SEGA of Japan did 'Who is your favorite SEGA character?' pole in SEGA festival today.
>no Sonic
anyway, Who's your favorite SEGA character, Sup Forums?
SEGA of Japan did 'Who is your favorite SEGA character?' pole in SEGA festival today.
>no Sonic
anyway, Who's your favorite SEGA character, Sup Forums?
>complains of a lack of Sonic
Found the autist
Hmm. I think I'd have to say ... Bayonetta.
>Ulala made the top 10
Groovy, now that's a relief!
F-14 Tomcat, of course.
Vectorman or Hornet
ez choice
>No Sonic
>Eggman is 6th
Axel "Grand Uppa" Stone
But Sup Forums told me Bayonetta was nintendo's now?
She is mine, along with Akiko kuroda
>asked who your favourite sega character is
>responds with the character who has had literally zero (0) enjoyable games released in the last two decades
really makes you think
>Segata Sanshiro made first place
good job gooks, you managed to not have a terrible list this time
>Gets a Sanshiro is first
Good choice.
You don't know anything about Segata, you stupid gaijin.
Sup Forums was wrong like always.
SEGA owns the IP, this is the only truth you need to know
Unironically Shadow the hedgehog
>No BD Joe
>no JSR characters
>Ryo even being in top 10
Fucking disgusting. Why do nips always have terrible taste when it comes to character polls
Sonic wasn't on the premade options, Eggman was.
Then again, a lot wrote in for revived games, so who knows.
>first character: already literal who?
>2nd character: another who the fuck is this?
>3rd character: come the fuck on now...who?
>4th: that ugly as HELL crying skin cancer mole
>5th: this gay faggot
>6th: finally someone good and it's egghead
>7th: who
>8th: who
>9th: who
>10th: i vaguely know her from sonic riders
1992 fag here, come at me
>doesn't know Segata Sanshiro
I googled him, and he would have never been on my radar when I was that young.
>Not knowing Kiryu
Kill this arrogant Mother----FUCKER
Why is γ sometimes "mi" and sometimes "san"? Or is it two different letter things?
Mi γ - Katakana, used to write foreign words
San δΈ - Kanji character meaning 3
Same reason 4 is sometimes shi and yon. So you can avoid accidentally saying certain words such as death (shi)
Can we just delete Katakana? I don't want to learn it.