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Video Games #3582
Video Games
Losing users every seconds
Where were you when the playthrough that saved the channel returned?
Fantasy game
You gotta feel bad for this game.its gonna flop so hard and Sony knows it...
Man Creates Homemade Video Game to Propose to Girlfriend
Is overwatch worth the price?
I never play games that force me to play as a girl. I hate that, I alway play as a male in any RPG games...
Video game has a Sup Forums reference
Anyone else think it's sad that the creator of mega man has gone from being a total hot shot to being considered a con...
What am I in for?
Why do PC gamers obsess over top-down action games with clicker controls when Paragon exists?
Discover Sup Forums
In hindsight, it's easy to see why this is a bad game, we can all agree there
How much RAM do you have, user? It's the cheapest upgrade to dollar thing in any PC, usually. I hope it's at least 8 GB...
Itt: we edit robbie
Has anyone ever tried ordering this?
Just started Super Mario on a well coded Nintendo 64 emulator. What should I expect?
Why hoshido is more popular than nohr?
Since India is on-track to becoming the world's dominant superpower by 2030...
Start playing Disgaea D2
Why didn't it have proper backlit?
So just found out there's like 140 level 50 missions you have to do after beating the main scenario for the base game...
This is literally the best 2d platformer of all time
Do I super like, Sup Forums?
Final boss is too big
What's the verdict on Shadow Warrior 2?
Tfw playing first-person games make me feel dizzy and nauseous
Which game has the best feet?
Ask someone who works at EB games anything
What's your type Sup Forums?
Is anyone getting this tomorrow? Will it be good?
Why does Square Enix give so much more love and care to Kingdom Hearts when Final Fantasy makes them more money?
We will never get a JRPG as good as this ever again
No SFV thread?
Point out what a piece of shit this game was when beta was out
How is the steam version? Or should I stick with my ps1 copy for yearly play throughs?
Minimal age for being a pokemon trainer is 11 years
Filename thread
What games allow me to use the strongest potions for battle?
Would owning a Khajit as a pet be frowned upon
ITT: Vidya characters who got the booty
Are the Asari your typical "nerd" fantasy?
ITT: Things Sup Forums says that makes you a little bit sad
Where are all the people that said that JPN voices were too expensive?
>The Switch is somehow the best "Next-Gen" Consoles
Admit Bloodborne is the best game ever made, or I'll kick your ass
World of Warcraft: China
Still the best 1973
Official Game Art that you cant believe is Real
ITT : shit you still havent gotten over
Awful dialogue where almost every line is memetier
What went wrong
What would you do to Chicken-chan when you find out she has no money to pay you when you win against her because she's...
So we can all agree this is GOTY, right?
Sup Forums closes down in one hour
Dead or Alive
Sora's got a goofy looking face. Can Sup Forums give him a better look?
This is your Overwatch teammate for tonight! Hopefully you both reach Top 500!
Watch Dogs 2 in one pic
A delayed game is eventually good
Swapdoodle thread
If I went to my barber with this picture, would it be embarrassing?
Almost 20 years later was it actually a good game?
What are some of your very specific perhaps irrational pet peeves in games?
This is Lightning Flash Phosphora, one of the three commanders of the Forces of Nature. Say something nice about her!
Play comp overwatch
How viable is current PS3 emulation?
The fun stops with me
And the best JRPG of the year goes to
Struggle with boss
How do you get over being afraid to talk on mic?
I'm playing through Dawnguard for the first time while playing the SE and I just can't believe it...
Anyone else have a good Gamestop? Mine is great, friendly workers, always make small talk...
Vidya OST
What exactly caused my death here?
Leave JRPGs to me
What are some games where you can't carry your team no matter how good you play?
I'm pretty late but i just finished this game and wanted to know your thoughts. Did you guys enjoy the game or hate it...
I seriously hope you used this class
Fifty thousand people used to live here
Smash 4 (Sm4sh) Sup Forumseekend
Is this game a master piece?
Can we have a comfy Demon's Souls thread?
Find a flaw
Playing game
There are faggots on Sup Forums at this very moment that think that this isn't far and away the overall best-designed...
I was born in 95. I've never been in a real arcade
What is the point of League of Legends when this exists?
Arino is now playing the last game you played. How much are the ADs laughing at him? Can he finish it in one day?
