jontron is officially dead
Jontron is officially dead
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Literally who?
The fuck is wrong with the left guy's chin and jaw?
Then stop watching him. Or find him and tell him you hate him.
Either is a more effective way of demonstrating your hate than posting somewhere he will never see.
He likes money and has always looked foward to VR so its no suprise he would agree to being paid to use VR.
That aint Jontron. That guy is WAY too thin.
where exactly did he lose ya, buttercup?
he's a fat neckbearded jew
I can't believe people actually watch him
They must be fat neckbeards like him
Jontron and Inuitinua are the only conservative Youtubers. Why so many of them are such leftists?
>Sony pays for his flight
>and his probable hotel
>and potentially his food
>to play some vidya
>he could have said no
>but he didnt because ???
not going to lie if it was all expenses paid i would too.
cause most aren't retarded enough to be conservative
His middle name is Aryan.
sweet generalization
>he's a fat neckbearded jew
He's Persian. And he's lost weight.
>implying we all wouldn't shill for aome free shit
I thought Jon was a muslim, dude looks like a Chechen
oh wait, we don't have one of those boards?
I guess your cancer isn't tolerated anywhere :(
fat neckbeards detected
Jontron is Iranian. Near the end of the new Sonic '06 episode (Tooth and Nail - PART 106), Jon started naming off Persian dishes and started talking a little in Farsi (Iran's native language).
money is money
Wrong. He's never been more alive.
Jafari's basically a stunted pampered prick. Hard to feel bad for him.
the guy in blue is wearing a mask?
That can't be a real face
>muh artistic integrity
The retards who think of Jon as some paragon of artistic integrity because he left game grumps baffle me. He was content to do lets plays for fucking YEARS but eventually he just wanted to focus on his own channel. It had nothing to do with integrity or anything else. Then whever he sells out for any reason they screech about how he sold out.
Could you make this image a little smaller? I can still read some of it.
What the FUCK is this resolution
>Sup Forums makes you fat
Fucking dropped
who? and is this vidya
Jontron's like a moderate at best. I don't think he really gives a shit.
hes not as fat as before, i dont like him anymore.
jontron is officially not funny
>me: 27, bald
>john: 27 maybe i dunno i don't follow him, extreme head of hair
why live
the only people who like him have no friends at all
he's like a friend substitute
>tfw genetically pre-determined to never go bald
Too bad I'm short though
Holy fucking shit he is fat!
Not even THAT fat, but jesus, his face is a fucking joke.
i dont see the issue with this
at least he wont hurt you like real people will
Make the most of what you got man. It's not over for you. YOURE A CHAMPION
He has a point. Liberals are fucking retarded.
wtf pingu
>muh hurt feelings
If it were up to me people like you would have their heads smashed between two rocks.
Grow a dick you faggot.
I'm 30 and still have a good mop. My dad started going bald in his 20s though. Male pattern baldness is apparently passed down from mother to son.
Old Jontron:
>Reviews old or new games
>Has honest opinions on if they are good or bad
>Great chemistry on game grumps
>Does cool top ten videos
>Always huge multi video events for halloween
Current Jontron:
>Reviews only new games
>No longer honest opinions, entire shilling, as in "this game has no negatives" shilling
>No longer with game grumps
>Hasn't done any top ten videos in forever
>Only reviewed a single movie for halloween.
Seriously, what the fuck happened? Now he barely posts videos, and when he does, its just him making fun of a movie, or obvious selling out. Its just horrible.
WTF I love Jontron now
It's photoshop. You can tell by the little zigzags around the edge of the face. That's a result of the mesh getting distorted when someone didn't use the liquify tool correctly.
I swear every other video is sponsored shit, I get he has to make money but other channels I watch monetize just fine without making it an overtly shill video.
>Grow a dick you faggot.
i go with lesbians more
works out better in the long run
money is good
Top ten videos had a well-deserved death thanks to Buzzfeed.
Then stop watching any of his videos.
I forgot omegle existed, spended two hours pissing of pedophiles, good times.
How was your day been Sup Forums?
been shit
like every other day
at least i can say gears of war 3 on the ps3 exists
>le XD, im so quirky and clever
i seriously find it hard to believe people can have zero friends. like come one how can you not have a single person you can call a friend? even in my 6 months of being a degenerate neet i still had 4 people to hangout with
not having a dick makes things easier by far user
socializing is what must be done as humans, keeping others close however is not required
>that Howling 2 video
Thank god, I thought that he had lost his touch on his comedic delivery from his previous videos. Now he just needs to make a good video game-based one
Everyone tells me that, but my Granddad on my Mum's side had a full head of hair at 82, whereas my Dad went bald at 22 (Like me).
