Why is she so based?

Why is she so based?

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>not based

>not not based

>Implying someone named Wyman would be a girl

SJW lesbian or male gaze lesbian?

she's not lesbian

I woke up and Dishonored 2 had uninstalled itself. What the fuck yo

r34 when


>he doesn't know

She's lesbian?

>buying dishonored

just a slut

>you have to be bisexual in order to be a confident young woman

it's GOTY tho

>dating a trans

Its actually worst

Real talk, how the hell do you get a nonlethal takedown on Jindosh without alerting the clankers? They never seem to lose line of sight on him. And is there even a way to stealth takedown a clockwork?

its a complete blunder struggling to break even


>Stealth takedown a clock
Really want to know? Throw grenades at it, I wish I was kidding

Your first mistake was to let Jindosh know that you were in the house

anyway if you knock off the head of a clockwork soldier with a crossbow bolt you can kill him with a drop assassination

you can use stun mines too

>complete blunder

stop trying to fit in, user

>Your first mistake was to let Jindosh know that you were in the house
I didn't, I snuck in and after a while I got the dialogue where he assumed it was an error. However, when I threw the switch in the first room to get behind the scenes, I guess he figured it out? But how can you advance without doing that?
>anyway if you knock off the head of a clockwork soldier with a crossbow bolt you can kill him with a drop assassination
They're on the upper level of the lab, can't drop.
>you can use stun mines too
Only seemed to piss them off.


you cant even defend your piece of shit game with DEAD THREADS

Not him but the game is staggeringly mediocre, haven't finished it yet and just lost interest. Money, runes and bonecharms are mostly worthless and only really serve to make you feel like you accomplished something in this otherwise empty game, there's no real meaningful side quests/objectives that reward you with significant lore or upgrades that make a difference.

The story is just... dumb, it's also extremely difficult to feel motivated to put Emily back on the throne, when she by her own admission did little but try and evade her responsibilities, which she hated, and was overall wholly incompetent as shown by nearly every document and comment in the game, in particularly those by Emily herself "durrr I figured the problems would sort themselves out and just ignored everything"

I raised her well.

>How can you advance without doing that
Shoot the glass window rather than pulling the lever. Obviously the sound of glass breaking won't alert anyone to your presence ;^)


Why is the outsider's voice 50X worse than the old one?

Again, you can literally chuck grenades at them. One will bust the head so it can't detect you anymore, the second finishes it off. Alternatively sneak up to it from the side and hack it (either the passive one or the walking one) and have one kill the other, then use grenades to take the other one out. Jindosh himself can be easily knocked out with a sleep dart or snuck up on if you wait for the right moment.

I guess because you are a sjw nu-male


this is the best route

>They're on the upper level of the lab, can't drop.

hit the wall with your sword, you need to make some noise to make them drop

>Only seemed to piss them off.
it takes 2 charges of stun mines to kill a soldier, if you have upgraded them they're OP

Since delilah appears, does Daud or Billy appear?

>shitty powers
>awful piece of a shit ruler
Everything she has is achieved by Corvo.

the character models are recycled and they often mumble the same shit and stuff like the doctor magically teleporting to the boat from the heavily guarded institute otherwise the game is great

consider these levels and then look at the shithole praag in mankind divided

Meagan Foster is Billie

>playing sjw feminist games


>shitty powers

Corvo has awful powers too

>rat swarm

Okay, and what does that affect in terms of later events on the level?

Jindosh doesn't comment on everything you do and he only has one clockwork soldier with him

Okay, I'll give it another shot, cheers fellas.

Corvo has time stop which automatically makes him one of the strongest characters in setting.

He hasn't actually commented on anything I did after pulling the lever in the first room. But okay, one less clockwork in the lab certainly would have been nice.

Dunno, I only went through the level without alerting Jindosh so I'm not sure what'd be different. All I know is I chocked out Jindosh while there was one bot asleep and one bot patrolling in his room, and after Jindosh was sleeping I killed both other bots with grenades and never got detected, hardest difficulty.

Yeah, I have to say both chars have largely shitty powers but I do prefer corvo just because of blink and stop time.

Still doing my first playthrough as Emily, though, because it suits the plot better.

What is she based on?

Sneak up on them and use a rewire on the panel on their legs.

I think Emily's powers are stronger overall

Domino has so much synergy with Mesmerize and Doppleganger, you can do awesome stuff with her

they kill people
it doesn't matter in the lab but it will murder the soldiers in a few places if you rewire

They have a blind spot on their side, where the panel is, but don't try to sneak up on them from behind, they can see behind themselves

just looked at it for myself

man that sjw pandering made me sick

glad that I wait because I definitely won´t buy it now

>not kicking Jindosh in the balls

>I have to make stuff up about the game because I'm mad I can't pirate it!!

there are even elite female soldiers its fucking crazy user

>wanting to pirate that sjw shit

no thanks. I don´t even have a gamer pc so that was never even an option

hello shill, no i wasn't planning on playing your game in the first place. not because it's a SJW meme game (it is) but because its an unoptimized unfinished piece of shit that still runs like ass after a gorrillion patches, and was rightfully critically panned for it.


well I guess that was to be expected when they hired a feminist "writers" that had never done anything before simply because they wanted to look progressive

shit like that made me support trump

I hope it was worth it liberals ;-)

Eh, it actually did stand out a bit that 90% of elites /veterans are female while there's actually not a single female mook that isn't an elite.

No wonder the empire went to shit.

You can have the game end up with Corvo as the Duke, right? Is that possible when doing a totally non-lethal run?
I know you can send Abbey and Howlers leaders away, but you have kill the Duke and double, no?

yes, you need to kill the duke and the body double. I can't remember if you need to kill Paolo and Byrne OR send them both to the silver mines though.

the whole world is shit since it has to compete with a constant insect encroachment

Alot of butthurt PCfags ITT

Remember to do your part in the war against SJWs!

>90% of elites /veterans are female
I can take some sjw stuff but that is even to much for me

Wait, really?

This game is KEKED

Shame, that's the only outcome I haven't seen.
Low chaos Corvo is the only run I haven't done, and my attempt at non-lethal run was ruined by 2 deaths that I didn't know about until I was done with the level.

fucking disgusting sjw cuck nu-male kike leftist liberal regressive propaganda ruins another game



Its that how sjws spell woman now, lol when will the madness end?

When you stop being a faggot, so never

game is great tbqh

>not fucking her till she goes straight

Wyman is described as a young noble, about the same age as Emily, and has a sister.[1]
Wyman's gender is intentionally not specified. On page 227 of Dishonored: The Corroded Man, the character is referred to as "he" - an error, according to author Adam Christopher.

wyman's gender is simply never specified

they're not a trans, user

her dialogue is jaden smith tier

hows the gf hunt going user?

I´m not on one so great I guess

stop posting these ugly transexuals plz

i wonder what the empress' underwears look like

I dunno but there would be a big bulge there.

wrong tbqh