Of course without Donte, add Crash Bandicoot...

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Put Spike and Kat together

Also,add Robbit fromJF

game will never be made

I actually enjoyed PASBR but I thought the supers to kill thing was dumb and some characters in the game were clearly their to advertise upcoming games at the time, game was unbalanced as fuck too, Raiden's level 2 super may as well have been a level 3.

They could use the Killer Instinct mode, updating the game with seasons.

Come on the game was fun but poorly edited, but Superbot put a lot of love in Spike and Dan Fortesque moves, too bad SM rejected Dart from Legend of Dragoons and put Zeus instead kek

When I had the game I played as Heihachi and Spike, and sometimes both me and my friend choosing Big Daddy to shit on people with the ground smashing spam.

Had fun for a while shitting on Nathan Drake and Kratos, and loathing Kat and Zeus.

Man Kat and Zeus were so good

I would like them to do a sequel, but I think the response to the game was overall too negative

Anyone else realize that the super system was pretty much the one used in Thrill Kill?

Supers to kill was fine, considering the game was made with it in mind. The advertising thing sucked but they had no choice since they had to take what they could get. Raiden's level 2 wasn't that great though, it had good range and was really easy to combo into but outside of that after dodging the initial shock it's not too hard to avoid and you could just kill him as well.

Should have been 3D

Team Battle was cool, using the shitty characters using some strategy to kill the Kratos/Raiden pair was fun.

I hope to see a sequel at PSX

Also, make it waifu bait, it's one fo the many, many reasons why Smash 4 was a hit.

2d is fine

But PlayStation games have a huge history with 3D

I wonder if the game would be a lot better if Sony game SuperBot an appropriate budget and time.

The core consept of PASBR's gameplay just sucks. The is no reason to avoid eatchother, and every match ends up as a grindfest.

There's also the horrible unbalance between the characters

Absolutely. Pretty much 80% of the problems can be traced back to the budget, with the rest likely being inexperience of the team, who still did a pretty solid job with making the character feel unique to each other.
>there is no reason to avoid each other
>several characters are based on fighting at a distance
>every match ends up as a grindfest

The problem with Smash clones is that they never fully commit to ripping off Smash. I would be all in for Sony characters with Smash mechanics, but instead they had to come up with that lame special attack gimmick to get rid of stocks

Would you play a console war themed fighting game, even if it was on MUGEN?

>Put Gex, Crash and Spyro in the game.
>Take out the multiplat characters.
The game can actually succeed now. It was decent.

But where's Snake?

A sequel is actually in the works, according to some leaker on NeoFAG who apparently has a good record with Sony-related shit.

Apparently it's more akin to Powerstone than a Smash Bros ripoff like the original.

i can already tell it will fuck up, does Sony even remember Jumping Flash?

Big Daddy
Evil Cole (I will say that he is fairly different to normal Cole however)

Lara Croft
Yu / Teddie

Did I miss anything?


Only Donte should really be removed, disregarding him being a shit character since even he has his fans, they were only able to base his moveset off of prerelease attacks. No one or very few should be removed, but that's a decent addition list, add Alundra, Dart, Ellen and/or Keats from Folklore, and the Level 5 RPG protags, Toan, Max/Monica, Jaster and Leonard.

And Carmelita, Lammy and Yumi

Wasn't there a time where Parappa's VA robbed his fans?

I really feel like you need more star power there. Obviously for Sup Forums that's more than enough but for the average gamer its a list of no bodies for the most part.

Remove lara croft and add spongebob.

>the average gamer

What's the point to appeal for the bigger demographic if they're always full of newcomers rather than long fans of the medium?


i know but that could affect on how to make a PS crossover work, if anything we should redpill casuals by forcing them to explore the medium, even if it means explaining on why Skyrim is a bad game.

At least people into music and movies understand their mediums and video games have existed for for years.

i swear just add spongebob or something and it'll be great


Also I would love some kind of Crash Bash minigames, it was an awesome party game.

we might as well get fucking Spider man

holy shit get super man in there too

So? they can always think that it´s a fighting game with new characters and explore their background.

It´s like when nintendo fans pretend that Lucina and FE Waifu are as known as Mario.

The problem with psabr2 is that they use commercial versions of old characters like Dante, if they asked for Lara unfortunetly CD would just give them the Nu-Lara shit.

Most of the famous first party people got in the original game already, since they were aiming more for the West with their character choices for foolish reasons.

Damn, I can only name 12 of the characters from that list.

Get an art style for the game so the characters get to fit with each other while not looking like shit

This just proves Sony has zero power IPs

That´s because most of those games had only like 1 or 2 games, it´s not like Sony used the same 5 franchises over and over during decades.

The list is not that good, I would quit that Jak Daxter´s secondary character and add more Kingdom Hearts characters and Classic Lara Croft.

