism) got incredibly buttmad at obsidian not following their every autistic demand. so they grew resentful and seeing as a number of them also post here, every obsidian thread now gets filled with a special brand of codex 'tism

Things don't stop being arguments just because you can't refute them.

Wow great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions.

I think PoE put a lot of people off buying another Obsidian CRPG

Nah, sales are apparently matching on GOG as well so it did decently. It's also important to note RPGs have long term sales, especially when price goes down. They can be counted to make substantial revenue for years to come.

>They even both have the Diablo perspective thing going on visually

And that's where the comparisons end.
They're pretty much on completely different sides of the RPG spectrum.

It's okay, we have been over all of that, newfag.

*tips tinfoil hat*

>>shit reactivity and choice & consequence
>>shit itemization
>>shit encounter design
>>shit dungeons (except the castle)
Those are not opinions, those are objective facts.

>Divine authority

They can do everything you'd expect gods to do. I don't really see how its an issue.

There's no "a lot of people", though. PoE is liked by people with small groups that speak up against it. Don't buy into online talk as some sort of standard.

say shit a few more times, really strengthens your argument

It's pretty ironic you are the only one to mention RPG Codex so far.