I'm at a loss for words. I feel so bad for Nomura (and all of us). We had to witness Nomura's vision get shot, raped and thrown into a ditch. What did we all do to deserve this? I'm so sorry Nomura. I truly am. Some of us waited a fucking decade for this trash. I'm in disbelief. Tabata should be fired
Why are you lying to me? There's no fight at all?...just a QTE?...
Eli Turner
>nomura's vision
He wanted FF 15 to be a musical because he was so inspired by Les Miserables. Shut the fuck up you hipster contrarian faggot and do us all a favor and get murdered.
Dylan Cox
Prove it
Gavin Campbell
>we got a game instead of Nomura's musical Fuck SE
>This is the game Tabata wanted to make that will send other games running
Aaron Campbell
He's replaying it. Skip back a bit or just keep watching until her gets there.
That's not the final boss.
Angel Harris
Yes but this time in English
Matthew Green
I preordered the Limited Edition.
Can't wait.
Man its just like the good old days bruddeh.
Long thanksgiving day weekend, visiting your parents, cozying up with an adventure late that night.
Looking forward to it.
Jaxon Rivera
>FF 13 gets good after 20 hours >FF15 ends after 20 hours You can't make this shit up
David Mitchell
QTE finishers at the end of a fight does not count as a QTE boss.
Isaac Hughes
>Only 30 hours long
This is a positive imo. I'm too fucking old to grind for 100 hours.
Jaxon King
So is Luna alive or dead?
Jason Rodriguez
>FF13 It gets good after 30 hours i promise >FF15 Only 30 hours? I wouldn't want to play a game that long anyway,
Nicholas Ward
>He wanted FF 15 to be a musical >Implying that wouldn't have been preferable to this shambles
Adrian Turner
30 hours is not that bad, ff7 was less than 30 hours and its one of the best final fantasies
this game looks like a pile though
Owen Nguyen
>We had to witness Nomura's vision get shot, raped and thrown into a ditch
You don't even know how his version of the game would of ended up regardless of what little you saw.
Andrew Rogers
>would of >of Opinion discarded.
William Murphy
Nomura was not capable of making a new FF, why can't people understand this? Tabata had to change things since if nomura can't turn his vision in to a game how would tabata do it without changing shit?
Noah Reyes
It should have stayed a spin-off.
Carson Barnes
It seems like there's a long fight that just ends with a QTE.
Angel Clark
Tabata gets blacklisted when?
Jason Torres
>Bahamut is literally a knight in a vaguely dragon shaped costume
Nathaniel Thomas
I wonder if Nomura is laughing because of how shit this game went without him
Gabriel Bennett
So what, is that it? Ifrit and then that lame fight with Ardyn? Is that all? It looks really bad, the camera angles are horrible and it's nothing like epic one on one battles in KH.
Jayden Robinson
>Nomura's vision Christonabike
Lincoln Peterson
yes that's it
Jack Long
windwaker did that and people love it. what's the issue.
Colton Scott
>it just sorta ends Well fuck you too Square
Nathaniel Gray
Nomura should have invested in Kingdom Hearts instead. Ten years of wasted resources down the drain
Carson Myers
I don't get it. Did Noct died at the end or what? Or what is that scene at campfire?
Leo Howard
Charles Ramirez
>Noct died yes >campfire Im assuming its the afterlife
Asher Phillips
The campfire scene is a flashback from when Noctis wakes up from his long sleep.
Dominic Jones
They didnt even switch up the inputs! It was just Press Circle over and over! THEY DIDNT EVEN TRY!
>That music >That action >Those battle quotes >Deflecting thousands of lasers
THIS is how you make a final boss fight. Tabata, instead of shitting on the groundwork Nomura established, you should take notes. Goddamn I can't wait for the final boss in Kingdom Hearts 3. It's going to be amazing
Ryder Myers
So is there a time skip or something? Why does he look like a middle age man in the last fight?
Julian Baker
Who the fuck is Ardyn and what is his problem? I only watched the ending, he started to look kinda spooky when Noct killed him.
Dylan Gray
the game doesn't say.
Bentley Bennett
Who gives a fuck what happened, what did the poster rate it? 6/10 or 7/10?
Dominic Morales
Lucas White
>When you realised that World of FF was actually mocking this piece of shit.
Eli Wright
>Everybody dies the end
Ayden Miller
This is like the second season of twin peaks
Nathan Anderson
You gotta be fucking kidding me. The antagonist without backstory or clear motives? Wow...
Dominic Miller
Guys the debate whether or not the final boss is a QTE doesn't matter, look at the boss fight altogether. It's shit from beginning to end. Combat from the first hour is no different than at the final boss, except at the final boss you can use Rammuh to win. So stop fighting it was just bad.
Kayden White
Only 30 hours? Just how fucking long do you people want your games to be? Most struggle to reach 15.
Dominic Edwards
So everyone is dead at the end? What is the scene with the throne and regis talking about noctis about? I dont get it. Like what is the ending, he just kills ardyn and also dies and it says nothing about what happened after?
