But what about those sick games with leaderboard?
Undertale, Dishonored, Arkham City and Arkham Knight GOTY, Torchlight 2, Transistor, FTL, Bastion, Hotline Miami, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Brothers tale of two sons, Antichamber, Orcs must die 1-2, Mark of the Ninja, Machinarium, Psychonauts, KOTOR 1-2, Jedi Knight 2-3, Witcher 1-2, Spelunky, WH40k Space Marine, Stanley Parable, Dead space 1-2
>mfw this entitled poorfag can't shell out $10 to pay for his own entertainment and thinking he's superior for stealing things.
Enjoy living in your mom's basement earning minimum wage for the rest of your life you neckbearded furry.
thanks user, pretty good list
checking it right nao
Got Psychonauts for a buck, hyped for 2.
Fantastic racing game
can give you recommendations if you give me a few examples of what you like in games, or what genres do you want to play
Piracy is not stealing
Get sleeping dogs instead.
Sun on yee muthafucker
While this is correct, you're still cancer for not supporting good devs if you can afford to.