He was right
Yakuza thread
Will there ever be a good Vietnam game?
Game gives you different titles based on your playstyle and skills learned
Best shotgun of 2016. How many other games have a napalm shotgun? I know there's Turok 3...
What is a genuinely GOOD game? I'm talking you can get so immersed by it that its the only thing you play
When will we move away from the open world meme?
Get to final boss
Not Important
What are some bosses that everyone else has trouble with that you found really easy?
E3 2017
Hey how much for that item?
Holy shit the grind in this game is real
FFXIIIII has been getting bad reviews from people who imported and saying it's pretty disappointing
Have you gotten your refund?
What would you do if you had a million dollars?
DSP's views are plummeting...
What was their deal again...
What is the biggest "FUCK YOU" you've had in pokemon Sun/Moon?
Will the blue and orange box art trend ever end?
ITT: the most overpowered heroes from their respective games
What games can I beat in 15 seconds
ITT: Best romanceable girls in their game
Gimme some games man
What if Carth was black?
Realize it's almost monday and I wasted weekend playing games
Numbering the MGS titles as the following:
Why the fuck isn't this on PC?
Was rescuing Tooty worth it?
Game You're Playing
Tfw I have $60 to preorder this shit
This is Mei
How do you find joy in The Sims series games again Sup Forums?
So is it just a meme for people to lie about the content of this game to make it look bad...
Make one of the objectivbely best Multiplayer FPS's in years
Discuss about Sonic girls
Is there any chance this piece of shit can be saved?
I want to make Ibuki an honest woman
ITT: games you bought with your dick
What went wrong?
Does Sup Forums still play plastic instrument games?
Have you ever done something you regret in a game where you considered just starting from the beginning
Buy digital download version of a game
Can somebody help me emulate PCSX2 games?
Which Nep would you wife?
Nintendo being cunts again when it comes to fan creations related to their games and got both Pokemon Uranium and AM2R...
You applied to keep Sup Forums safe, right?
Final Fantasy XV vs Persona 5
This thread is for buyers only. If you modded your 3DS then GET OUT, YOU ARE KILLING NINTENDO!
Game set in the future
Thoughts on Sbh?
What do you think of Ezio?
So my friend had an interesting theory about Mettaton today. If you go to their house...
Rockstar Games am I right?
Is he /ourguy/?
Who is the Sam Hyde of video game journalism?
Is there any reason to get the original Don't Starve when the standalone game with coop exists?
NEW Nintendo Switch info (from trusted source): Console's Power and Indie Publisher's Response
Monitor/Specs Thread
Mario Kart 9/Switch/8+
Is Demon's Souls still worth playing? If not, where do I start with the series...
*ding ding*
Say that he was right all along about FFXV
That'll be $20.01 plus a $3.00 delivery fee AND tip!
Neo Tokyo
ITT: Casual filters
So how the hell do I know which bean to use for each pokemon...
That kid who brought his game manuals to class
30 hours to complete
Is Ocarina of Time really as good as everyone says?
So, are you faggots ready to admit she always has been and always will be the best character in overwatch?
Was Mettaton a boy or girl..?
ReWriting Mass Effect
ITT:Vidya characters that are literally you
Will Nintendo bring back the Wars franchise for the Switch?
Is this the only gaming forum left which hasn't been overtaken by SJWs?
I found something weird from undertale =/
Figure of best girl when?
The game is loaded with low skill, easy kill abilities. It's very easy to kill people for an fps...
Persona 5
Post only the best games of this generation
Is the roundabout throw the best vidya fighting move?
Video game developers are a fucking scam...
TFW you bought a vita
Shitty 'historical' FPS games are making a comeback
Is this game worth it for 10$ Sup Forums?
I just ate some cannabis chocolate
This is the face of FGC
Is there a more useless character in a game than this bitch
Do you have a dreamcast?
ITT: Good monster designs
Can we get a lovecraftian games discussion going? Reccomend games and discuss
Where's the webm thread at?
So what are your actual opinions on this game now that you've had a couple days with it...
Is this thing worth buying yet, or is Bloodborne still the only game for the system...
Hot teenage body
So who's the best group LPs and why is it pic related
Is there a good anime adaptation of a vidya game?
FFXV last boss in 10 mins here [SPOILERS]
His game is worshiped and praised by gamers and journalists
Cool kids anticipating Playstation 2
This show was a fucking masterpiece
Comfy sunday night thread?