Fuck you faggot, I love Joe
Some kids these days were raised entirely by the internet
They never rode bikes with the neighbourhood kids, they do all their socializing online, they make "friends" on multiplayer games
Thank god, for his sake. He looked like fucking Doughnut Drake.
I spent pretty much all day playing XCOM 2 and having a blast with it while refusing to acknowledge the news story I haven't started that's due tomorrow. So it was a pretty chill day.
it's hardly shilling when he literally announces everywhere "yeah this is a paid video and shit" (i mean they're REALLY shit compared to his other videos, but that's besides the point)
>no longer with gamegrumps
>implying bailing on that sinking ship wasn't the best thing he could have done
I can tell I would hate you if I met you user
hah, jokes on you, I never rode bikes or went outside, AND I don't make friends online
>keeping others close however is not required
maybe if you're a sociopath, but for the most part socializing and keeping people close is what keeps us human
You should really post on Reddit instead of Sup Forums if you care about e-celeb shit, especially since you're probably underage.
Post your le epic 'tube drama for kiddies elsewhere.
What the FUCK is wrong with the guy on the lefts mouth?
This fat fuck and his bird are still alive
>francis is dead and his waifu is likely to follow soon due to grief
Youtube is shit.
>maybe if you're a sociopath
sorry user. works out better in my position
>bird alive
so you're a sociopath? honestley by the way you type you sound like you have something wrong with you, or you're just an edgy fuck
Loners have existed throughout history.
We're a bit different, special in a unique way, I'm probably a tad crazy compared to a normal human bean honestly, but I'm definitely a hooman.
I'm not a complete loner, but really I just don't have a desire for large crowds or parties or social events in general. Tried my hand at them, always felt out of place at best. I much prefer reading my books in solitude, I'm not socially inept (anymore, I was when I was a teenager jesus fuck) and I do get out, but at the end of the day I like being alone.
this is some shitty theory you faggots came up with for why people like let's plays and started acting like it was fact, it makes no sense here because like him or not he's just a comic/reviewer
>hurr t. jontronfag
I don't like modern jontron and I certainly don't like let's plays, you're just dumb
>tfw I will never get to strangle Boogie to death
I hate his video thumbnails, he poses like those makeup girls except he's hideous
>tfw full hair and tall but still on the edge of killing myself
>tfw I have no face
Maybe you think you need those things since you dont have them but there are far more important things that can break your neck without
so how many RL friends do you have
he's always sucked
he doesnt even like video games that much i think
also reminder he said ass creed 2 was a shit game (when it was the best one in the series) before he got ""famous"""
never really liked the guy's humor honestly
>have no face
Burn victim?
Like almost everyone one of his videos now are sponsored or payed to play, this isn't new shit and OP is a fag
>tfw fat, balding and ugly with a bad personality
>No drive to lose weight because ill still be ugly and bald and a shitty person
I could say any number, why would it matter if I said I didn't like him, going
wouldn't make you any less retarded
(about 3 close friends, many amicable acquaintances if you're gonna be a fag about it)
He lost alot of weight
are they fat neckbeards like you?
He was game grumps.
>the internet is impossibly vast, full of content
>people decide to waste their time focusing on one person who they don't like
What the FUCK do they mean by this? There isn't any excuse not to go one another channel or site.
Please stop posting pictures of this ugly hag. Have a little self respect.
that whole thing is a personal slight to arin
its the former
i have severe trust issues and for the past 10 years have done what i can to be as distant from friends as possible while still talking to them from time to time
>shit he called me out
All of JonTrons newer stuff from the past few years just doesn't have that... je ne sais quoi that his older stuff had that made it so entertaining. It feels like how it's shot, where it's shot and what it's shot on now just ruins it.
confirmed fat
>being a neet for just six months
wow man you're so fucking hardcore man
Did you make any money betting on the election?
I actually liked this video. It was fun seeing Jon improv, when he picked up the phone I laughed a lot actually.
It's a paid shill vid but whatever, it was entertaining enough. Seems a bit late though? Isn't the RE7 teaser like half a year old now?
Can someone please explain to me what was so appealing about JonTron in the first place? So-so, playing-it-safe videogame opinions that offer no insight or meaningful discussion? Wacky, loud and obnoxious skits for sufferers of ADD?
6 months of waking up at 3am and going to bed at sunrise is pretty hardcore
There are a lot of underage on Sup Forums, so now they're coming out of the woodwork. Probably because it's not a school night. E-celebs appeal to children.