Have successfully assassinated your target, V?

Have successfully assassinated your target, V?

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Wew lad

>proven correlation
>video games more popular than ever
>violent crime rate in the US steadily decreasing every year

Well, I do like Hitman games.

Somebody isn't thinking of the children.

'Member when it was the right-wing trying to censor vidya?

>correlation meaning causation
Reporters are trash, but gaming journalists are a special kind of garbage.

Hopefully the journalists are right and they succumb in the orgiastic chaos of violence that is coming

>Correlation between games and gun violence
>In a country where guns are legal
>In a country that has the fucking NRA
>In a country that is 'the worlds police force'
>In a country where the police are armed

>It's games that are the problem

Holy shit I find it so fucking funny how deluded some amerifriends are, you don't want to see the cause of the rot in your society you'd rather just scapegoat it.

yes, fellow V user
I have over 300 hundred confirmed assassinations, most of which were part of a minority and/or female

hell to the yeah, my bro!

>Games cause school shootings
>Not the fact that kids can get their hands on military grade assault rifles!

our guy erik kain btfo this already

>There's a proven correlation between video games and gun violence
Isn't it literally the opposite? Citation needed regardless, fuck.

Literally who?

>In a country where the police are armed
How is that bad?

maybe stop giving both guns and R-rated games to your kids fucking fatties

Post more Winnie Pooh

We should've seen it coming, current left wing journalism is akin to conservative journalism from 10 years ago, but worse.


probably the correlation is at the individual level and not the country level (i mean: video game players are more likely than non-players to be violent w guns even when both are american, etc)

Most violent murders per capita are commited in Russia, though, where the serfs aren't allowed to have guns.

i guess we know why black people are so violent

You literally only need guns to shoot other americans with guns, it's the snake eating its own tail.

A lot of countries don't have armed police, and that works out just fine.
The whole problem with young black people getting shot left right and centre doesn't concern you?


I've always wondered how much are clickbait articles and how much are genuine shit they put out.

Like do they eventually write so many clickbait articles that they eventually believe what they write?

They'll probably cite some shitty research paper and purposely misinterpret it.

The only problem with video games is that they're breeding a generation of socially and emotionally retarded people.

Police get into a situation where they can shoot, so they shoot.

Norway recently got out of a 5 year Police arming period.
During that time, beyond weapon misfire from belt(combination of model problem and poor training) we also had a few cases where the Police would start a shootout, instead of starting group takedowns.
There was also a lot of cases where some asshole would try to steal the Police holstered guns.

Just trust the experience.

V has come to

well, frying pans are dangerous you know
most of murders happen in kitchens between alcoholics

>A lot of countries don't have armed police, and that works out just fine.

They also don't have niggers, which are the source of most crime in the USA despite being like 10-12% of the population. It's their fault that they get shot by police

Don't you know, the bad guys get guns anyway legal or not.
The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

>The whole problem with young black people getting shot left right and centre doesn't concern you?
Where do you think we are?

I'm not sure if it's worse. It's more heavily covered due to the internet but the conservatives can dredge up evangelicals and simple folk a lot easier to back up their causes.

>Like do they eventually write so many clickbait articles that they eventually believe what they write?
yes, that's how not so long ago CZ president(or who he was?) died
he believed that everything is fine and that huge crowd outside is actually not violent at all

>he's never heard about Columbine
it was proven long ago in the 90s. FPS games make kids crazy. Modern FPS's don't have any of the sick gore effects of people splattering into a mess of guts and body parts for exactly this reason.

>Don't you know, the bad guys get guns anyway legal or not.

We've never had a school shooting in my country
You know why
Because we don't sell guns in fucking supermarkets

>dat ridiculous obvious clickbait

I live in one of the countries with the lowest police killings, and they are armed. The problem is not them being armed, it's the culture around having a firearm that's the problem.

America doesn't have a gun problem. It has a nigger problem. Remove niggers and the crime rate is no worse than any white country.

no racism on V please

Problem is, they don't have any influence. Have you met many developers who were evangelicals? I think not. Most developers are very left wing, so they're much more easily influenced by articles pushed by their own ideological allies.

Maybe if you hadn't made them slaves, released them, then kept them down for all these years you wouldn't have a problem.

You're a fucking retard, they are the problem, YOU are. Literally what do you expect from people that have been treated like shit for generations, that have almost no structure or prospects for the future?

I hope you get shot you dumb cunt.

I was hoping we could put the faux racism aside, we all know the 'racists' here would shit themselves if their 'views' ever got out into real life.

>The whole problem with irrational criminals attacking police officers for no reason getting shot left right and center doesn't concern you?

Why would it?

>"gun violins"

They are full of shit.

Breivik had to settle for legally imported Guns because the Black Marked arms dealers thought he literally was a undercover cop.
On a street level, you got shit like Japan where guns are hard to find because they are not in circulation.
Terror groups usually settle for external import, praying on the flaws of import control.

Just let the niggers get shot.
Its fine.

Cancer these days...

>misfire from belt(combination of model problem and poor training)
no, that's what we call being a retard

>irrational criminals
>Getting shot for driving too fast is somehow ok

Not our fault niggers commit so much crime.

is this 2002?

I was one of the best CS players back during the 1.6 days. The skills I learned there directly translated into my gun-for-hire contracting career. Just last week I killed an African warlord for the CIA.

Thanks gooseman.

I'd say that's more the Internet than video games.

>Modern FPS's don't have any of the sick gore effects of people splattering into a mess of guts and body parts


Agree with you, should have actually emancipated them when we emancipated them from slavery. Things would not be nearly so bad right now I think. But doing that probably would have required a different type of government with the authority and power to force that through and that simply wasn't there in the US

>Maybe if you hadn't made them slaves, released them, then kept them down for all these years you wouldn't have a problem.
They where already slaves when europeans and americans got their hands on them. But europe had the right idea of getting rid of them, or keeping them off their main lands and only in colonies.