Post the most powerful characters in their respective games
Tales series thread
Daily reminder that Mileena and Baraka fucked in the current canon
What's the lowest point you've ever been at in you're life Sup Forums?
What are some games where i can play as cute cowtits girl?
How is it that the original Tomb Raider is more fun and engaging to control than most games made now...
What video game character do you wish was your dad?
*Teleports behind you*
Is there anything actually wrong with Minecraft in and of itself or is it just the people who play it?
Tfw Trump is going to force excessive tariffs on japanese imports
Hey Sup Forums
How did Battlefield 1 flop so hard?
If you remove the memes, is this a good game?
Why does it seem like nobody talks about FF XII, Is it a bad Final Fantasy game?
What happened to this franchise?
Karen was the best thing about the switch video. Say something nice about her
So I wonder what it feels like when the 2 of the top ten viewed videos about your game are bashing it
FFXIV is the best looking MMO out right now. How can others even compete?
Modern video games in one pic
Just got my copy of Pokémon moon. What can I expect ? This is my first Pokémon game. Should I spec my pets into str...
This is acceptable
Someone explain to me how the big three (Nintendo...
Are there any concrete examples of an "SJW" game
What are some games where I can be number one?
Enter the Gungeon is fucking great. Can we have a thread about it? What about the upcoming Supply Drop update?
Any spoilers yet?
3D models
Being somebody that has only played AC 1 & 4, would this be a good set of games to play...
Maya is a qt
Who's your favorie gta main character?
Post the last vidya character you fapped to
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is mainly americans
Name a few games with good stories Sup Forums
Around 60 PS2 games of varying condition
Is this a jojo reference?
Where do you buy your PS plus? Cheapest I found was around 45$ for 365 US version
Why is Sup Forums so serious these days?
Sup Forums always talks about nintendo, playstation and PC gayming but never about the xbox
Friend wants me to buy Overwatch
Shadow Hearts
Is it good? Are they going to release more episodes for the game?
So how are you enjoying the Skyrim Special Edition user?
What game is this?
It's going to get 85 and up across the board
Please don't tell me i'm the only one who liked it
Say something nice about Alicia
Post your battlestations
Sup Forums plays Soul Nomad & The World Eaters
I don't think we're gonna make it Sup Forums
How do we fix The Elder Scroll series' gameplay?
What's your go-to game when you're feeling horny as fuck, Sup Forums?
Are there any WWII games that let you play as the Axis and paint them in a neutral, objective, realistic...
"Once you recognize the secret reason for her exposure you will feel ashamed"
Is this the best GTA game?
Objective: survive
What went wrong?
Resident Evil 4
When someone you know can't choose whether to pursue a career in game development or filmmaking
Games with either the best or most realistic marriage mechanics?
This is the best thing to come out of Pokemon in a decade
ITT: Times Sup Forums told you a game was good but it was actually total shit
Are you guys having fun in the Overwatch free weekend? Have you bought it yet?
The power
Remember when Minecraft was fun, Sup Forums?
Pokémon game with actual JRPG-length main story when?
Anyone play the Wheels of Lull mod for Skyrim? What does the Idiots Lantern do exactly?
Holy shit I just realized this actually came out. I haven't seen any threads about it, is it good?
Persona 5 will now have dual audio
Steep Beta Thoughts
What was his fucking problem?
Women want him, men want to be like him. Find me a more compelling video game character
Nerf this stupid bitch
Splinter Cell
Can you be redeemed, Sup Forums?
"Japanese games are better than western ga—"
See this? You're not getting it
Wtf was her problem?
Which games benefit from ENB mods? Besides elder scrolls
Is this bait?
Why is starbound so much worse?
How do we remove women from MMORPGs?
What went so meh
What are some games where the villain wins?
That'll be $20.01 plus $3.00 delivery fee AND tip!
This game is insane in VR
$1 mousepads
Is anyone else as scared as I am of him reviewing Persona 5?
What went wrong?
What's your excuse? $359 for PS4 pro and you know that Final Fantasy XV comes out in 1-2 weeks?