Colton Evans
What happened to the Dragoon chick, anyway?
I assume she died somewhere along the line.
Ryder Jenkins
Easton Sanders
I think only Noctis died because he needs to go to the afterlife and kill Ardyn or something. The camping scene is a flashback and the ending is the eternal ending afterwards.
Asher White
The streamer only showed the last fights but not the rest of the story so likely it was explained earlier on.
Isaiah Stewart
>most Play more fucking videogames. Even indies can last longer.
Bentley Richardson
It's under 30 hours, the guy who jsut streamed it was slow and did a lot of side content.
Colton Perez
I don't know, but he was ranting about being a King and he had a gigantic hateboner for the royal line so there is clearly backstory there.
Andrew Myers
FFVI was 30 hours long as well
Cooper Lee
>Pic related >We delayed FF 15 to avoid huge day one patches >FF 15 will be 50 hours long
How many lies can one man tell?
Thomas Sullivan
FF6 was released on a cartridge that couldn'T hold 10mb.
Noah Lewis
>30 hours to complete
Wait. Are you talking about the game or one of the bosses?
Liam Walker
what? what is so special about ardyn
Jonathan Myers
With side content, this game isn't even 30 hours. Just think about it, Final Fantasy 13 gets good after 20 hours and Final Fantasy 15 ends just shortly after 20 hours. That is the biggest fuck up of all time
Austin Long
>indies last longer than 30 hours
Yeah with a shitload of padding and repetitive grinding like Stardew Valley. JRPGs have always had horrible pacing with too much recycling and unnecessarily long breaks in playing via combat animations and cutscenes to attificially extend the campaign time.
Jaxson Hernandez
Play more videogames.
Kevin Young
FFXIII never got good
Transistioning from a hallway simulator to the dome of MMO quests is still shit. You just had stockholm syndrom at that point.
Ethan Fisher
Name some indies m8 You're just going to list procedurally generated shit or stuff without a campaign
Austin Perry
Chase Scott
I'm seriously thinking about killing myself
Asher Lee
>I almost paid £190 for the UCE of this
Thank Christ I cancelled it when it was still coming out in September due to having a whole bunch of other things out that month.
Christopher Richardson
It's impressive how far we've come along in terms of the internet. Leaking game endings and streaming them isn't big news now, but this sort of in-depth spoiling of content was unheard of back when FFXII was a thing. Since then we've had the sadness trilogy of FFXIII which rarely had more leaked online than screenshots and word-of-mouth, and the FFXIV MMO. I'm curious what FFXVI will bring, and what Sup Forums and social media in general will be like at that point.
William Foster
La Mulana & Guacamemee
For JRPGs, Xenoblade, Lost Odyssey, even fucking pokemon can do long campaigns without padding. Same with FF and Persona. And every SRPG ever.
Aiden Howard
Ok does anyone have the video archived or something? Or can someone explain what the fuck happened between chapters 10 to the ifrit fight?
Caleb Long
>there's people who paid £190 for UCE of this
Liam Sanchez
dont forget the PS4 and then the PS4 Pro because better framerate
Nicholas Morgan
Nomura has never made a good game.
Chase Bennett
Who cares, XV is a disaster
Christian Peterson
Neither has Tabata.
James Davis
Mirror to the ending when?
Thomas Myers
>Lost Odyssey, Not that user, but that game went on for way too goddamn long.
Anthony Johnson
If you guys are so assblated about the ending then I fucking dare every single one of you fags to come up with a better ending.
Go ahead. I guarantee you it will be just as shitty.
Oliver Brooks
La Mulana is short, but insanely hard to complete Guacamelee is not 30 hours long, what the hell are you smoking?
You listed a bunch of RPGs with lazy padding. Xenoblade os a horrible offender of this.
Sebastian Fisher
Brandon Allen
We memed Trump to the presidency. How do we save videogames?
Anthony Sullivan
So now that FF15 is confirmed garbage what can we look forward to now? P5 NA release? Nier Automata?
Grayson Bennett
KH 2 final mix. You're wrong. Not up for debate
Carter Sullivan
Meme magic isn't strong enough to save vidya user.
Cameron Williams
10 years and it went burning
Jason Long
FF 6, 7, 5, 9, even 10 had a better ending.
Robert Gray
Nobody has made a good game ever :^)
Eli Hughes
P5 is being released to US and UK/EU friends all at the same time, so that. Automata sadly has modern Platinum in it, so that is going to be disappointing too, hopefully the writing can save it.
There's also Yakuza 0 in January.
Austin Peterson
>ardyn in the void is an actual fucking fight and not a 30 second cutscene >your bros don't die off-screen there, already made it better
Parker Howard
>not everybody dies >the final boss doesn't end in a QTE where you push the same button to win >the game doesn't end in a QTE where you push the same button to win Done. Not so hard.
Logan Miller
YIIK will be a better JRPG than FFXV. You dont even need to compare Nier/P5/Trails to this garbage.