Why do PC gamers obsess over top-down action games with clicker controls when Paragon exists?
You don't see console gamers obsessing over twinstick shooters when they could be playing the real thing.
Why do PC gamers obsess over top-down action games with clicker controls when Paragon exists?
You don't see console gamers obsessing over twinstick shooters when they could be playing the real thing.
Because contrary to popular belief most people tat play games on PC are playing on toasters instead of high end rigs. And league/dota/csgo can run on toasters. Plus, gameplay > graphics.
I like how they have to specify (actual graphics) like it's a milestone or something for the ps4.
It's a milestone for PC too.
Cuz depth.
Not really. Paragon runs perfectly fine on my PC.
Because Paragon is fucking terrible.
PS4 games usually have nice graphics.
That's about it though.
Is Paragon even good?
I got a good PC so I can play it with proper graphics but the game looks like a nightmare mixed with sjw paranoia.
>top is an exclusive
>bottom is not
rly maeks yuo thing.
Because most pc gamers dont have thr graphics card to tun paragon
>sjw paranoia
its real pretty
but it plays like SMITE but with a better map
other than that, the store and upgrading skill has clusterfuck HUD/GUI
but i like the idea of characters upgrades being similar to trading cards or whatever
>Genre is heavily saturated
>LoL long cemented it's position
>Paragon or... Smite?
Every female character looks like a tranny(besides the new vampire one).
>the store and upgrading skill has clusterfuck HUD/GUI
That's only if you're playing with the default / starter decks, and you can click Manual to turn that shit off.
So it's better than SMITE? I mean that's a recommendation for me because I wanted to try SMITE.
>new game looks better than old game
Ok Sup Forums, real talk. Who is the best hero and why is it pic related?
just try them you fuckwit, they are both free to play
neither is a bastion of gaming, but they are free
if you want "legitamized" games go play whatever has the most views on twitch
>top runs at 300+ FPS
>bottom runs at a silky smooth delicious buttery 25FPS
No. I just wanted a 3rd person moba since I dislike the isometric view ones and I never played a moba more than 5-10 hours so I thought asking for advice would be a proper thing to do.
good job they fell for it
whichever one you choose, be assured
they will be a massive waste of time
but if you got time to spare, go ahead
60FPS locked but nice try.
Well I got like 30-40 games I bought and never played them or played them for like max 60 mins, but I'm always open to waste some time doing quality vidya.
you forgot to mention that paragon has 'real graphics'
Belica is CUTE!
why do PS gamers obsess over cinematic experiencies?
>my shitts ASSFAGGOTS is better than your shitty ASSFAGGOTS
>paragon isnt also on PC
>not howitzer
kys desu
>entirely multiplayer online competitive action at 60FPS
I really like paragon but other humans ruin it like they ruin everything.
>wait 40 seconds for players
>one of them doesn't ready until the last two seconds
>k den
>last player
>ten seconds left to pick
>draft failed, match aborted
Every fucking time.
Do I need PS+ to play this on the pissfour? Might just get it on PC otherwise.
Don't need PS+ for it and all other F2P games on the system.
Although in hindsight, I'm already sitting on 3.55 for when hacks arrive. Guess I'm waiting a little longer.
LeL looks weird what happenend
Is that a pilot?
I remember when Paragon first went Alpha (on PC) and the console trash only was being granted access by the time we got rid of most bugs and gave the devs advice. The first day of cross-platform play was hilarious. It was blatantly obvious when a console player was in your lane because you suddenly didnt take any damage anymore.
Fucking Kallari players I swear to god they just stand around doing nothing until they can get a cheap kill. Yes I'm mad.
>Moba's are not twinstick shooters
>No one cares to play MOBAs on console, since they can play other games
>LoL is toaster friendly
>Pargon is a shitty moba that tries to fix whats not broken
I kind of like League's graphics more. Something about the art direction makes it pleasing to look at - at least the picture in the OP. Don't know about the gameplay.
isnt that console game a current fotm it will last month or two? lol is fotm for 5 or more years already
Go away Pajeet.
Anyone have any cool match stories?