I really miss Sonic girls to get more protagonism... Sonic games need more fanservice
The great debate
Your opinion on Sonic the Hedgehog 1
What was your reaction to this trailer? How did this trailer influence your expectations of the game?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
So I accidentally used the fire keeper soul of the chick in Firelink shrine. So now that bitch gone
This is your hacker for tonight. Say something nice about her
Sup Forums says game is good
So what was better, nintendos last console or segas?
Do you make fanfiction for your OCs when playing video games that let you create your own character?
Oh fuck
Give me memes to retexture
Alright Sup Forums, what do you think is a better purchase for gaming, 4k or ultrawide monitors?
What's in the package, Sup Forums?
Imagine a Berserk game with DMC or GOW gameplay
Hi, user! I just came back from the doctor's office and I just found out I have cancer. That's a real bummer...
This game is dying
Just finished Offcharted 2 and had a grand old time...
Why aren't you watching the most genuine you tube personality
SwapDoodle Thread :)
Blade weapon does more damage than gun weapon
Thieves are called "rouges"
Which console should I buy?
Etrian Odyssey 5 when!?
I'm bored Sup Forums, give me some well written pc games. Any genre goes
Falcom has shit lolis
There is not a single person on this planet who can defend this
Would you?
"brb gotta get a snack"
ITT: "Villains" who did literally nothing wrong
This is "midnight" apparently
What went right, especially compared to what Bethesda did to the franchise?
Pokemon SuMo r8 thread
SEGA of Japan did 'Who is your favorite SEGA character?' pole in SEGA festival today
Technology Thread
Elder Scrolls Online or Guild Wars 2? I need a MMO fix
Why do you hate Dobson, Sup Forums? He's not the prettiest guy out there but I'm a pretty cool guy
Game has archery
Jesus Christ, what the fuck was his problem?
Manlets need not apply
Who wins?
Motion Blur
Is Sonic the most autistic fanbase? Look what happened to poor little Sammy
How does Sup Forums generally feel about Animal Crossing?
So let's pretend that FFXV makes all its money back and Square decides to continue the series
Tomb Raider
Why do people hate turn based games so much?
Can we have The Last Remnant thread?
Do you own any video game merchandise?
Literal video game threads getting deleted for no reason
Meanwhile on Ishimura Sup Forums
It's going to be shit isn't it?
ITT: the exact moments when you lose all hope for the game's future
Please prove me wrong Sup Forums
DarkSouls 3 vs Bloodborne
Smash (sm4sh) Sup Forumseekend
Remedy is making a new game
When did Portal 2 take place?
Devil May Cry 4
What went wrong?
Who IRL would be the proud owner of a 99 skill mastery cape? Pretty sure Gordon Ramsay has this one in the bag
Thief sucks
Post your progress, Sup Forums
Games so bad you forgot they exist
Titanfall 2
Screenshot thread
Now that the dust has settled... is it, dare I say it, fair?
Senran Kagura
Now that Sun and Moon are out, how would you rank the Pokemon generations?
Who here also has ascended to pro?
What are some differences between PC gamers and mustards?
How do I get into the Silent Hill games without playing the collection?
The original DS is one of the best games ever made
So I'm pretty sure most of you are excited to know that you can refund Killing Floor 2...
Is there any games that you need to do research on to play properly? I can think of fighting games maybe (i.e...
Where does she store them?
What does/v/ think of this game? I think its FUN and best BF since BC2
Is Sup Forums hyped about Fate/Extella?
Sup Forums, I need help...
What's the deal with the tengus, anyway? Are they benevolent spirits? Evil demons...
I just got this
ITT times Sup Forums lied to you
Every non-Bethesda Fallout boxart represents something different
What are some video games that actually show a penis?
Can anyone explain to me why perfect skulls are so valuable?
Alright, Sup Forums, let's hear your award winning video game idea
Want to play a Japanese game outside of dark souls or nintendo? Your only options are:
Watch gravity rush 2 footage
What were they thinking?????
Why do videogame companies ignore the Latin American market?
Looks like shit
Sup Forums moderation thread
So, I decided to get a laptop for gaming purposes. (Yeah, i want a laptop, no a PC)
Western game
I dare you to name a better idol
Has a beta ever killed all hype you had in a game before?
Ok Sup Forums, so I decided to get a PS4, I'll get the slim version that comes with Uncharted 4...
Will this flop?
Correctly predicted Metroid Prime: Federation Force FIVE YEARS AHEAD OF TIME
Has a game ever changed your view on the world and/or humanity on a grand scale?