LT.COL.Dave Grossman, USA (Retarded)

>you don't want to see the cause of the rot in your society you'd rather just scapegoat it.

What is the "cause of the rot" in your mind?

hang on ahmed let me get in my time machine and stop lincoln from freeing all the niggers

since, you know, I am the problem and muh mup da doo didda raycism 6 gorrillion years ago if my fault

>Maybe if you hadn't made them slaves, released them, then kept them down for all these years you wouldn't have a problem.

I didn't make black people slaves

1. Holster that doesn't cover the trigger

2. Safety on the models used isn't very clear if its on or off.

3. And yes, you are correct.

4. In 2015 they had enough and started the work for replacements, both holsters and guns, because people fucking up the safety was a real problem.

>Niggers are more likely to commit crimes because they are black
>Not because, I dunno, they are poor

Y'all need some materialism

>the fucking NRA
are you that much of a fucking pussy?

10 years ago video game enthusiasts made fun of people like this, now they dominate the industry.


Every race on the planet has been enslaved at some point. Niggers aren't special.

>His career includes service in the U.S. Army as a sergeant in the 82nd Airborne Division, a platoon leader in the 9th Infantry Division, a general staff officer, a company commander in the 7th (Light) Infantry Division as well as a paratrooper and graduate of Ranger School.
"G-guys, it's video games killing people I swear!"

Sometimes you need guns to shoot hurka durkas who think they are in Syria when they are actually in central Europe.
Policemen can carry guns and not act like Wyatt Earp.
German police for example killed 10 people in 2015 and every German police officer carries a gun.

Maybe if the good Lt. Col. had studied a proper science he would realise that this makes no sense.

>A lot of countries don't have armed police, and that works out just fine.
lots of other countries aren't Murika, just saying
you may think the problem is guns, but it's not, the problems go deeper than that and guns are a side issue.

Republicans with tiny penises and a persecution complex needing guns to protect themselves from niggers vodooing their wives into becoming african cum dumps (rather than just accept she likes fat cocks)

it's okay user, he is probably a Europoor or something that doesn't understand freedom has real value other than "muh feelins" or "muh chilluns"

>BLM (Blacks Lobbing Molotovs) supporter

Opinion discarded

Another big issue that the United States faces is the utter division within communities. Cops are terrified of civilians and civilians are terrified of cops so situations escalate quickly.


Niggers commit far more crime than whites at all income levels. They're genetically predisposed to violence.


>They are genetically predisposed to violence

Lad please I'm about to throw up due to laughing


Argument. Destroyed.

every police officer in russia carries a gun
they don't kill anyone with it at all, too much paper work

My post was a parody of the kind of things politicians say about why gun control "won't work".
The real problem is retroactive policies won't work well, there are already too many guns in America. There are more guns than there are people.

>Niggers aren't special.

Yes they are, good Christian white people fought a civil war to free them. that didn't happen anywhere else with or for any other people.

coddling the negro, not even once.

If that were true then Asians would have tanks and APCs lining their driveways, but it isn't.

>gaming journalist
>Lt. Col.

This isn't even journalism

Don't forget the statistic compared with Korea and Japan with a higher gaming population but a smaller crime rate.

Modern FPS are more violent and you're ignoring his main point which is FPS as a genre is more popular than ever but there hasn't been an increase in incidents like Columbine.

Except for pinoys for they are, as is well-known, they most powerful race in the world.

>young black people getting shot left right and centre doesn't concern you?
it's ironic because cops in america are less likely to shoot black people than any other race
it's just that blacks are way more likely to break the law and shoot at cops

Do you have another explanation then? It's not income level. It's not their history of slavery (All races hace been enslaved at some point). Then what is it? They evolved that way. It's the only explanation left.

We needed to protect the rich in this country so let's turn low and middle class americans against each other. That's the entire reason race baiting is back in full swing.

And they are poor because they're lazy and rather rob convenience stores and breaking into old people's home than sending a resume or filling application forms.

>There's proven correlation between videogames and gun violence
Technically he is correct, just not in way that he implies.
The more popular videogames have become, less gun violence there has been.

Holding people accountable for the actions of their ancestors some 150 years ago is retarded. The same brand of retarded thinking behind racism only being possible against minorities.

*teleports into thread*

*doesn't look at anyone*

*sits down meditation style*

America borders a third world country and has 40% of it's population made up by sub-humans. It's a miracle the crime rate is so low.

hormones are controlled by genetics and they control anger, but also desire.

the union didn't even start the civil war

the confederacy sacked a union fort and now dipshit southerners like to tout "MUH WAR OF NORTHERN AGRESSION" like clockwork.

What nation?

Yeah, US segregation is amazing.
I always wonder why they don't deal with it.
Its been like that since they built cities over there.

If banning arms is wrong because of muh second amendment, why is America signed to the NPT?

Asians have a quiet dignity, unlike americans

>We've never had a school shooting in my country

You also don't have firearm freedom.
Tell us how your country is magically better because you have less freedom.

There is no correlation between firearm ownership and violent crime, by the way.

Fucksticks that don't even live in America should be disregarded when it comes to American law, all they see is what liberal media and news tells them.

Congress never passed the '12-'13 so-called "assault weapons" ban because no one wanted it--it was just a bunch of Democrat Jews trying to fuck us all over.

I'd forgotten KF2 still existed

let me translate this article for mr lt. col.: we are freaking afraid if these people will start a revolution, they'd know basic guerilla tactics and that' bad

he doesn't care for shit about crime rates