I would even add some Neptunia character, even I know that Neptune shit kek

They could introduce them to their audiences but instead just focus on trend following shit like Uncharted, then again, this all comes down to "gamers" being retarded, so now you know who to really blame.

Also some Persona character.


I feel if they made the mechanics closer to Smash, but keep elements of the original it could work. Like say can KO someone same way as in smash, but lvl 1 supers are buffs, lvl 2s are like charged smash attacks, and lvl 3s are the killing blows.

Health bars would have been a better choice

They have power IPs but they just aren't that great for a fight game. Like could xbox do a fighting game like a smash bros? The answer is obviously no, but why? they have halo, gears of war, fable etc, but those IPs just wouldn't be good in a fighting game really. It works for nintendo because they have more fun and playful IPs.

>no Miku

Maybe it shouldn't be a fighting game at all, maybe something else like an adventure RPG game or a party game

>halo, gears of war, fable etc, but those IPs just wouldn't be good in a fighting game really

>Like could xbox do a fighting game like a smash bros
>like a smash bros

What about a traditional fighting game like Street Fighter?

KI could legit be Microsoft's answer to Smash at this point. Add some Master Chief, a Fable Character, Marcus, and maybe a Forza car/transformer monster as a joke character and their golden

Wasn't there a time where a Halo character was on DOA and it was an original character like Crash and Phobos from Quake 3?


Make it a dating game

I also would like to see more interactions with the characters like

FNAF droids
a pewdiepie will be awesome, he will throw barrels

no srsly why this is called PLAYSTATION ALL STAR battle royale if there are so much multi plat characters?
anyway, i cant think in another game for this.

this fag here,

i cant think in another name for this.*

What about memes in the game?

Let's make Gex playable and make him say "HERE COME THAT BOI GEX" while doing a Pepe face and Toro dresses up as the Nyan Cat and Kat and Yumi do the Caramelldansen or what that thing was called

This, people think that only Mario has fans. Would love to see Joana in KI.

I would love to see Aya Brea vs the Galerians Ash guy in a psbr2.

Oh well there is the Nioh guy.

Also, what if Gex was owned by Gearbox?

Same with Nintendo adding Snake, Cloud and waifus: fanservice.

how many are nintendo exclusive game characters in smash are

and how many multiplat characers are in psatbr

Problem with Sony is that they have a lot of games with humans that would have to be mixed with cartoon characters, but it´s possible.

I also would welcome third party games like Yakuza, Persona and old Lara.

Battle Royale was a good game.

It was a huge mix bag


I want more japanese games

Reminder that they were doing Dart

And Abe

True Abe creators even offered voluntarily the character but were cut off by phone, bad move kek

Then they wanted him to join Smash but it didn't work either

Adding one of the psabr2 rumours:

-Sumo Digital is making a PS All Star's Successor and it could star Crash"


I love Smash style rosters like All stars did. I would play 2. The game's win mechanic was stupid as fuck though, no actual combat matters, just use the i win button if you feel like it.

Aren't those the guys who made LBP3?

I think so (didn´t play LBP3) but it seems they made the Sonic racing games.


That "interesting" fit with psabr2 kek, I just want to believe like Parappa

>We get unfunny comics like this
>Still no Spikat /ss/

What a cruel world we live in

And how do you acquire and set up that "i win" button so it will actually land when you get it?

I want Noctis in the game but Toriyama would just give us Lightning

Cloud would be a better option


No set up required!

'You could mash buttons'
(This does nothing, though it will help give you I win presses).

Just let the stage give you orbs for I win presses!

You do realise what I mean by set up, right? Dodging random supers is terribly simple and you need to actually hit the opponent to get a super, which is that combat that actually matters. You sound like a real pro.

I really enjoyed this game. I hope the sequel rumor is true, especially since wife and I are hoping for a PS4 on Black Friday.

Also keep Fat Princess because myh dick

>Fat Princess
>Not Kat

Try to do that meanwhile the rest are reaching level 2/ level 3.

>using Fat Princess
>make the lala la laa la taunt to a Kratos Team
>Kratos lose and quit

FP it´s a waifu inside.

She's a human trash bag

She is voiced by Tara Strong and is therefore adorable.

Plus da thicccc

Accept that he's shit, even Yumi is better

Pabst Blue Ribbon isn't happening ever again, anons. Deal with it.

Tell you what, you stay over there with your generic anime chick, and I'll stay over here with my qt chub.

I take generic anime girl over truch of flesh any day

They need classic Spyro in there

>Supers to kill was fine, considering the game was made with it in mind.
No it was absolutely not fine
The super balancing was godawful. Most of the game's bad match ups are bad because you just can't kill the other guy at the same pace.

And that's a problem with the game's character balance, not one inherent to the super system itself.