You must complete the game on normal to unlock hard
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone is coming to PlayStation 4 via the PlayStation Store in the Americas and Europe...
Why is she so CUTE
Civilization 6 - "Fall 2016" Update is live
Hourly reminder to refund this shit
Civilized Pokemon Gen 1-2 Thread
Your opinion on Crash Bandicoot 2
Can we please talk about the damn graphical downgrade in BF1?
Vidya sequences you can recite from memory
Where my comfy gamers at? How comfy are you and what are you playing?
Fuck NES. This is the system that deserves to be released as a mini
Why won't Disney, EA...
It turnned out my son bought himself from his pocket money a ps4 pro
Why is the voice acting in the Souls series so... good?
No First Person game where you play as a huge breasted woman
How's your video game collection going, user?
Dub/Localizationfags will defend this
How do I remove this slut from my game?
Is GTA San Andreas true vidya kino?
Catchable at level 20
Are you ready for Christmas, Sup Forums?
Why isn't a billionaire game dev satisfied?
45 Eliminations (Gold)
Tried free weekend
ITT: Vidya characters that remind you of yourself
This is better than The Witcher 3
When was the last time you had fun playing vidya?
ITT: You get to keep ONE Legend of Zelda item
I'm about to spend $2000 on a gaming PC. Red pill me
At what age have you outgrown consoles?
Xenoblade X getting Switch Port
Casualized Console Games
Do you regret buying LISA yet?
STEEP (tm)
Hey, look! There's a thread where people are having a nice, normal discussion about a game I have never played before!
How will you feel if Breath of the Wild turns out to be mediocre?
What's the Westworld of video games?
Is it good?
What is Sup Forums's favorite visual novel?
He doesn't own a gaming router
Do you believe the indoctrination theory?
Rate my character
FrogTron Thread
Risk of Rain /ror/
I'm just curious as to what the people who played this game all the way through think about it
That one thing that you wanted in the game but never took the time and effort to unlock it
Lego Dimensions is a better Sonic anniversary game than Sonic Generation
What games do Paladins/ Crusaders well. They usually suck in most games
Senran Kagura fags, explain this to me: why does Mirai even exist...
Watching Metal Gear playthrough/story. Currently on MSG2
Has always had an overinflated ego
No OG XBOX emulator yet
Does Princess Peach have a fat fetish?
Isn't Tharja slightly...too lewd?
Nintendo 64
Detroit: become human
When did they forget how to make a good boss fight?
"Chill out bro it's only quickplay, do comp if you care so much about winning."
Wtf is this shit and why is it on steam
Name one (1) vidya character that could defeat him
Seriously, what the fuck was his problem?
What are some games where you have an animal/creature that helps you in combat?
Why Japanese Hardcore Dark Fantasy RPG is still the only video game that features realistic looking female armour...
How did they get away with this?
What is the best Tony Hawk game?
Games take up space on the hard drive
Dark Souls MMO with a purely cosmetic cash shop that's purely skill based and primarily focused on PvP with...
Why epidemy spread so fast in the Last of Us?
Been thinking about starting my own youtube gaming channel...
Fighting vidya
Enemies can kill you in your base/safe zone
You must now tell me your favorite sword in all the vidya
When will Nintendo ditch lives in Mario? They're an outdated system that doesn't make sense for modern games
Do you still play the games you loved in your childhood?
Will vidya someday top the way anime deal with emotional content?
Just got pic related, what am I in for?
What went wrong?
Why is she so based?
Should I?
Did you preordered my game, Sup Forums?
Who is your favorite GTA protagonist?
What wen't wrong?
What went wrong?
Why did she want to fuck a chubby neckbeard five minutes after meeting him?
Daisy is the only that seems to have teeth. Why is that?
Unforgettable vidya moments
How many of you have actually played ALL of these?
If this thing is using cartridges, are games gonna be 40$?
American level
Dota 2
Who else /sitting around trying to kill time until a good video game comes out/ here
Makes slow as fuck hulk smash attack
I only really played Tekken 3 and it was quite a while ago
The Helghast
Terraria Update
SF Akuma Leaked for OVERWATCH!
Is there another vidya personality as great as Conan?
Release date fucking when?
It's been 3 years, over 250 deaths, and I still can't kill Gwyn
Why Japan isn't afraid of adding sexual content into the games? and why americans are so afraid of their bodies?
Hi im Brooke Burke and i play Rachel Teller in Need For Speed Underground 2
What a fucking gun. What a piece of shit...
Maybe tech isnt ready
What the fuck did I just play?
Reinhardt, I must say you are looking quite well. This life must agree with you
Why don't more games have anthropomorphic characters?
So... this is the power of PlayStation 4™ Pro..... wow
Name a game with a better OST
I'm afraid it's been
Are friends like those in Persona 4 real Sup Forums...
Why aren't there sexy monster girls games? I want to be able fuck a.centaur or.minotaur
Western-made eroge plagiarism
When do I unlock cool shit? I'm doing the bangkok mission now and I stll only have like 3 assault rifles...
I'm finally unisntalling this piece of shit
Tfw your router will never allow you to hold dominion over all the races of Middle Earth
Dude Doom is so good ;)
Don't forget your free refunds, folks!
Why call it the Xbox One Sup Forums?
This doesn't feel like a Nintendo series at all
I just marathoned this level, holy fuck it was tedious and boring
Why do JRPGs always have better OST than WRPGs
STEEP (s/c)hill thread
Holy shit native americans are badass...
How the fuck are these girls supposed to be ninjas? They're fat as fuck!
Why did she suddenly get so bitter?
Tfw huge backlog but don't feel like playing anything
Bought this trilogy on psn for 5 bucks, and man I am surprised...
Gta 4 was the best gta, storywise and characterwise
Get a raise at work
Amazing boss fight music
Can we talk about racism in the gaming community without shitposting?
What contributions has Canada made to the videogame world?
I'm looking for a game with these characteristics:
Nioh thread
What should I play first?
This is Toobie, Sup Forums, your android maid for today. Say something nice to her!
Is this game worth buying?
Can Ciri defeat this ancient vampire?
Name a better PS1 JRPG than Persona
Enemies are extremely fast
Why is this game such a failure?
Sinai desert is a cool map
Would you suck his dick?
Which 東方 has the best hat/head accessory
Am I supposed to laugh, get angry or fall into depression?
What game has the best graphics? And why is it Witcher 3?
What is the best love story in a video game ever Sup Forums?
Persona 5
I know we all think everyone is getting paid off. But what review sites/journalist do you trust?
Are there any books that could make good video games?
These are the only non cancerous circle jerky as fuck threads on Sup Forums
Unironic LOL Thread
Is the trans* community adequately represented in the videogame industry?
About to experience this masterpiece for the first time, u jelly?
What is the longest running game series that has done pretty much every genre?
If arena shooters were so great why everyone ditched them for tacticool CS clones...
Is the jrpg genre dead, buried and cremated? Is there no chance ever of reving the 90's glory days ever?
Haven't hit Skyrim in a long time. Let's rack up another 100 hours in two weeks
Umineko is 10 years old
Yuropoors start waking up
Here's your controller bro
Is there any game character that could defeat Sayako...
Look up online leaderboard of game
Explain this
Push to talk
User time for din dins!
Halo 3 was based
Better button:
Sup Forums tells you a game is good
Just bought this since it's 50% off right now. Hope you didn't lie to me when you said it was good, Sup Forums
Which one, Sup Forums?
Feels thread
Jesus christ, the final level to this game takes forever. Kingdom Hearts thread
What game lets me play as a sissy?
Keep it vidya
What was the verdict on this? Not as bad as DA2 but still pretty shit?
Areas where to got stuck
Does an open-world vidya with absoltely NO invisible walls exist? Would it be possible to achieve such a feat?
How is Blizzard so bad at making competitive games? (No...
"Oh man, [JRPG] is too linear and has too many cutscenes. Enough of this story garbage...
How can anyone defend nintendo at this point? How much more letdowns will you endure before you finally wake up...
Did you vote for him, Sup Forums?
Yakuza Thread
Final Fantasy XV
Say something nice about this young lady
I know he's a meme, and a fantastic one at that, but he's actually quite dangerous
Frogger thread
Hey kid, the toll is $10
The perfect girl doesnt exi-
Oh, wow. Just look at this huge empty open world with few towns and literally nothing else to do...
Video Game Piracy Dead?
When the boss turns you into a lavalamp full of laughing heads
Hows my game /vee/?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...